I never asked to be made 💀

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Mileena x  reader

(Second person)


You and Mileena were on a nice walk in the palace garden. A serene and peaceful place where all your anxieties melted away. You and your love found a quiet place to sit, you used this opportunity to meditate, focus your energy into a single peaceful atmosphere. Mileena on the other hand was impatient, she kept staring deep into the side of your face, her mask was down, so she was breathing right on your cheek. Atleast you told Mileena to take care of her teeth, so her breath wasn't as bad as it used to be. Giggling softly, you stopped, "Yes my love?" You say facing her, "I'm bored! Can we do something?"

"Like what my love, we're already in your favorite place in the entire castle!" Kitana and Jade had been out running errands in Earthrelm, so the entire castle was left all to the youngest of the three sisters. Kitana and Jade seemed protective of you, you made Mileena happy, and since Kitana accepted the hybrid as her sibling, she would do anything to see her happy. Although it comes at a few costs. An idea exploded in Mileena's head, Mileena had always wanted to show you where she was made! Where Shang Tsung created her to be a perfect child to Shao Kahn, the flesh pits. Kitana hated that place with a passion, she wanted it to be destroyed very soon, although the fear of losing what she had with Mileena had now would break her. You gulp a little, Kitana had always told you what the 'flesh pits' were like, but your curiosity always wanted you to step foot in the place. And besides, it would break Mileena's heart if you said no. You stand up and dust your pants, "Okay then my love, lead the way." You say, Mileena squeals and kisses your cheek with a smile.

As you approached the flesh pits, and awful, nauseating smell filtered the air. You felt sick just smelling it, your mouth began to fill with salvia as you felt your throw up build in your throat, but you swallow it to avoid hurting Mileena, who for some reason wasn't bothered. The aura in the room made you uncomfortable, it was as if only bad things happened in this area, you wondered why. You grab Mileena's hand, your uncomfortable feeling began to become unbearable, you needed to be grounded, "Aw my dear Y/N is everything alright?" The hybrid asks confused, refusing to open your mouth due to your fear of inhaling the smell, you nod your head. You two trek on, until you finally make it to the entrance of the flesh pits. Your pupils dilate at all the things you were staring at. There were bodies hanging from the ceiling from hooks, many of Mileena's failed experiments floating in green liquid. One of them had teeth on their stomach making tou shiver. Perhaps you should've stayed curious about this place, "Mileena, why are there so many of you?" You ask trying to break the silence, "Well dearest! Shang Tsung tried to make the perfect Tarkatan and Edinian hybrid! He tried so many times to replicate Kitana's blood to make me as powerful as her!" Mileena explained grazing her hand over a dusty bed, "I was the only successful experiment! It's a pride I will always carry with me." Seeing Mileena so passionate for this place made you anxious. She was speaking as if there was something she wanted from you down here, and that scared you, "My love, I-

"MILEENA!" A voice called from the stairs, interrupting Mileena's speech. It sounded like Kitana. The two elder sisters rushed down the stairs, Kitana's face was painted with a furious expression, "What in Argus's name are you thinking? Bringing Y/N down to the flesh pits!?" You couldn't take the smell anymore, you had to throw up. Jade ran to your side to comfort you, Mileena's eyebrows furrowed, "Why? Is it because it's disgraceful? Disgusting!?" The hybrid called, reaching for her sai, "No Mileena I-

"Don't act like you're not thinking that!" Mileena lunged foward, almost stabbing Kitana. You stare up at the two, recovering from your sickness, you tried to get up to intervene, but Jade sat you down again. The two continued fighting, it continously got worse, "Just admit it! I'm an embarrassment to you!" Mileena shouted, growling as she cut her sisters cheek, "No Mileena! Listen to me!" The eldest sister said suspending her sister in a gust of air, "You can't beat me!" She yelled, Mileena fell to he floor, "I, don't, CARE!" She yelled, "I'm not going to stand there and you let you remind me of all the things I hate about myself!" The hybrid yelled assaulting Kitana, the blue Edinian felt her heart sink, "I never asked for it to be this way!" Mileena yelled with teary eyes, "I never asked to be made!" She said wiping her eyes with her forearm. You and Jade felt your hearts sink, you so badly wanted to run up to her and hug her, but you know she was unstable now. She would slice you to ribbons. Kitana tried to walk up to her, but she refused, Mileena harnessed all her energy and went straight for a round house kick to Kitana's face. The eldest was kick to block it with her own magic. The collision caused an explosion to occur, effectively kicking you and Jade against a wall, the green Edinian fell onto a spike, piercing through her stomach. She screamed in pain as you picked yourself off the ground to run to her side.

Kitana and Mileena heard Jade's cries and ran to their side, you felt your anger seethe, "Both of you get back! You've done enough!" You yell, showing exactly how upset you were with both your lover and your sister in law. You quickly suspended Jade's wound from bleeding out with your powers as you lifted her from the spike. The green Edinian cried tears of pain as you carried her to the hospital wing, trying your best to get there before your spell wore off. Kitana and Mileena stood there, shame flooding their bodies. Perhaps taking you to the flesh pits wasn't a good idea in Mileena's book.

*Okay yes, this was based off of that Steven Universe episode*

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