27. Mini Chaeyoung or Mini Mina? (Michaeng)

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   Mina was woken up early by a pair of little hands grabbing onto her nose. She slowly opened her eyes and giggled when she saw her son's face an inch from hers. She got up, leaning against the headboard of the bed with her arms open to hold her son. "Well good morning Jiyoo." She kissed the little boy on the head, stroking his hair for a few seconds before he squirmed out of her arms.

   Jiyoo gave Mina a toothy grin before climbing off of Mina and Chaeyoung's bed. "Mommy said that it was time to get up! She made pancakes!" He jumped up and down excitedly, grabbing Mina's hand and trying to pull her to get out of bed. Mina just laughed and threw the covers aside, getting out of bed and following the toddler out of the room. She stopped by the bathroom first to wash her face and brush her teeth.

   Chaeyoung heard the pitter patter of little feet as Jiyoo ran up behind her, burying his face into her legs. "Did you get mama up?" She turned and ruffled his hair, feeling him nod against her leg. She chuckled and turned back to the pancakes, flipping a few more onto the stack beside the pan. Even though both the girls had busy schedules, they always made time to do homemade breakfast on the weekends. Mina was the better cook and Chaeyoung would be the first to admit that, but it was Chae's weekend to make breakfast.

   After she finished in the bathroom, Mina quietly walked into the kitchen and yawned. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and smiled when she saw Chaeyoung helping their son flip one of the pancakes. She leaned against the counter as he clumsily flipped the pancake, barely making it onto the plat with the rest. Chaeyoung cheered and high fived her son, giving him a kiss on the top of his head before setting him down. Mina crept up behind her wife and wrapped her arms around her waist, startling the smaller girl a bit.

   "I see Jiyoo did wake you up I was beginning to think you snuck back in bed." Chaeyoung smiled and put a hand on top of Mina's, turning her head to give the older girl a quick kiss on the cheek. She leaned over to grab the plate of pancakes and a bottle of syrup, barely making it to the table as Mina kept a tight grip on her waist from behind. Chaeyoung giggled and turned around in her arms, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. Jiyoo covered his eyes and playfully stuck his tongue out. "Ya. As much as I love you baby, the pancakes are calling to me and I'm really hungry."

   Mina kissed Chaeyoung a few more times and let go, sitting down beside Jiyoo. She grabbed a pancake off the stack and cut it up for her son, smiling as he immediately put a piece in his mouth without syrup. "You know, he's just like you." Mina glanced up at her wife who was also shoving cut up pieces of pancake into her mouth as well. Chaeyoung raised her eyebrow up and tilted her head as if to ask why. "Well, he only started to like having his pancakes cut up without syrup when he saw that you did. Before that he wanted them pretty much drenched in syrup and he almost inhaled the whole thing in one bite."

   Chaeyoung blushed and finished the bite she had in her mouth before shaking her head. "No way. Do you see the way he eats when it's not pancakes? He's only four and he almost never gets anything on himself when he eats. I don't think there's ever been a four year old who eats as neatly as he does! It's like he's copying how nice you eat. Meanwhile, I'm always getting food on myself." Jiyoo laughed, his mouth full of pancake but he didn't get anything on himself. Chaeyoung nodded and pointed to her son, raising her eyebrows. She was right. For a four year old, Jiyoo was almost never a messy eater; ice cream was the only exception and it usually ended up with bath time for their son since he constantly managed to get it all over himself.

   The happy family finished breakfast fairly quickly and Chaeyoung helped Jiyoo pick out his outfit to go play in the park. The girls had a Saturday off and they had promised Jiyoo the day before that they'd spend the whole day at the park with Nayeon and Jeongyeon's daughter. Chaeyoung stood back once she finished tying Jiyoo's tiny shoes. He was wearing a yellow t-shirt with a smiling green dinosaur, green shorts, and dinosaur print Converse. He stomped around happily, imitating a dinosaur as he and Chaeyoung waited for Mina to finish getting dressed.

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