Comfort ❤

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(Mk1) Raiden x Y/N

(First person)


I sit up from my bed, my eyes felt sore and heavy from all the crying. Last night I had a really horrible dream, so bad that I woke up in tears. I dreamt that I was alone, no one was there, I was neglected, forgotten. I couldn't help but sob when I woke up.

I decided to ignore that stupid dream and get ready for the day. I clean my teeth and try to make breakfast. I stare at the food, my eyes scanning every part of it, I almost gag realizing I had to eat this. I wonder why though, I used to love this stuff. After I eat my food I head outside, I see all my friends and my neighbors and greet them all lovingly. I see one of my best friends, Raiden. He looks at me giving me a friendly wave, "Y/N! It's good to see you!" He says walking up to me, he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. He always gives such nice hugs. I pat his back, "Good to see you Raiden. Working in the fields today?" I ask him, he shakes his head, "My fields seem to be well kept for now, I asked Kung Lao to cover for me because he lost a bet." He explains, "Would you like to hang out with me today? Maybe we can go to the markets?" He asks curiously, "I'd love that, I just gotta get myself ready. Not the best without make up." I say rubbing my hair, "I think you look great without it! Unless you want to of course." He explains, a blush creeping onto his face, mine too, "Nope! If you say I look good I look good." I highly doubt that though. He smiles, "Follow me!"

The markets were lovely, everything from clothes, to accessories, to food could be found. Raiden and I decided to buy ourselves a huge steamed bao to share. I stare at it again, the vegetables inside look like worms, then I feel that feeling come up again. I resist the urge to gag, "Are you okay?" Raiden notices, "I'm fine, maybe I had too much."

"You only ate three bites? Had a big breakfast?" He asks in a cheeky tone, "I guess." I say back, he retracts. Them I feel it, something's happening. I feel my heart beginning to pound, my eyes feeling like they're producing tears. Oh God no. I feel my heart try to jump out of my chest. What is making me anxious!? I look around, something I saw maybe? Then I see it, my old friends, they're laughing and talking, until one looks my way and I snorts, her laugh following. I start to breath funny, my body starting to shake, "Raiden, I think I'm ready to go home." I say with a shakey voice, "Are you sure? We haven't scoped out everything yet?" He explains placing a hand on my shoulder, I tense at his touch, "Is something wrong Y/N?"

"Just take me home Raiden." I plead, I can tell he feels confused. He shrugs, "Very well, if that's what you want." He says swiping a stray hair from my face is and tucking it behind my ear.

When we finally make it back home, he looks at me, "May I stay with you for a bit? Fujin isn't home yet and I don't want to be left alone in that house again." He says scratching the back of his neck, "Sure! I don't mind, but I guess I have to make an extra pot of water for tea." I say jokingly. Inside we're both quiet, while I'm busy making tea for us I'm wondering if I shouldn't explain to him what happened. Why I froze so badly at the market. But I decided to keep it clean and not talk about it unless he asks. I walk into the living room with two cups of tea in my hands, "One for you and one for me!" I say with a smile, he smiles to, "Thank you Y/N."

We sit in silence for a few seconds, until her talks, "Y/N, may I ask you something?" I knew exactly what he was going to ask, "Sure! What's up?"

"What happened today? I thought you were having fun?" He asks sadly, I frown slightly, "I'm sorry, it's just, a lot of stuff happened." I say with a sad tone, Raiden looks at me with sad eyes, "You know you can tell me anything. I will never judge you, nor will I ever share what we have said." He explains crossing his heart, a sign that he truly meant what he said. I sigh with a few tears already spilling, "Today was rough... actually these past few days have been rough." I start, "Food had been looking liek bugs and worms, I have no energy to do anything, I keep having nightmares and I-" I feel it, it's coming back. Stop it. I can freely heart racing again, the panicky feeling returned, "Y/N?" Raiden asks worried, I try to calm down, I sit there silently, "Y/N? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Raiden asks worriedly, "I... I just feel so anxious." I mumble. Raiden puts two and two together and realizes I'm having a anxiety attack, "It's okay Y/N, I promise you're safe." He starts, "Let's help you through this. Let's do breathing exercises! Those help me a lot." You can tell he's desperate to help you, "Breath in for 5 seconds, hold it for 5, and exhale." He explains rubbing my back, I do exactly as he instructs. He makes me do this for a couple more rounds, until I finally stop panicking, but then the tears flow. I try and wipe them away before they fall, but he notices and holds his arms out for me. I would not hug him normally, but I couldn't do it now, I needed his affection. I flop into his arms, my tears streaming down my face, "Shh it's okay Y/N, I'm here." He says calmly, his voice extremely comforting in this horrid time. I nuzzle my face into his chest, my tears staining his shirt.

A few minutes roll by, and I have calmed down. I wasn't 100% still, but good enough to stop crying. He looks at me with soft eyes, "Can you tell me whats wrong? I'm getting worried Y/N." He says, tucking that stray strand of hair behind my ear again. I scoff, "Things have just been hard lately. I've been so stressed out it's unbelievable. I saw my old friends at the market and that made me go finicky. I apparently did something wrong but they won't tell me exactly what I did, so I kept worrying about it. Then when I kept asking they kept getting annoyed and sometimes would mock me. Then that mocking kinda followed me, I would have dreams about this, and I would hardly get sleep over how awful I felt... they just, hated me and I never knew why. Even some people they know treat me differently. I just... don't know what I did wrong... I just wanna stop this feeling of panic and this horrible depressing feeling." I feel the tears coming, but I swipe them away faster, "I can't... I want it to stop." I say wiping more tears.

I felt like it was just me, Raiden was so silent it felt like he wasn't there at all. I suddenly felt a hand grab my cheek and pull me to face him, "I'm so sorry." He says sadly, almost sympathetically. My eyes sparkle, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, I'm sorry now because you're still going through it... I just want you to be okay." He says swiping a falling tear with his thumb, I smile, "You deserve more than those horrible fools." He explains, I laugh, he smiles at my laugh. I look at him, "Thanks Raiden... what would I do without you?" I ask giggling, he laughs, "I would ask myself the same." He says. I smile at him and flop my myself back into his chest, "I'm sorry about your shirt." I say worriedly, he giggles, "It's okay, I have more." He says giving me a kiss on the head, I smile, "Thank you... Raiden." I say pawing at his shirt, "Anything and anytime, Y/N."

Raiden is true soft bf material. Thanks HannaTheHP600 for the request!!*

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