Vampires 💀

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(MK1) Tomas Vrbada (Smoke) x Y/N

(Second person)

Tomas? Tomas can you hear me? What have they done to you...

"It's only a short mission my love, I'll be back soon!" Smoke said placing his gas mask on his face, you sigh slowly. He turns around to look at you with a puppy eyes, "Oh come now my dear, you know I mean it when I say I'll be back soon." He said lifting your chin, you smile and peck his nose, "And you always manage to keep that promise." You say pressing your forehead against his, he did the same. It was time for him to go now, oh how would miss him so much.

Months passed, you haven't recieved a letter from him in ages, which worried you. You were pacing back and forth in the living room, wondering the worst of what could have happened to him. A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts, you roll your eyes and walk towards the front door. Your eyes widened at the sight, "...Tomas?" He was there, he looked so different... his eyes were an eerie red color, his skin was paler than normal, his hair had gotten darker, his mask over his face was hiding something from you, "Tomas, is that you?" You asked wearily, he chuckles, "Oh my Y/N, my sweet little Y/N. How happy I am too see you!" He said calmly, you wanted to believe it, you wanted to believe he was truly in front of you, your Tomas, but he's not him. You step back as you see him remove his mask, a wide toothy grin had greeted you, his canine teeth had turned into prominent fangs, "Tomas, this isn't you!" You shout at him, "Come with me Y/N! Nitara has promised us a place in Veternius! We can be together under her rule!" His voice was starting to become more and more stern, making you afraid, "No Tomas! No I don't want to go with you! Kuai Liang will grow worried! We belong to the Shria Ryu!" You yell at him, you circled the room now, you were close to the front door now, you glance behind you before making eye contact with his red beady eyes, "Not anymore Y/N!" He had his knife out, "Come with me, or I will drag you there myself!" He said launching at you, but ultimately missing you. This gave you time to run out the door, you never looked back. Tomas growled in anger, "GET HER!" He shouted.

As you ran, you felt something creeping up on you, you only noticed the increasing footsteps until it was too late. You were tackled to the ground, you look up to see... Kung Lao. Your eyes widened once again, "Lao! Lao what did they do to you!" You ask worried, his teeth had also grown into fangs, his eyes the same red color as Tomas's, blood smearing his cheeks, though they were not his own, "Join... us!" He said as he almost bit you, you were able to kick him off before doing so, "Traitor! TRAITOR!" His voice was gruff, gruff enough for it to hurt to talk. You grab a nearby wooden branch and begin to fend him off. After hitting him in the head multiple times, he finally fell unconscious. You were left, breathing heavily, staring at his unconscious body. You drop your branch and ran in the opposite direction. As you ran a good distance away from him, Kung Lao's eyes sprung open, "Get... her." He said, another bodily shadow ran in your direction.

You were almost to the Wu Shi academy. Your body was starting to give up on the run, "No... no I can't be tired already." You catch your breath, "I'm almost there." You notice. A rustle in the bushes sent your heart pounding. Oh shit. Again you were tackled, but you were able to kick off whoever had tackled you. Your eyes couldn't believe what you were seeing, "...Princess?" It was her, the youngest of the royal sisters, Kitana. She looked the worst out of the three, her cheeks were stained with blood, making them look like tear stains, her eyes the same bloodshot color. The princess screamed at you, the scream piercing your ears, you groan in pain, this gave her time to pin you to the ground and bite your neck, searing pain entered your body. You screamed as you tried to kick her off again, you felt your body kick into survival mode mode and begin to fight Kitana back. The princess hissed at you as you punch her jaw and pin her against the tree behind her. Your nails had scratched her cheek as you attempted to knock her out against the bark. After a few attempts, it worked. Your blood was beginning to drain fast, you needed to get to the academy quick.

You ran, you ran as fast as you could. You finally couldn't make it anymore, and you collapsed on the floor. Your vision blurry from the blood loss, the last thing you saw was a dark figure hovering over you...

*Should this be spun into another part? Eh idk, you guys can decide. Thank you to _M1LL3_ for the request! I know it took me a while but I hope I did not disappoint!*

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