Good old fashioned loverboy ❤

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(Mk1) Kitana x Y/N

(Second person)

You had a bouquet of flowers in your hands, red roses, the most romantic of flowers. Your friend, Lord Liu Kang sat next to you in the carriage to the palace. He smiled at your nervous self, "Everything alright Y/N?" He asked, you jump slightly before answering him, "I uh, will the princess think I'm a try hard? Or worse... desperate?" You ask, he rolls his eyes, "No Y/N. Besides! You bought the Empress and Mileena chocolates! That should balance it out." You glare at him, "You're not helping Liu Kang." You say roughly, he giggles.

You finally arrive at the palace, you're more nervous than you were before. The Empress and her daughters sat on their thrones peacefully. Sindel was sitting quietly, overlooking important documents, Mileena was trying not to fall asleep and Kitana was reading a book. Two Umgadi soldiers arrived in front of them, "Presenting, Lord Liu Kang, and his pupil, Y/N L/N." The one said. Sindel looked at them stunned, "Lord Liu Kang is here? Why didn't he announce..." She asks herself. She shook her head, "Let them in." She says folding the documents and placing them on the servant's tray. You and Liu Kang walk in, you've calmed down slightly, but the nervousness continued when you saw Princess Kitana. The bundle of flowers was in your hands, you had to bow to them of course, one of the petals got stuck in your eye doing so. OW GOD DAMMIT. You curse internally. As you quickly try to get the petal out your eye, Empress Sindel raises an eyebrow, "Lord Liu Kang, and Y/N... to what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked, "Empress Sindel, we have stopped by to bring you gifts from Earthrelm." He says holding the boxes of chocolate in his hands, "For what reason? Special occasion?" Princess Mileena asked confused, "No special occasions Princess, just a humble gift, from us to you." Liu Kang said handing the Empress and her daughter the chocolates, you nervously handed the bouquet to Princess Kitana, "For you, my lady." You say shyly, everyone's eyes widen, "Oh why thank you, they're lovely!" The younger sister says petting the petals of the roses softly. Mileena furrowed her eyebrows, "Hey, how come we don't get flowers!" She asked, you gulp and look at Liu Kang, the older sister stood up, "Unless your whole visit was an attempt to court my sister." She says narrowing her eyes. Jeez her eyes are like daggers. Kitana rolls her eyes at her sister, "Oh please Mileena, there's no need to be jealous. After all, I do consider myself to be the better looking sister." The blue Edinian teases, making her mother laugh, everyone tries to keep their laughter low, including you and Liu Kang, Mileena huffs, "Rude." She spurts. Empress Sindel stands up, "Well, since you two are here, you are just in time for lunch. Care to join us?" She asked gracefully, to not be rude, you happily accept.

You, Liu Kang and the royal family sit happily across the tables. Sindel and Liu Kang and Sindel sit together on one, talking to each other, Mileena sits with Tanya, and you sit with Kitana. You were going to sit alone, as you were instructed to by the head of the kitchen, but Princess Kitana insisted you sit with her. She had brought her bouquet with her, placing it safely on the table. You could feel Mileena's eyes burn a hole through the back of your head, "Oh the flowers are lovely Y/N! Where did you get them?" She asked curiously, "Oh um, well, I grow my own flowers your majesty." You say shyly, "Flowers, hand picked from your own garden, oh how special!" She says inspecting them again, "Oh it's nothing Princess, I'm sure being a princess you're showered in roses." You joke, which actually sounded more like a flirt, you're lucky no one else heard that. The blue Edinian laughs, "Oh aren't you a flirt Y/N." She starts, "But sadly, I've never been gifted flowers as much as I would like." You turn to her, "This is your first time receiving flowers?" The princess nods, your cheeks turn a bright red. Kitana takes another look at the flowers, until something caught her attention. An envelope stuck in between two of the stems, "What's this?" She asked, picking it out. You raise in an eyebrow in confusion. I didn't put that there. You say mentally. She begins to open the envelope gently, pulling a pink piece of paper out of the envelope, "A letter?" She asks. Your heart sinks seeing that pink paper, you quite fond of writing poetry. The ones you hold dear and close to you are written on pink paper you buy from Madam Bo. Oh shit. That specific poem, you remember showing to Liu Kang's champions not to long ago. They all found it charming, Johnny kept insisting you show Kitana the poem, but you would never dare. DAMMIT CAGE. You begin to panic, "Princess! You don't want to read that!" You shout, almost drawing attention to yourself. She cocks her head, "Why not? Is it not for me?" She asks innocently before reading it again, "It's just well... it may be very, it's not a nice thing to read." You're trying to convince her that she shouldn't read it, but everything you say is making her more curious. She looks at you and back at the paper, you sigh in defeat, "Nevermind Princes, you can read it, just know it's not my best work. And that if it offends you, I'm sorry." You say turning away from her, she giggles, "You Earthrelmers are so strange." She says. The poem read:

The staggering beauty that is her
The princess adored by all her subjects
Her hair as soft as silk
Her eyes clouds of pure happiness

Her smile cures the worries I have
Her laugh ascending me to cloud 9
Her compassion filling me with hope
Her beauty dropping me to my knees

The Princess loved by all her subjects
Cupid has shot an arrow through my heart
She is all I ever want
Her beauty is unmatched

My heart beats for her
But there is too much in our paths
But I hope someone loves her the same
As I myself wish, that someone is me

You want to run away, find a new identity and never return to your old life. You watch with both excitement and anxiety, waiting for her reaction. She sets the paper down and walks off. HOLY SHIT I'M GONNA KILL CAGE. Now you're panicking, big time. Liu Kang noticed this and excused himself from Sindel's table, "Y/N? What's wrong?" He asks ushering you outside, all that comes out of your mouth is complete gibberish, which of course annoyed Liu Kang. He waited for you to calm down before asking you again, "Kitana, read the poem I made her..." you confess, his eyes softened, "How lovely, that poem is beautiful! I'm sure she likes it! I didn't know you brought it."

"That's the thing Lord Liu Kang! I didn't! Cage must've snuck it into my bouquet." You say angrily, "She got up and walked away Lord Liu Kang! What if she's disgusted by me!" You say grabbing your hair, he pulls your hands away from your scalp, "Hey now, let's not worry, let's go back and enjoy lunch." Again he wasn't helping, but all you could do was nod. Once you're back inside, Princess Kitana was sitting at the table again, you look at Liu Kang, who just pushes you towards the table and gives you a thumbs up. The greatest teacher ever. You sit back down at the table, "Oh Y/N you're back! I was so worried that you left."

"Oh no princess, I just needed some air." You say, "The poem, did you write this?" She asks still holding it in her hands, you begin to sweat, "I did yes." You resist the urge to cry from embarrassment, "Princess I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry if I offended you." You immediately apologize, she giggles, a few tears spilling from her eyes. She quickly swipes them, "Oh you have nothing to be sorry about Y/N! You didn't offend me at all. In fact, the whole reason I left was to go and collect myself." She confesses, you blink, "No one has ever said such kind words to me before, let alone described me through poetry... it was such an overwhelming feeling that I had to cry." She says still swiping stray tears from her eyes, "Do you truly, see me that way Y/N?" She asks curiously, you sigh, "I do princess. With all my heart." You say blushing, she holds her palm to her own. She looks around and beckons you to come with her, you cock your head as she leads you outside. You look around, "Why are we in the gardens-" you're immediately cut off by lips crashing into yours. You're caught off gaurd of course, but you soon learn to accept it. Your kiss ends sweetly, you stare into her eyes lovingly, they truly were clouds of happiness. Liu Kang was coming to fetch you, when he saw this unfold, he hides behind a pillar and smiles.

The two of you pull apart from each other, giving Liu Kang the chance to come fetch you. You're now saying your goodbyes to the royal family, especially Kitana, which leaves her heart sore. As you bow to the royal family, the youngest sister runs to you and gives you the biggest hug you've ever received in your life, "I will keep that letter close to my heart Y/N." She whispers in your ear, you smile and hug her back. Now it was really time for you to go, you and Liu Kang climb into the carriage, and move at a slow pace back to the portal.

Kitana hangs the poem on her bedroom wall, the roses close in a vase on her bedside table. Little does she know her sister has taken notice of this sudden... change.

*I'm tried, imma go to bed.*

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