11. Watching Scary Movies with Sana

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Sana sat down with a large bowl of popcorn, ready to start the scary movie marathon you had prepared with her the week before. You had written down a list of all of the movies and supplies you'd need.

"Jagiya! Hurry! I want to start!" Sana shouted this from the couch and covered herself up with a blanket, throwing a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth. She picked the first movie and paused it before it actually started playing.

You ran over to the couch and jumped onto it, almost spilling the popcorn in the bowl. You looked at her with a sheepish smile and got under her blanket. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to almost spill all of the popcorn." You grabbed a handful and she just smiled, brushing your mistake off.

"Ready?" She looked down at you and played the movie when you nodded in confirmation. The first movie on the list was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Although Sana loved scary movies she'd always scream really loudly when the scary parts came on.

The movie started off well and you cuddled up to Sana, enjoying the beginning already. This was one of your favorite movies and you'd seen it several times already. Sana had never seen it so you thought you should start with it first.

Sana was already hiding her face in the blanket a bit, jumping every once in a while. You looked up at her and smiled, holding her hand and kissing it gently. "Too scary for you?" She shook her head without looking at you and watched the movie intently.

"I'm enjoying it. It's just the jump scares that are getting me." She jumped a bit and squeezed your hand, honestly enjoying it. Eventually she stuffed a handful of popcorn in her mouth to stop herself from jumping.

You ate a few pieces slowly. You believed that knowing what's going to happen next in a movie just makes it better. Relaxing a bit more you put your head in Sana's lap, laughing when you felt her jump.

The movie ended and you chose the second one, getting up to get two water before it started. "Water for you kind lady." You smiled and cheekily bowed, handing Sana her water. She just rolled her eyes at you and took the water.

"Y/N you're so weird." She smiled and drank a bit of the water before resuming the movie. "So is Halloween the best out of the series?" She asked this and looked down at you once you took the position you had before.

"In my opinion it's the best because it has all the originals and it's a classic." You shrugged your shoulders and sipped your water, setting it back on the table to pay more attention to the movie.

Sana just nodded and watched. This one wasn't as scary but it had more things that sort of jumped out at you. Although the movie was older than the first one you watched together it seemed like it was the older one. The picture was a little less with its quality.

You paid attention to the screen, laying your head down in her lap. She started to play with your hair and you smiled, getting a little spooked when she jumped. Making sure to hold her hand you squeezed it a few times and kissed it. "It's okay jagiya. You're safe with me." You looked up and smiled brightly at her.

Sana just rolled her eyes and kissed your head softly. "I just jump when things come out. I'm not scared of them." She nodded and watched the movie, jumping again. "Okay. Maybe I am just a little bit scared."

Before the movie ended you said something to Sana. She didn't answer so you asked it again. "Hey do you need anything else to eat or drink?" When there was no reply again you looked up at her. She was fast asleep, not even noticing any of the jump scares.

You laughed and picked the remote up, turning the TV off. Slowly you got up and stood over her, picking her up bridal style. You carried her to your room and laid her down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. You smiled and kneeled beside her, kissing her head lightly. "How cute. She can barely stay awake for two movies." You said this quietly and leaned your head against your arms.

Sana rolled over and faced you, still sleeping. You thought for a moment and got up. "The company must be working hard with you. Sleep well jagiya."

Hellooo. I'm sorry this one's so short. School is starting again for me tomorrow so I had to make this one a bit shorter. I hope you still enjoyed it though and I hope you're having a good 2018 so far. I also hope you had a great Christmas. I love you guys so much! thank you for the amazing support and the 14k+ reads and 400+ votes. You really are awesome. Also, if you want, you should comment what you got for Christmas. I would love to know :)

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