22. Marrying Sana

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The venue falls silent as the doors to the building open. The music plays, perfectly accompanying the angel walking down the aisle. Everything seems as if it's going in slow motion and it takes everything in you to not run down the aisle and sweep this woman off her feet...

1 Year Ago
"Baby I'm going out with Mina and Chaeyoung! They wanted my help with moving the last of their stuff into their new apartment. I'll see you in a few. I love you!" Sana yelled this as she dashed out the door, leaving you on the couch watching baseball. As soon as you heard the door shut, you ran to the window, watching as Sana got into her car, backing out and driving away.

You smirked and jogged over to the kitchen counter, dialing Mina's number. You held the phone up to your ear and headed to yours and Sana's bedroom, looking through your closet for the suit jacket you had just gotten back from the dry cleaner. The phone rang for a few moments before you heard Mina on the other line.

"Did she leave yet?" Mina asked this as she moved some boxes around her and Chaeyoung's new apartment.

"Yep. She just left. I'm about to take a quick shower and change. Do you and Chaeyoung still remember the plan?" You nervously got the suit out of the closet and walked to the bathroom, hanging it on the back of the door.

Mina just rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Of course we do y/n. How could we forget? You've texted and called us for the past week talking about it. Chaeyoung will meet Sana at the door, pretending that she forgot something at the old apartment. I'll be waiting behind the apartment in my car to follow them. We'll meet at the spot you picked and everything will fall into place. It'll be okay. Don't overthink things!"

You sighed and nervously scratched the back of your neck. "I'm sorry. I just want this to be perfect. It's not every day that this happens ya know."

"I know I know. Okay. Chaeyoung just waved to me from outside. Sana's close so I'll call you back once we leave the apartment."

You thank Mina again for the millionth time before hanging up. You plug your phone in by the sink before hopping in the shower. The water turns on and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. The warm water was helping with how nervous you felt but you didn't think anything would take it all away.

When you got out of the shower you dried off, making sure that your hair was perfect. As you put your suit on and started to tie your shoes, you got a call from Mina. "Hey! Have you guys started moving yet?"

"Yep. Just got in the car and I'm about a car behind Chaeyoung. Her car's a little hard to miss since she was the one who painted and detailed it so I shouldn't lose her. You ready to go yet?" Mina spoke to you through the speaker phone in her car and concentrated on tailing her girlfriend's car with Sana in the passenger seat.

"I just finished tying my shoes. I just have to get the box out of the closet and then I should be at the location in 15 minutes max." You were a little out of breath from how much you were moving around but you made sure you didn't stop until you were outside your apartment. "I'll shoot you a quick text when I get there. Bye!"

Grabbing the large box full of books and magazines out of the top of the closet, you set it on the edge of the bed. You took out all of the books and placed them to the side until you spotted what you wanted to take with you. Quickly, you put everything back in the closet and checked your watch. Right on time.

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