Ice Queen ❤

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Kuai Liang (Sub Zero) x Y/N

(Second person)

It was a sundown over the Lin Kuei's temple, the chill of the air was beginning to form again. You sat in the middle of the training ground, staring breathlessly at the sun down. Behind you came your husband, Kaui Liang. He came dressed in his Grandmaster robe, and a cup of his favorite hot drink, Hot chocolate. You smile as he sits down, "Hello my love." He says with a cheeky smile, "Hello Kaui, I see you brought hot chocolate." You point out, he rolls his eyes and passes you the drink, "Only a sip." He instructs, you giggle and take a sip, "Thank you my love, you know just what to do to make me smile!" You say leaning your head against his shoulder.

The sun had gone down a little more, leaving you to look at the twilight. You take a deep breath of cold air and stare up at Sub Zero again, "Subby!" You say poking him, "Yes?"

"Do you remember the first time we met?" You asked kissing him on the cheek, "I do indeed." He said taking the final sip of his hot chocolate, "You were a young damsel in distress. You were so cold that you were turning blue! I could hear you yelling." He cleared his throat, "Oh save me! Someone save me!" He said in a funny tone, you pout, "And I, the great and handsome Grandmaster Kaui Liang came to the rescue!" He finished, you punch his arm, "That's not what happened at all!" He chuckles, "Okay okay, how did it actually happen?" He asks holding an arm around you, "Well, for starters! I wasn't a damsel in distress, I was a messenger for Lord Raiden."

You could picture it again. You should have heeded Raiden's warning when he said the Lin Kuei temple would be cold. The entire atmosphere seemed heavy by itself. The letter in her coat pocket was beginning to gather frost, your fingers were turning blue. Hypothermia. You had to tren on, but you were worried you'd worsen your symptoms. You could see the light of the temple brighten, relief flushed over you. But alas, your body couldn't take it, you fainted, succumbing to sleep and the cold. When you awoke, you were found in a toasty bed with a fireplace going. Hot tea was served on your right, a hot water bottle tucked on your chest. You were covered in a robe, a warm and fluffy robe. What the hell happened to my clothes!? You try to get up, but the warmth of the blanket called you back. The door suddenly opened, revealing the man you had to see, Grandmaster Kaui Liang. You gulp, "Evening Grandmaster." You say nervously, "It's morning, but yes, hello." He says with a smile, "You risked your life to give me this letter, how thoughtful." He said with a grin, "Forgive me, it's urgent. Lord Raiden should have sent someone else." You curse under your breath, he turns to you, "Are you belittling yourself over this? You risked your life to come and give this too me and you're saying Lord Raiden should've chosen someone else?" You blush at his praise, "Tsk, I suppose. If you come with me I can provide you with safe and warm transportation back to the temple, your clothes will be given to you shortly." The grandmaster said opening the doors again and staring back at you with a smirk. You blush again. You had more and more requests to go see him, which you both took advantage of. He later on declared his love for you, and soon, you two got married.

Sub Zero grinned, "Oh I see, my story was not too far off though." He teased, earning a hit from you, he chuckles. The sun had finally set, the temple grew dark, "Shall we go inside? It's dark out here. And I believe the food is ready for dinner." Kaui Liang explained getting up, offering a hand for you as well, "Of course." You say graciously taking his hand. You were both walking inside when a thought popped up in your head, "You know Kuai, if you didn't save me... I would have been dead, and we wouldn't have been married." You say, Kaui breaks a sweat and feels his heart sink in his chest. You smile and kiss his cheek, "So I'm happy you found me." You say walking off cheerfully. Kuai Liang shakes his head and follows you to the dinner area. Oh how you were a strange one to him. But truly, that was one of his favorite parts about you.

*This is a quick one I decided to pull out my ass to try and widdle down requests! But this was a lovely request by VadersLady! Thank you so much and I hope you like it! Man, I love Kaui Liang, whether he's scorpion or sub zero, I love him to bits.*

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