The Party ❤

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Includes (Mk1): Mileena, Kitana, Tanya, Li Mei, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Kung Lao, Raiden, Syzoth, Geras and Ashrah

(Third Person)

Liu Kang had been hoisting decorations around the Wu Shi Academy, along with his temple. His prized Jade Jaguar sat proudly on the shelf across the fire pit. He had invited his champions, along with Ashrah and Syzoth to a Christmas dinner. He remembers fondly of the days when he was a monk, sitting with his friends, and enjoying the warmth of the holiday. He smiled at the decorations around his temple, Geras, his friend, placed a hand on his shoulder, "They are lovely Liu Kang." He said with a smile, Liu Kang chuckled softly, "Oh Geras isn't this exciting! I was thinking of adding more tinsel to the living room, but then I was worried it would clutter everything. Then I wanted to hang the tree in my temple, but the tree is supposed to be the center of attention." The man rambled on, Geras was beginning to get confused one what he was saying. He stopped him abruptly, which seemed to make the Fire God stop talking, "I can see you're excited Liu Kang, but let's wait until everyone has arrived." The sandman said laughing, Liu Kang laughed as well, "Of course Geras, but I won't lie, this occasion is special to me." Liu Kang explained with a hint of sadness in his eyes, Geras softened, "I know my friend, but it's alright, everything will go swimmingly."

Finally it was time for everyone to arrive. Liu Kang sat patiently in the living room of the giant cottage in the middle of the academy. It was where the Holiday dinner would be taking place. Geras sat next to him, also patiently waiting for everyone. A knock at the door almost sent Liu Kang giggling and kicking his feet, if he didn't rush up to the door as fast as he could. He was greeted by Kung Lao and Raiden, Raiden was holding a pot in his hands, and Kung Lao held a tray, "Happy Holidays Lord Liu Kang and Geras!" The lightning weilder said, "Madam Bo decided to cook a few things for us to share." Kung Lao explained holding out his tray, Liu Kang chuckled, "How generous, please do come in." The fire god said stepping aside, inside the two former farmers were immediately overwhelmed with the Christmas decorations surrounding the room. As they set down the food on the long mahogany table, they twirled around in one spot to take in the breathtaking view of the living room, "It's so festive in here Lord Liu Kang, you did a great job!" Raiden complimented, Liu Kang smiled warmly, "Thank you Raiden. Come now! While we wait for the others, let us sit together and enjoy each other's company." The fire god said, Geras nodded.

The next two to arrive were Ashrah and Syzoth. The two weren't familiar with this holiday, so they tried their best to dress well for the attire. Which ended up being a full ballroom dress for Ashrah and a suit and tie for Syzoth. Geras answered the door this time, "Ashrah, Syzoth, pleasure to see you both." He greeted warmly, stepping aside for the two, "Great to see you Geras!" Syzoth said taking off his mask, a bottle of vintage Outworld wine in his hands, "I hope we aren't late." Ashrah added, "Surprisnly you and the two monks are early. Come, they are seated in the living room." The sandman explained, guiding the two to the living room. Raiden and Kung Lao were obviously excited to see the two, and immediately got up to greet them. Ashrah had learned a new form of greeting recently, hugging. She immediately embraced Kung Lao and Raiden in a hug, nuzzling her face into their each of their chests, "It's so great to see you both! Is this how friends would greet each other?" She asked curiously, Raiden patted her head to reassure her, "Well, I'm one for hugs, so yes." He said, Ashrah had let go of them, and immediately ran to Liu Kang, "Forgive her boldness Lord Liu Kang, I have tried to tell her to be gentle when greeting everyone." Syzoth commented setting the bottle on the table, Liu Kang chuckled, "Fear not Syzoth. For I think Ashrah's hugs are very friendly and sweet." The fire god said hugging Ashrah back, the demoness smiled warmly.

The last two to arrive was Johnny Cage and Kenshi Takahashi. Raiden answered the door while everyone was busy in their own conversations. Kenshi and Johnny smiled at their friend, Kenshi held two big containers of pudding, "Wow, you two are late." Raiden commented letting them in, "Right, clock late." Johnny turned to him pointing finger guns, "But musician early!" He announced, "That's stupid Cage. We're late because you made too much pudding and we had to buy a another container for it." Kenshi said annoyed, Raiden chuckled slightly. Ashrah was the first to greet the movie star and samurai, again, with a big hug, "Woah! This is new, but I like it!" Johnny said squeezing Ashrah tightly. Liu Kang stepped forward, "Johnny Cage and Kenshi Takahashi, welcome." He started, "Now that we are all here, how about we set up the table?" Liu Kang asked, everyone nodded in agreement.

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