44. Teddy Bear (Michaeng)

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Mina raised a careful hand to grasp onto the half teddy bear necklace around her neck. She smiled, standing in line with Momo and Sana to board their second flight to Japan within the past two months. She remembered how drunk Chaeyoung was when she gave it to her. She remembered the look of adoration on her face when Mina put it on. She remembered what happened after once she put it on Chaeyoung. Mina had a lazy smile on her lips, letting out a small laugh as she absentmindedly moved forward in the line, her hand still holding the necklace. She didn't realize how smoothly the line had been moving until she bumped into the back of Momo.

"Woah there Minari. You can't walk through me, you know." Momo chuckled as she turned around, glancing down at Mina's thin hand clutching her necklace. She playfully rolled her eyes and patted the younger girl's shoulder. "I think Minari's in love, Sana." Momo called back to Sana who lifted her head up from her phone, texting Jihyo her love and support for her next show.

"Yeah like you're one to talk Momoring." Sana just laughed and sent one final text before slipping her phone back in her purse, following closely behind Mina as they got settled into their seats on the plane. "You're just as in love with Dahyun as Mina is with Chaeyoung."

Momo just stuck her tongue out at her friend and laid her head back, excited to sleep on the plane until they landed in Japan. The three were quiet for the duration of the plane ride. Mina had a window seat so she stared out of it for the first half hour, her hand still aimlessly playing with her necklace. Sure she had just seen Chaeyoung a day ago, but she already missed the girl. Recently, they had gotten really close. They started dating about five years ago, but within the past year, they'd been a little more risky with how open they were with their relationship.

Mina was sure Once saw the genuine touches and looks she and Chaeyoung exchanged, but she was glad that no one would dare try and seriously dig into it. She was content on the playful attitude she could keep with her girlfriend in public. She got the best of both worlds. As Mina looked out the window, Seoul slowly disappearing as they rose higher and higher into the clouds, she let her eyes close and her body relax. It was going to be a hard and long few days of work so she planned to take full advantage of the sleep she could.


Chaeyoung was following close beside Mina. It was their only free day in New York City and she was excited to be able to spend it with her favorite person. She glanced over at the girl, a light blush creeping to her cheeks. She was fighting the urge to grab ahold of her hand and lace their fingers together. She knew she couldn't do it because there were always cameras anywhere they went, but the temptation was strong.

"I can feel you staring at me, Chaengie." Mina let out a small laugh and turned to look at her girlfriend, an adoring smile on her face. "Whatcha thinking about?"

Chaeyoung just innocently shrugged her shoulders and leaned in a bit as they stopped at a crosswalk, whispering to Mina. "I was just thinking about how beautiful you look and how badly I want to hold your hand right now." This caused Mina to smile even wider as she playfully smacked Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"You're such a dork."

"Maybe, but I'm your dork."

The rest of the day went by doing much of the same. Talking, walking, and window shopping. Nothing really caught Chaeyoung's eye until they passed a Marc Jacobs store. In the window was a set of necklaces, one half completing the other. It was two teddy bears that said "Best Friend". Normally, Chaeyoung would hate something like this. Normally, this was something that she'd make fun of Nayeon getting for Jeongyeon. For some reason though, it drew her in. The more she looked at it, the more she imagined it around Mina's perfect neck. The more she thought about how they could wear them in public without raising too much suspicion.

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