48. Coming Out as Trans to Dahyun

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Just when Dahyun thought the day couldn't get any worse, she realized a little too late that an umbrella would only keep her protected from the rain and not the giant puddles on the street. When a car flew by and drenched her in street water, she couldn't do anything except sigh and accept her fate. She was quickly starting to regret going out to get chocolate. Maybe she should have listened to Jihyo and waited until tomorrow when it wasn't supposed to be pouring. Oh well. At least she'd soon be home, done with her schedule, and safely wrapped in your arms.

As she walked into her apartment, Dahyun shook the rest of the rain off the top of her umbrella before she took her shoes off. She set her umbrella down by the door and tossed the bag of chocolate on the couch, wincing when she heard an "ow" from her roommate.

"Hey! There's someone laying down here!" Chaeyoung sat up a bit, a glare on her face as she watched Dahyun drag herself to the couch before flopping down face first into the cushions. She asked the younger girl a question but her voice was muffled by the couch. "What did you just ask?" Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she rifled through the bag of chocolate.

Dahyun lifted her head up and sighed, repeating her question. "I asked if Y/N was back yet. And why are you still here and not at Mina's apartment?" Chaeyoung shrugged and opened one of the smaller chocolate bars before pushing the bag over to Dahyun.

Even though they had long had the option to live alone or with each other, Dahyun and Chaeyoung still liked living together. Their energy levels usually matched up and it was nice to talk to someone whenever their significant others weren't there to keep them company.

"I didn't see them walk in unless they teleported into the apartment." Chaeyoung laughed at her dumb joke and ate half of the small bar, wrapping the other half to save it for later.

"That's weird. Usually they text me and tell me if they're going to be late. I'll give them a call." Dahyun sat up and pulled her phone out, dialing your number. The phone rang and rang until your voicemail started. Dahyun hung up and sighed, opting to send you a text instead.

"Maybe they're just in a meeting or something." Chaeyoung leaned back and scrolled through social media, half-heartedly offering Dahyun solutions so she wouldn't start freaking out.

"They said they'd be home early today though. I really hope the rain isn't affecting anything. What if they were driving back home and they crashed or something?" Almost immediately a thousand images of you in a car crash flashed through her mind.

Chaeyoung sighed and shook her head, laying her phone down on the couch. She gripped Dahyun's shoulders and shook her a bit. "Hey. Nothing is wrong. They're just late and it's okay. Y/N did not get into a car crash. Eat some chocolate while you wait." Chaeyoung patted Dahyun on the back before she got up, stretching upwards. "I'm gonna go take a shower unless you're going to start panicking if I leave you."

Dahyun just sighed and shook her head, waving Chaeyoung away. She looked through the bag of chocolate and pulled out one of the mini bars. She unwrapped it and took a small bite, turning on the TV to try and distract herself until you came home.


"Y/N still not here?" Chaeyoung rounded the corner, drying her wet hair with a towel. She stood by the couch and glanced at the TV, sitting down on the edge of it to try and catch a few seconds of what her roommate was watching.

Dahyun shook her head and nervously bit her lip. She had managed to eat three of the mini bars of chocolate in the 30 minute span that Chaeyoung was gone so the younger girl slowly took the bag away from her.

"Maybe we should put this away before you eat the entire bag." Chaeyoung got up and walked into the kitchen, placing the bag on the counter. She walked back into the living room and sat beside Dahyun, doing her best to distract her.

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