Playing with Fire 💚

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Jade x Kung Lao

(Third person)

Kitana had wandered off by herself, leaving Jade alone. Kitana was informed of an intruder in her garden area and requested immediately that she would take care of it. Jade was left to wander through the palace, dancing happily at the beautiful sounds of the nature outside. The girl sat and meditated underneath one of the cherrywood trees, she tried to regain her focus and ground herself. Suddenly, she heard a sound, a very worrying and alerting sound. Jade stood up and readied her weapons, waiting patiently for the attacker to strike. Jade felt a breeze move past her and a man with a razor hat stood in front of her. The green Edinian swung at the target with her bo staff, forcing all her strength into her hit. The man had dodged it effectively, the staff not even grazing a hair on his skin. The two fought with each other for what seemed like decades, every time Jade swung at the figure he kept dodging it, "STAND STILL FOR ONCE" she yelled with anger, the mysterious man laughed, "So impatient, and here you were considered Shao Kahn's deadly yet patient assassin." The man commented appearing behind her, the green Edinian swung again, still missing. The man appeared in front of her, although she realized now that he was not attacking her, she then stopped, "Who are you, stranger?"

"The name is Lao, Kung Lao, a Shaolin monk, a friend of Liu Kang." He explained tipping his hat to Jade, the green Edinian stood dumb founded, "Aren't you charming, who is this Liu Kang?" She asked pointing her staff at his throat, "Fear not dear lady, Liu Kang won't hurt Kitana, he's a gentleman after all." The intruder. Quickly, Jade had tackled Kung Lao to the ground, her heel daring to puncture his windpipe, "You DARE distract me while Kitana is in danger!? You lying scum!" She shouted pressing her heel closer to his throat, "Did I not say he won't hurt her? I'm a keeper of my word fair lady."

"I have a name you bastard." She countered, "Well then be so kind to tell me what it is!" He shouted back, Jade let out a deep sigh, "It's Jade." She said annoyed. The man smiled, "A precious stone, admired for it's ability to eliminate fear and comfort those in need. Proving the exact opposite with this interaction." Kung Lao explained teasingly, the green Edinian managed to blush under her mask, this man was too charming for her own good. If she had the strength in the moment to kill him she would have, but something stopped her, her body rejected any movement to push forward. Kung Lao found his opportunity to strike, he swiftly kicked her in jaw and landed on his feet. The green Edinian felt her jaw ache as she relocated it. The monk shivered at the sound, "Not bad, monk." She said in a playful tone. God dammit, I'm falling for his tricks. The fair lady blushed at her words, the monk smiled, "Thank you, I try my best." He said climbing on top of the garden fence, "Where are you going?"

"The tournament, I believe Liu Kang has finished winning and dining your friend." Kung Lao said tipping his hat down, "Till we meet again, fair lady Jade." He said revealing his chestnut eyes before teleporting away in front of Jade's eyes. Jade felt the redness of her cheeks reappear again, feeling disgusted with this empty feeling in her stomach. Kitana rushed through the garden gates, and caught Jade staring aimlessly at the garden fence, "Jade! You would not believe the encounter I just had- are you alright?" The younger woman turned around revealing her red face, "What happened? Are you feeling ill?"

"Not quite, I believe you and I had very different encounters." Jade said shyly, Kitana grinned under her mask, "Was he handsome."

"Go away Kitana."

*I can imagine Kitana making this face under her mask >:3. Also this was another request by GTApsycho!*

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