36. Celebrating One with Momo

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What do you get the person who gives you the world every day? What do you say to the girl who holds all the answers to your questions in her heart? What do you do for the one who makes you feel like there's nothing in the world you can't do?

You stood in front of a mall window, staring at the assorted jewelry on display. There were diamond rings, gold bracelets, and silver earrings but there wasn't anything that really jumped out at you. You had been out with Sana and Mina for almost two hours now and all you had to prove you had even left the house was an empty lemonade cup and an almost finished pretzel. You sighed and started to walk again the two Japanese girls following close by you.

"Still nothing, Y/N?" Sana looked up at you and pouted when you shook your head.

"Maybe there's something you can make Momo? She loves homemade gifts." Mina suggested this and finished her own pretzel, throwing her napkin in a trash can you passed by.

You shook your head again and groaned. "Why is this so hard? I know she's got more than enough jewelry and there wasn't anything that looked like it would remotely express how I feel for her. I can't do anything artsy to save my life, and I can't just get her shoes or something because I did that for her birthday." You were beyond frustrated at this point. It was a week until you were celebrating your one year anniversary with Momo and you still had no idea what the perfect gift would be to get her.

You spent another half hour wandering around the mall with Sana and Mina before you broke off from them, getting tired of seeing the same things over and over. When you got home, you threw your empty lemonade cup away and flopped on the couch with a sigh. It was almost 7pm so you knew Momo would be home soon. Even though she had her own apartment, she opted to stay at yours most of the time. The only time she went back to hers was if she forgot a shirt or needed to find an embarrassing polaroid of you she kept under her bed.

You closed your eyes, scrunching your nose up in frustration as you kept trying to think of the perfect gift to give Momo that said 'I love you so much and you mean the world to me'. Eventually, you must have thought too much and ended up drifting off to sleep. You didn't have dreams too often but when you did, they were extremely vivid. Usually they were of past memories.

"Are you sure I can't pay for a new shirt or something? I'm really sorry again." Momo was profusely apologizing for spilling her iced coffee all over you. It was partially your fault since you also weren't looking where you were going. When you realized who you had bumped into though, your mouth hung open and you felt your soul leave you. The Hirai Momo from Twice was speaking to you but all you could focus on was just how beautiful she really was in person.

"If there's anything I can get you, just let me know. Here's my number." Momo just gave you a sheepish smile and handed you a napkin with her number scribbled on it in blue pen. Stupidly, you just nodded and bowed to her before she jogged to wherever she was originally going. You stood frozen for a second before you came to your senses, finally closing your mouth. You just got Momo's phone number.

When you got home from work that day, you immediately texted the number written down on the napkin. You were sure it was a joke number, but it never hurt to try.

9:00 pm [Unknown]: Is this Momo from Twice? This is the person who you ran into this morning.

9:05 pm [Momo]: Yes! It is. I'm so sorry again that I ran into you this morning. Is there anything I can do to apologize? Buy you coffee/? A new shirt?

You looked down at your phone and laughed, taking your soiled shirt off and tossing it into your laundry basket. You changed into a more comfortable shirt before you went out to your living room and laid down on the couch.

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