12. Proposing to Nayeon

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The sun shone through the wooden blinds and onto Nayeon's face, leaving a warm glow. You woke up slowly and yawned, stretching your legs out. It was the third day of your vacation and you were taking the day slow. You checked the alarm clock and read 10:30. Rolling over you faced Nayeon and smiled. She looked like an angel while she was sleeping. Her hair was  a little tousled but a little ocean breeze would fix it right away. You kissed her head softly and waited, watching her eyes slowly flutter open.

"Jagiya. Good morning." You laughed softly and cupped her face with your left hand, rubbing her cheek softly. She yawned a little and held her hand to your and smiled.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked this groggily and kissed your hand a few times. You nodded and looked at her eyes, getting lost in them a bit.

"Did you?" You asked this and she nodded, cuddling into you a bit further. "That's good. Are you ready for me to make you breakfast?" She nodded and held onto your shirt, not wanting to let go of you. "You'll have to let go though if you want food."

Nayeon groaned slightly but let go and mumbled, "Okay fine," before you got up. She rolled over and rubbed her eyes before sitting up in bed. "I'll be out in the kitchen in a few minutes." You nodded before heading out of the room.

You stretched and walked towards the fridge. Opening it you found a few things. There were some eggs, milk, cheese, butter, leftovers from the night before, and a lot of water. Deciding against making yet another omelet you got ingredients together for pancakes. You set everything out and began making them, making sure to put effort into the little shapes they were.

Nayeon came out a few minutes later with a light red robe on. She yawned and rubbed her eyes a bit, still a little drowsy. She hopped up onto a bar stool and watched you quietly, admiring how well you cooked. Since you didn't notice her she scared you a bit when she hugged you from behind.

"Oh! I didn't even hear you come in." You smiled and jumped a bit, putting the last pancake on the plate. "Are you ready for some delicious pancakes?" Nayeon nodded and kissed your back before sitting down. You got two plates out, some silverware, and syrup. Setting the pancakes down you pulled your chair out and sat down.

You two ate and chatted, enjoying the slow Wednesday morning. Since you'd been doing activities earlier each day you both decided that you'd take a break. Monday you went on a long hike and ended up seeing the sun set, taking a car back to the little vacation house. On Tuesday you roamed the beach a few times, eventually ending up on the boardwalk winning Nayeon plushes.

"Y/N what should we do today?" Nayeon asked and took another bite, smiling at you when she finished chewing her food. Even with a mouth full of food she was adorable.

You stared at her for a moment without replying and just laughed softly. "Uhm. Well what do you want to do? We could go swimming, hiking, bike around, and a lot of other stuff. Want me to look up something?" You asked this and she nodded. Pulling your phone out you searched for things to do in the area. You looked through a page or two of things until you found an activity you knew she'd like. "I found one!"

"What is it? Are you sure I'll like it?" Nayeon looked at you suspiciously and put her plate in the sink, letting water flow over it for a few seconds. "You're not going to let me know yet are you?" She turned around and turned the water off. She just playfully rolled her eyes when you shook your head and gave her a soft smile.

You got up and put your plate in the sink and leaned on it, moving a stray piece of hair out of her face. "Nope. It's a surprise. I'll tell you after you shower. Make sure to bring the blue blouse and skirt you packed so you can change when you get there." Kissing her head you walked out of the kitchen and onto the balcony, leaving her to stand there. When you heard her walk away you pulled your phone out of your pocket and texted Jeongyeon.

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