Saviour part 2 💚

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(Mk1) Tomas Vrbada (Smoke) x Y/N

(Second person)

*This story takes place during Mileena's chapter in the story mode*

Tomas had taken you to the Wu Shi academy, where you met Lord Liu Kang. He was a kind soul, he offered to let you stay here for refuge, he assured your safety. Here, you had never felt such peace, so much so that it made you cry the first time you wandered to the gardens. You sat peacefully with Tomas in the garden, you cuddled against his chest, snuggling into him, "Are you enjoying yourself Y/N?" He said wrapping his strong arms around you, you nod and nuzzle your face into his chest further, he giggles at the feeling. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Liu Kang and Kuai Liang approaching, he gently woke you up. The two men stopped in front of you, Kuai narrowing his eyes, Liu Kang with a blank face. You get up and stand before them, "Greetings Y/N. Have you found yourself comfortable here?" Liu Kang asked, his hands firmly placed together, "I am. Why? Kicking me out already?" You say jokingly, Liu Kang's face falls at your words, worried you might have taken it the wrong way, "Respect Lord Liu Kang Stanger. Before I release you back to your father." Kuai Liang says harshly, Smoke placed a protective arm around you, "Easy Fire Boy, it was a joke." You say crossing your arms. Liu Kang placed a hand in front of Kuai Liang, "We are here for the intel you know about Quan Chi, where do you presume his next target is?"

"He won't leave from that castle until the soulnados are complete. It is his place of work, he will not leave unless he has finished what he had done. As well as controlling the stone army underneath it." You explain with a smile. Smoke grinned at you, "Although I suggest you use a different tactic than sending three people to the island, he is smarter than you think." You say stepping forward, your hands behind your back, Kuai Kiang looked at you smugly. Liu Kang nodded, "Very well, we shall devise a new plan, attack at dawn." Liu Kang said, ordering Kuai Liang go with him. You grin as you watch the older brother walk with him, Tomas placed a hand on your shoulder, "I love you, so much, but careful with your... sarcastism." He says worriedly, you giggle at his concern, "You amuse me my love, but it's sadly something I've grown accustomed to." You say dusting yourself and walking inside.

Inside was packed with people, even the royals from outworld had come to Earthrelm, after Liu Kang had convinced them of Shang Tsung's doings. Mileena and Kitana sit quietly on the chairs nearby, you've never seen them so close before, they truly are beautiful. The plan everyone devised was so... bland. The same infiltration, but different people, "Can we come up with a better idea instead of doing the exact same thing the lin kuei did?" Everyone in the room turned to you, "Hears what we do. We do a distraction." Liu Kang raises an eyebrow, "I vote that Princess Mileena serves as our distraction. She will infiltrate the lair where Quan Chi and Shang Tsung will be, tricking them into thinking she's on their side." You say, Empress Sindel's stare cuts through you like glass, "And what do you suppose to gain from this!? You're putting her at risk!" Tanya shouts from across the table, you narrow your eyes, "Shang Tsung trusts Mileena, after all, he did temporarily cure her. Finding out that she's on their side is bliss for them, it will serve as an asset." You say sternly, glaring the same harsh stare the Empress gave you at Tanya. Princess Mileena stood up, "I will do as Y/N says, after all, she is Quan Chi's daughter." She says, you smirk. Once everyone had finished discussing, you were left to stay in the gardens again, oh how you loved it. You heard the sound of footsteps approaching, familiar ones at best. You turn around, seeing Smoke staring at you with a happy grin, "Knew I'd find you here." He said coming towards you, he wrapped his arm around you carefully, you sink into his body, feeling your tension fade, "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

"More than anything. I have to face my father, and defeat him once and for all. But... I'm scared to do so." You explain, holding his hand tightly, "He's my father... he's never done anything bad before this woman came, he was just, power hungry. But the more these actions carried on, the more I saw him becoming less and less of the man I knew. It's like he became a shell of who he was, a monster of his former self." You wipe a stray tear, "I-" you choke, "I miss my father." You say bursting into tears, Smoke pulled you into his chest, shushing you quietly, "Shh it's okay, it's okay my love." He says trying to calm you, "I know it's hard. And I'm sorry." Tomas says in a sympathetic tone, he holds your head against his chest, his other arm wrapped around your body. You calm down, feeling your tears dry, "Thank you, Tomas... what would I do without you?" You say making him laugh, "I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure my life would be a lot duller than it already was." He says, you peck his cheek. Princess Mileena had been watching you two the whole time, a smile formed under her mask, "Mileena!" Her mother called, scaring the princess back inside.

The morning had come to throw this plan in action. You were tasked to make sure Princess Mileena arrives to your father. Although, that meant Tanya would have to stay with you too. Smoke had given you one if the female lin kuei outfits to hide your appearance from the guards, incase they would see you and take you away. Although, it didn't take long for the gaurd to spot the group, that's when hell broke loose. You would occasionally aid Princess Mileena in combat, and help Tanya when she was wounded, that's when Ermac revealed something... spectacular. One of the souls had come forth, Emperor Jerrod. You swear you could feel your heart break, as happy as the royal family was to see him, they never truly understood the situation he was in. A thousand souls trapped in one body, he could easily fade and another would spring forth, perhaps a vengeful one. The soul carcass that was him turned to you, you gulp, you were there when Ermac was created, "You, I remember you all too well." He said angrily. He lifted you into the air with his green powers, threatening to throw you against the pillars, "Father stop!" Mileena yelled, making Ermac pause, "She poses no threat to us, she's on our side." She says. The emperor sighs and drops you harshly. You cough as you slowly rise to your feet, "I assure you, Emperor Jerrod, that I mean you no harm. I am on your side, to put an end to my fathers actions." You says wiping the saliva from your chin, the Emperor looks at you with narrow eyes, a comforting hand was placed on his shoulder, from his eldest daughter, "We all trust her father, she truly doesn't mean us any harm." She says, "Very well, but double cross us, I will make you suffer." Why the hell does everyone hate me! I'm not that annoying.

The two sorcerers were busy conducting their stone warriors in the army room, their attention focused only on their task. You look at Mileena, giving her the signal to distract them, "Now remember what we planned, circle them, don't let them have an opening." You whisper to everyone, Tanya looks at you with a smile, "You would make a fine leader in Outworld." She says, you return a grin to her, Smoke couldn't help but feel pride in this moment. Just as planned, Mileena had grabbed their attention, allowing all of you to carefully and silently corner the two sorcerers at all angles. Quan Chi stares at the princess with narrows eyes, "Truely a accomplishment to be praised, but since you have Outworld under General Shao's control, what will you do?" He asked, "I am merely his general, I have control over his army." Mileena lies, Sindel rolls her eyes at her daughters tone, "Is that so? Then if we are to become allies, I ask one favor." Quan Chi steps forward, "I ask you find my daughter, and bring her to me." He says sternly, Mileena breaks a sweat at his words, he truly was worried about you. Your eyes begin to fill with tears, at his words, "Of course, Quan Chi. After all, I can command General Shao's army to do my bidding, but not in the matter that you expect." Scorpion was the first to strike first, then followed the rest, you were facing your father, for the first time in weeks, "Y/N... it's you." He said flabbergasted, you swallow thickly. He noticed your clothing, how different you looked, you could see the exact moment his heart dropped, "You... betray me!?"

"YOU'RE NOT THE FATHER I ONCE KNEW!" you shout readying yourself for combat, "Then you prove no use to me! I will kill you! And I will make it hurt." He said menacingly, you shiver at words before striking at him, your body acting in survival mode. The two of you fight for what seems like ages, his strikes were becoming stronger, but you had your secret weapon... Smoke. Tomas came from behind your father, slicing his chest with his knife, making him fall. You were about to give your father the final blow, until you heard silence... the stone warriors had stopped...

*yes I'm making a part 3 in the morning. I was gonna finish this entire thing in this chapter but it got too long, hope you like it though! This chapter has 1695 words*

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