Kombatans as parents Pt. 2 ✨

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*Time for the Mk1 characters now! This one will also be split! Basically there will be headcannons of you being the kid and you being the second parent to the kid.*

🐉Johnny Cage🐉


- Now Johnny had a kid in the past timeline, but this is Mk1 Johnny. He has no idea what he's doing... at first

- He's the dad that absolutely loves dad jokes and makes sure to use them a lot

- When you were a baby he loved to carry you around in a baby carrier because he felt so cool

- All his friends love you and he frequently brings you over to see them because they love you so much

- In a way, Raiden, Kung Lao and Kenshi are your uncles and Johnny dubbed all of them Godfathers

- Johnny fears the worst sometimes and wants you to always talk to him if you're feeling heavy. He doesn't want anything to happen to you

- If you're a girl he's a bit strict when it comes to Boyfriends... or girlfriends. He just wants you to end up with someone who loves you

- Overall loves you to pieces


- Oh this man is crying his eyes out when you tell him

- He wants to be a kid dad unlike his own so makes sure to take this seriously

- He does like to poke fun with you but most of them time will be worried about something happening

- You had to tell everyone about the news cause Cage is too much of a cry baby and everyone thought he was dying of a terminal illness

- Once the baby was born, you thought the crying would end there

- This man was balling his eyes out at your kid, he was just so happy words couldn't describe it

- He makes sure that all you are safe, his family means more to him than anything

🐉Kenshi Takahashi🐉


- He's quite a strict dad

- But he's only like that because he loves you

- He wants you to grow up to be a respectful and caring person

- He loves to hug you, especially when he went blind

- He praises you for days if you ever reach a big achievement such as getting an A on a test

- He gets a bit rough in the teen years cause he knows that's the rebellious age

- But he constantly checks up on you when he knows something is wrong

- Overall he's a caring and loving dad and he is definitely proud of anything you do


- This man is stressing when you tell him

- He is researching a bunch of techniques of taking care of you and the baby

- He's the type of parent that really wants to let you rest when the baby is born

- You both take on the parenting tasks together

- He likes to hold the baby a lot, but you do force him to let the baby walk or something

- He wants to protect his family, and that's what he will do



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