Kombatans on vacation with you ✨

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🐉Cassie Cage🐉

- Just sits there chilling

- But she does warm up to the idea of site seeing or scoping out markets with you

- You both sit on your hotel bed, intertwined in each other, this is pure heaven for her

- This girl is gonna load her phone with selfies and memories of your vacation

- Her social media posts get a lot of likes, she says it's because you're so beautiful

- Super safety oriented too!

- She's definitely been around the world a couple of times, but I have a feeling she loves Colombia! (Actually one of my dream destinations too)

- She's a little bit of a basic traveler, but she loves all the tourists sites

🐉Jacqui Briggs🐉

- Surprisingly very adventurous

- Signs yall up for a lot of tours and activities. But she does chill a bit

- You have always have to buy trinkets so that you can always remember the trip

- She treats you like an absolute queen on this vacation

- Has a physical photograph album to commemorate your time together wherever you went


- Very adventurous

- But more of a relaxed attitude

- You two have servants everywhere that do your bidding

- You do lots of lovey dovey activites that seem cheesy to you but happy with Mileena (couple dancing, couple lunches, etc.)

- Normally your vacations happen when there's a holiday or special event. E.g your birthday, valentine's day, anniversaries etc.

- Cherishes them all


- Feels stressed throughout the entire vacation because she thinks she has to do work

- Is very hard for her to relax, you had to get either Jade or Sheeva to fill in for her to help her relax

- Once she finally does, there's a side of her you've never seen before

- She's so... Relaxed

- She's one of those girls that just get into the zone and goes to every spa appointment available

- You one time opened up your hotel room and saw her surrounded by massage therapists and cucumbers on her eyes

- Her physical affection meter is super high too, so cuddles are a must


- Adrenaline Junkie

- She makes sure to try and get you on the adrenaline train too

- You two went zip lining one she rode the zip line like a queen

- You two went on one of those bungee jump swings and you'll never forget how you held her hand like it was the last time you'd see her

- But she just relax, for you

- She's one of those that orders a platter of fruit and she feeds it you while you sit in bed drinking wine

- You make sure to bring a camera to remember all these precious moments


- Just like Kitana, she wants to be pampered

- Lots of appointments to the spa, fancy restaurant dates, lots of tours, etc.

- Surprisnly very affectionate too

- Once again, a side you've never seen before

🐉Kung Jin🐉

- Sleeps a lot on the way there

- He's more of a relaxing getaway type of guy

- He doesn't like the beach cause he doesn't like getting wet

- Likes to chill, so maybe a cruise or luxury resort. Maybe even a historical vacation!

- Honestly, just happy to spend time with you

🐉Takeda Takahashi🐉

- Very into the adrenaline junky side, but also the relaxing side

- All in all just really happy to spend time with you

🐉Liu Kang🐉

- Once again, very relaxed

- If you're on a cruise you two are sitting and eating shrimp together in bed

- If you're at a resort, lots and lots of dates at the fancy restaurant

- Trinekts are a must

🐉Kung Lao🐉

- Also a bit of a relaxer

- A copy of Liu Kang basically


- Adreline Junkie

- A lot of fun and blood pumping activities

- Will calm down for you if it's too much

- You two went a Zoe and got to sit next to tigers which was fun!

- Whips up a storm with you when you two are having fun together

🐉Hanzo Hasahi (Scorpion)🐉

- Hardly goes on vacation. To busy

🐉Kuai Liang (Sub Zero)🐉

- Sams as Hanzo

*I'm sorry this one was very dry. There's not a lot to go off of with this one. This was a request by TessaRichmond*

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