a/n .5

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howdy. it's been...a while. how are you doing? how are you handling covid? since i live in the u.s. and the president is way way less than ideal, it's been rough. the country's failing, people are dying, and it feels like there isn't too much hope. this is why voting matters! please please vote (if you live in america)! i know you may think your vote might not matter and there's no hope left, but every single vote counts especially right now.

on a more positive note, i hope you're doing well. i'm feeling better and i have a great relationship with my family, my friends, and most importantly my girlfriend. it will be two years in september and i couldn't be happier with my relationship. she means so much to me and she's so kind and caring.

now that i've had (probably) the world's longest hiatus, i just want to apologize. i love writing and i love creating things that you hopefully love reading. i don't know how long it's been other than too long. but, now that everything in my life is okay (at least right now) i feel like i can write again. wattpad when i left just wasn't where i wanted to be. i wanted to keep writing for you guys but i just couldn't mentally do it. i'm sorry for that. but, now that i've taken the time to better myself, i feel like i'm ready now more than ever to write again.

thank you all for being so patient with me and still caring about me and my stories. i hope that what i write next will bring you just as much joy. i truly love you guys with all my heart.

i wanted to add this to this story specifically because i know that this is one that you guys really love.

again, thank you so much and i love you guys.

also! if you have any suggestions for a story, please let me know. i'm open for almost any ideas and i'm really excited to get back into writing. although i am starting my freshman year of college, i promise i won't forget about you guys.

as always, love you.
(p.s. you're worth it)

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