Happy Anniversary ❤

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(MK1) Tomas Vrbada (Smoke) x Y/N

(Second person)

The Shira Ryu gardens were quiet and still, filled with nothing but the sounds of nature. You sat peacefully on the porch of the house, breathing in the fresh air that surrounded her. Tomas came outside, two cups of warm tea in his hands, "Here you are my love." He said passing you the tea, you giggled, "Thank you Tomas." You thanked, gracefully grasping the cup. He giggles as he sits down next to you, as you both enjoy the sunset, "I love moments like this with you! We get to spend them together." The man said leaning against his spouse, you sighed a little, "Do you know what tomorrow is Tomas?" You ask him curiously, the grey haired man looked at you with big eyes, "What my love?" He asked, you raised an eyebrow, "You're kidding? Right?"

"Is tomorrow supposed to be something? I thought it was just Saturday." Tomas said sipping his tea, you couldn't believe what you were hearing, you scoffed and looked back at the sun, "Did I say something wrong my love?" Tomas asked wearily, "No Tomas, not at all." You started to grip your mug hard, your knuckles turned white, the man next to you gulped, he'd never seen you so angry, let alone so silent when you're angry. The Shira Ryu turns to the sunset as he feels your angry presence begin to make him feel uneasy. He wants to say something, but he knows he'll anger you more. All you do is just stare into the open, not daring to look at him.

The next day rolled around, you didn't even want to get out of bed. Your husband had already forgotten your anniversary, your day couldn't be worse. You grumbled as you turned to the side and felt the empty space in the bed, did he... abandon you? Your heart raced as you ran downstairs to the smell of cooking, you sigh in relief seeing Tomas in the kitchen, brewing away at breakfast. He turns to you and smiles, "Goodmorning Y/N! I made you breakfast!" He said pushing a plate of pancakes to you, you sigh in relief, "Thank you darling, I'll brush my teeth and come back down." You say groggily heading upstairs. You stare at yourself in the mirror, as you look at your bedroom in the reflection, there's a present for him hidden in the bedside table, for your wedding anniversary. You groan as you splash your face with cold water to make you stop getting angry at him.

Your day carried on as usual, not once did you hint to your husband on what today was nor did you give him his present. You had a job to do out in the garden today, that took you almost the whole day to finish, luckily you were able to finish it at sundown. You walked back to your house annoyed and tired, wanting today to end as soon as possible. You finally make it to the door, and you open it slowly, rubbing your eyes as you walk inside the house. As you open your eyes again, you see a few candles on the dinning table greeting you, a black forest cake on the table too, "What in the world?" You ask yourself quietly as you walk towards the cake, there was no note on the packaging. You heard footsteps coming from the stairs, you look behind you to see Tomas holding a carefully wrapped box in his hands. He thumped his heel in frustration, "No! I was supposed to have this done before you got home! I'm sorry Y/N." He said sadly, "Happy Anniversary darling!" He said running up to you and embracing you in a big hug. You couldn't believe it, guess he didn't forget after all, you hug him back much tighter, "Oh Tomas! Here I thought you forgot!" You say looking at him, "Oh Y/N I'll never forget something like this! It's very special." He explains kissing your knuckles, you smile at him, "Oh! Here's your gift!" He said handing you the box in his hands, you put the box on the table and run upstairs, leaving him confused.

Upstairs you quickly run to the bedroom, there you rummage through your bedside table to find the gift. You did eventually find it. The carefully wrapped box in your hand made you smile. Your ran back downstairs and handed Tomas the box, "You got me a gift!? Oh you shouldn't have!" Tomas said smiling at the gift in his hands, you blush as you begin to unwrap your present. Inside was a beautiful necklace, a necklace that had a charm at the end, the charm was in the shape of his knife, oh how you loved it. Your eyes water a little, you blink the tears away and smile, "Oh Tomas, it's beautiful." You say placing the necklace around your neck. Your husband smiled as he began to unwrap his present, inside was a book, inside there were thousands of pictures of you and him. Your first date, your wedding day, every vacation you went on, all in one photo album. He felt tears form in his eyes, his lip began to quiver, you laugh a little, "Tomas? Are you okay?" You ask walking up to him. The man pulled you into a big hug, he began to sob violently into your shoulder, "Oh Y/N!" He sobbed again, "This is the best gift you've given me!" He yells in between his sobs. You laugh at his silly sobs, he would cry at the smallest of things, but you loved him for that. You pull him away from your shoulder and swipe his tears away, "Oh my silly Tomas." You say looking at him with those loving eyes, he melted into your touch, "I'm so glad you love your present." You say kissing his forehead, Tomas giggle and pulled you into a sweet and loving kiss, "I love you so much Y/N!" He says, "I love you too... Tomas."

*I love Smoke so much you guys. I was maining him until I switched to Li Mei. But I defs will start to play as him again! Also, he's that type of guy to get emotional at any gift his partner gave him. Thank you so much Uncle_Mammon070707 for this request! Hope you like it!*

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