Petless Winter 💀

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(Mk1) Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, Kenshi Takahashi and Syzoth (Reptile)

*Just pretend that rabbits hibernate even though they don't plz :')*

(Third person)

It was the Winter time, and Kung Loa was not too happy about it. His pet rabbit would be going into hibernation soon. He sat on his bed with the the little creature, petting him softly as he yawned. Lao's face bared a sad look staring at his furry friend, how he was going to miss him. His friends: Raiden, Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, Kenshi Takahashi and Syzoth came to his room, knocking on the door, "Lao? Can we come come in?" Johnny asked, Kung Lao groaned in response, all of them thinking that, that was yes. As they walked inside, their hearts sank at the sight, a sad Kung Lao, staring at his furry friend who is minutes away from falling asleep. Syzoth stepped forward, "How are you feeling Kung Lao?" He asked warmly, the Shoalin groaned in response, the Zetarrian backed away. Liu Kang came forth, "Come now Kung Lao, there's no need to be sad. Your rabbit will be just fine." Liu Kang said, offering a comforting hand on his shoulder, the other man shrugged him off, making Liu Kang's heart sink further. Finally Raiden spoke, "Is there anything we can do to make you feel better Kung Lao? Anything at all?" He asked, sounding a bit desperate, "Well, it would start by one of you removing Winter from the equation. A useless month in my opinion." He responded sourly, "But I don't think any of you can do that, so the next option is leaving me alone!" He shouted, his back facing them, "We're just trying to help Lao, come on." Kenshi said defeated, the Shoalin sulked further, "Let me handle this." Raiden said stepping forward, everyone feeling a little relieved, they knew Raiden would say something that would instantly cheer Kung Lao up, "Kung Lao." The thunder wielder started, "What Raiden." His friend said annoyed, "Your winter. Will be. Petless." The other man said, everyone's jaws dropped, Kung Lao's eyes grew wide, he faced Raiden. The other Shoalin's lip began to quiver, a sob escaping, until finally, Kung Lao broke down into tears. His pain escaping him through his loud cries and salty tears, his eyes pouring salty tears. Violent heaves escaped him, his throat already beginning to dry from the crying as he hugged his rabbit close to his chest. Everyone looked at Raiden with annoyed eyes, "What was that for Jackass?!" Johnny Cage asked, "If he's going to get over this, he needs to know the truth. And besides, he needs to let it out." The former farmer said, everyone rolling their eyes at him, Liu Kang shoved Kenshi towards the crying Kung Lao, the blind man shaking his head in annoyance, "What do you want me to do! You're the god over here!" Kenshi yelled, "Just go Kenshi! You're the one with half a mind to help him right now!" The fire god explained, Kenshi sighed. He placed a comforting hand on Kung Lao's back, "Cheer up Kung Lao! Your rabbit won't be gone forever! He'll only be gone for a... few months." He said scratching the back of his neck, "MONTHS!?" The hatted shoalin shouted, before continuing his breakdown, "I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO!" He shouted, like a young boy who had to say goodbye to his beloved friend. Kenshi sighed in defeat, "Alright, alright, there there Lao." He said patting his back for comfort, he peered over to Raiden, "Nice going Raiden! You got him into this, get him out of it!" The Taira man whispered to his friend,
Raiden eyes softened, "I'm sure he'll be about done now." He said smiling weakly.

Indeed Kung Lao began to calm down a bit, his sobs becoming softer. He sniffed and wiped his nose with a tissue from a tissue box on his bed stand. Raiden sat beside him on the bed, "Feeling better?" He asked, his friend nodded. Though the silence was short lived, when he started his breakdown again, Raiden's eyes began to tear, "Oh Lao! I'm sorry!" The champion said crying into his friend's shoulder. Johnny Cage began to sniff, Liu Kang and Kenshi turning their heads to see him, "I just can't see Raiden cry man! He's too cute to cry!" He said running over to the crying pile, "It's just so." Syzoth started, letting his own tears spill, "Heart wrenching!" He finished. Johnny, Raiden, Syzoth and Kung Lao were crying in one big pile, surprising Liu Kang. Kenshi turned to see the Fire God adjusting his bandana on his bed and scratching his eyes, "You too?" The blind man asked sarcastically, "Oh no! I'm good, I'm good." The fire god replied clearing his throat. Johnny Cage wipped a few tears from his face, "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND KENSHI! LORD LIU KANG ONLY CRIES ON THE INSIDE!" The movie star yelled before continuing his sobbing session, Liu Kang shrugged, "It's true." He answered.

A few moments passed, and everyone began to calm down from their breakdowns, even Kung Loa. Johnny, Raiden and Syzoth wipped their eyes furiously. The hatted Shoalin put his rabbit on the bed and wipped his eyes with the tissues, "I think... I think might've needed that." He said smiling a bit, "Thank you, all of you for coming to see me, and helping me try and move on from my rabbit." He said standing up and clearing his throat. Everyone stared at him with warm smiles, his best friend, Raiden, embraced him with a huge hug. Everyone joined in this time.

Everyone was waiting outside. They had all prepared a burrow for the little rabbit. They were all waiting for Kung Lao, "Sorry everyone! I just was collecting myself!" The hatted Shoalin said, holding his rabbit safe in his arms. Everyone was relieved to see him, Lord Liu Kang placed a hand on his back, "Are you ready my friend?" He asked, the other man merrily nodded. Kung Lao bent down to allow his rabbit to jump down into the burrow, the rabbit leaving a small boop on Kung Lao's cheek before retreating down into the lair. The Shaolin wiped the tears that spilled from his eyes, "Goodbye my friend, I'll see you soon."

*And now I'm crying. Projectile crying, I could pressure wash the paint off my walls. I'm leaving for Cape Town tomorrow and I have to leave my fur babies behind for a full two weeks which makes me sad. But I know they'll be okay! And also pet loss isn't easy. I still miss my dog that I lost back in 2021, but I know she's safe :). And if some of you are MLP fans, you'll recognize that this one shot is inspired by the season 5 episode Tanks for the memories!*

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