Don't get caught 💚

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(MK1) Havi x Y/N

(First Person)

It wasn't easy to youngest princess of Outworld. My sisters and I never enjoyed the unwanted attention we received at times, especially during moments like this. Sometimes I wished we were the only royalty in Outworld, it would mean we wouldn't have visits from Counts and Countesses, and Dukes and Duchesses from across the whole realm. Atleast Kitana was happy to see Countess Jade, that was the only good thing about these meetings.

Although, there was another good thing about these meetings, no one talks to me. This gives me an opportunity to sneak away. As Kitana and Jade are yapping away, Mother and Mileena are busy entertaining the rest. I watch them carefully as I sneak out the dining room, into the courtyard. I breath a sigh of relief as I stand peacefully in the courtyard, I tap my foot on the ground, signaling him, "Princess." I hear him say. I swiftly turn around and run into his arms, "Oh Havik! How I missed you!" I say holding tightly, he smiles and kisses my temple, "It's good to see you Y/N, how have you been?" He asked twirling my hair, "Oh you know, these annoying meetings, the duties of a princess and all that nonsense." I say huffing, I cross my arms, "And orderrealm? What nonsense do you get up to there?" I ask, he laughs at me, "Oh the same old. Perhaps you and I, can rule it together, to get you away from... this place, and your nonsense of duties." He teases, I laugh at him, "I would love nothing more." I reply.

The two of us sat peacefully in the courtyard, my head on his shoulder. How moments like this bring me so much peace in my restless life. Havik combs his fingers through my hair, "Are you enjoying yourself Y/N." He asks me, "I am, but I would enjoy it even more if I knew you were staying." I say sadly, Havik sighs sadly, "I would love to stay Y/N, but you're family, my realm, everything... there's so many things keeping us apart." He says with a chocked voice, I look at him with sad eyes, "Oh my love don't cry, you'll make me cry." I say swiping his cheek with my thumb, he laughs at me, "I promise you Y/N, I won't ever leave your side, for the world."

"Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!" My sisters voice called, it had to be Mileena, "Except for that hehe." He said awkwardly, "Havik! You have to leave now!" I say in a hushed whisper as my sister's voice grew louder, "But the portal is all the way over there! I won't make it in time!" Havik explains, a plan formulates in my head, "Havik, hide behind the pillars till you get there, I'll distract Mileena!" I say, "Are you crazy!? What if I get caught?!"

"Then I promise to bail you out, and run off with you forever!" I say sincerely, he sighs and nods. Mileena comes around the corner, luckily he ran behind the closets pillar, "There you are! I was worried, how dare you run off without my knowledge!" My eldest sister scolds, I laugh slightly, "Forgive me sister, the dining room was too stuffy for me to stay, I needed a moment outside." I lie, she looks at me with hard eyes, I notice Havik out from behind her, I gulp as I watch him run from pillar to pillar, "Just promise to tell me where you're going next time?" Mileena says in a worried voice, I wasn't paying attention, my eyes were focused on Havik behind her. I watch as he trips over a pebble, I resist the urge to laugh, until her finally reaches the portal back to Orderrealm. He blows me a kiss, I try to catch it without Mileena noticing, I can finally breath again, "Y/N! DO YOU EVEN HEAR ME?!" Mileena shouted, I'm suddenly warped back to reality, "Forgive me sister I zoned out, what was it that you said?" She sighs heavily, "Will you please tell me where you're going next time, if anything were to happen to you I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Mileena explains sincerely, I pull her into a hug, telling her I'm safe, "Never fear my dear sister, for I am always here." I say hugging her softly, she sighs heavily on my shoulder and let's a few tears spill. Oh how was I gonna tell her I'm in love with a man from a different realm.

*Thank you reesescup10 for the request!*

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