Vampires part 3 ❤

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Tomas Vrbada (Smoke) x Y/N

(Second person)

The next day arrived, Liu Kang had come into your room to wake you from your slumber. The sun hasn't even risen yet, everyone is asleep. You gently rub your eye and stare at him, "What's wrong Lord Liu Kang?" You ask looking at him, "Y/N, come with me."

"Where are we going?" You ask innocently, like a little girl asking her father. He smiles, "We're going to help Tomas, as well as Kung Lao and Kitana." He explained gently helping you out of bed, you shuffle to your feet to get your bunny slippers and freshen up. Liu Kang waits patiently for you behind your room door, until you finally reveal yourself, "Come Y/N! We must leave before everyone wakes up." He explains, you follow suite, "Lord Liu Kang? Why are we going while everyone is asleep?" You ask, "I think that it would be a bad idea if everyone came with, what we are going should be done with as little people as possible to not rupture the timeline." He explains, the sunrise is approaching, "Timeline? Are we switching dimensions or something?" You ask surprised, the god laughed, "Sort of, our Nitara is too malicious for something like this, she cannot be trusted." He explains, revealing the hourglass behind a red tarp, your eyes sparkle. You look at him with worried eyes, "While you were asleep, I was searching through the different timelines. I discovered a Nitara from another timeline that might be able to help us, she has fought in many wars to protect Earthrelm." He finishes, conjuring the Nitara from the other timeline, her body first appeared as sand, until her physical body appeared.

She stared for a moment before going frantic and looking around, "What... what happened to me! Where am I?!" She yelled confused, you cock your head slightly, minding your injury, "Easy Nitara, you are safe." Liu Kang comforts, the other Nitara looks at him for a moment, "Doctor Liu Kang? What happend to you?" You snort, Liu Kang snorts as well, "I see that I'm a doctor in your timeline."

"Yes... you're in charge of my peoples health, who are you?"

"I am the same Liu Kang, but this is a different timeline. In this timeline, I am it's creator." He explains, the Nitara's eyes widen, "I see... So you stole me from my timeline? For what?" You stepped forward, "We need your help, desperately." You start, she lowers her threatening demeanor when she notices your desperation, "My partner, and my friends, have fallen victim to... a curse per say. They're violent and deadly, and we think you might be the only hope we have of saving them." You explain, your eyes threatening to spill tears. Liu Kang looks at you with pride, Nitara raises an eyebrow, intrigued, "Take me to them." She demands.

Her eyes burst wide open seeing them. Kitana and Kung Lao have fallen victim to slumber, while Tomas was barely awake, "You tied them to a pole why?" She asks curiously, you point to your neck injury, "She did that to me." You say, she furrowed her eyebrows and stared back at the three tied to the pole. She sighs, "I'll need a few things before I can help you." She says, "Anything!" You reply.

Everyone finally woke up, they were a bit frustrated that Liu Kang didn't wake them sooner. You saw Tanya talking to Nitara, the two seemed so friendly with each other. You were saddened that your Nitara wasn't like this one. A hand placed itself on your shoulder, "Y/N, Lord Liu Kang has called for us." Kuai Liang explains. You arrive at the centre of the academy, everyone including the outworlders were there, you noticed how sad Raiden looked when he glanced at his friend. Lord Liu Kang stepped forward with Nitara, "Everyone, if I am going to save your friends, I will need a few things." She starts, "The first would be salt circles, it will trick them into staying in one spot, I can't believe you didn't use that trick instead of tying them to the mast." You saw Lord Liu Kang roll his eyes, "I will also need a blood sample from them all, to see exactly where the problem lies." She continues, "And finally, I'll need all you, present at the sight of this removal." She thumps her heel, "I've done many removals of this plague before, but in every case, they need someone they know to ground them from the extraction. It can cause them to be dizzy and disorganized. It may also cause them to become violent if they do not see a familiar face." She ends checking her nails. Everyone nods, "We'll get what you need Nitara, and we trust that you can cure them." Raiden says, the vampire smiles, "I will do my best."

You finally had everything you needed for the ritual. Tanya and Li Mei had created the circles, Raiden had to knock all three of them out before they could let tie ropes around the three. You held Tomas along with Kuai Liang, Raiden and Li Mei held Kung Lao and Mileena and Tanya held Kitana in place. The three were confused, but they were still frantic. Lord Liu Kang was in charge creating a force feild which would prevent the three infected from escaping if they did. Nitara began her ritual, chanting words you couldn't even hear from Tomas's screaming. The room glowed a crimson red color before you could hear the three infected fall silent. You saw their skin begin to turn back to normal, their eyes were no longer bloodshot or red, but had also returned to normal. Their canine teeth had become less sharp and settled properly into their mouths. All three of them fell to the floor, exhausted, you run to Tomas, you hold his face gently, he smiles, "Y/N... it's you." He says weakly, your tears of relief stream down your face, "TOMAS!" You yell before holding him close, he holds you too, his arms wrapping around you protectively as you cried. Raidem tackled his friend into a hug, Kung Lao laughed and hugged him back. Kitana held her sister in her arms as Mileena cried into her shoulder, relieved that she was safe and okay, Li Mei and Tanya hugging her too. Kuai Liang held his baby brother close after you broke away from the hug, his chest rising and falling from relief. You look over at Nitara with a smile, she smiles back at you, "Thank you." You whisper, she nods her head in acknowledgement.

*Finally this one is done! Hope you all enjoyed and hows your 2024 so far?*

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