My Love part 2 ❤

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(MK1) Fire God Liu Kang x Y/N

(First person)

I sat against the windowsill, my eyes resting on a tree in the distance. Liu Kang decided to let me stay in the Wu Shi academy, I was introduced to his champions, who at first seemed skeptical of me, but turned out to like me in the end. I kept thinking about Father, how disappointed he would be if he saw me siding with the opposite team. I just wanted him to realize that he was the best when we didn't have this power, that our family bond was strong before this, Tamashi had poisoned our lives. I feel stray tears fall from my face, I quickly swipe them away before more appear.

A knock at the door has interrupted my tears, I sniff, "Come in." I say cleaning my eyes. The door opens slowly, revealing Lord Liu Kang, "Greetings Y/N, how are you?" He asks warmly, something about his presence has made me feel calm, collected even. I smile, "I'm alright Lord Liu Kang, I'm just, thinking." I confess, "Thinking? About?" He asks sitting on my bed, I sigh, "My father. As much as I know he's a terrible man, I can't shake the feeling of knowing that I miss him." I explain burying my chin in my knees. Liu Kang furrows his eyebrows, "I love my father, that I can never deny... but knowing that he threw away everything we loved just for power... I just-" I gulp to stop myself from crying, "I just want him to realize that he lost me because of his decision, and there's no way I'll go back because of it." I confess, my voice beginning to tremble, Lord Liu Kang looks at me with sad eyes. My pain reflecting in his eyes, before I could say anything more, he grabs me into a hug. My face is nuzzled into his chest while his arms hold me protectively, "I understand... I'm sorry." He says, those words released the flood gates. I start to sob, I sobbed into his chest, my heart breaking horribly, but Liu Kang never lets go. In fact, every sob makes him hold me tighter. I wrap my arms around him too, squeezing him so hard I thought I'd stop him from breathing, he didn't seem to mind. Finally I calm down, my eyes drying and my crying coming to a stop. Throughout it all Liu Kang holds me, not daring to let go.

After a while, I officially stop crying. He allows me to pull away from the hug, which helps me wipe my tears. He gently grabs my face and swipes his thumb over a salty tear, "You are safe here Y/N, I promise." He says making me laugh, "Quit it, I'll start crying again." I reply jokingly, "Never be ashamed to cry Y/N, it will never be a sign of weakness." He says holding my hand in his. I look up at his face, my eyes scanning every feature of his, my heart beating at the sight. He furrows his eyebrows together, "Something wrong Y/N?" He asks, I turn my gaze to his lips, without thinking I capture them in mine. My eyes closed, his reminded wide open. He stiffened at first, but then slowly calmed down, closing his eyes as he kissed me back. The kiss was soft and warm, like a hug but better, the feeling of his slightly chapped lips against my soft ones made me blush. After a few minutes we pull away, "I, I'm sorry." I say, "No, never be sorry." He turns his gaze for a second, I grab his hand, he smiles and squeezes mine in return.

*This was short I know, but I have a lot of requests to do so I figured I should get it out the way. Thank you once again to reesescup10 for the request!!*

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