I'm always proud 🦋

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(MK1) Sindel and Y/N

(Second person)

It wasn't easy being the youngest of the royal family sometimes. Mileena was respected by all, and was a fierce leader. Kitana was beautiful and smart, able to command an army and had a heart of pure gold. But then there was you, you always wanted to educate yourself on everything, and you made sure you knew everything. Your mother had noticed this, interesting attitude and decided to put it too good use. She was able to get you a scholar to learn about Outworld Medicine, something that was your biggest interest. You proved yourself tirelessly, your family was always proud of you and they made sure you knew. But for some reason... you were never convinced. Sindel would often find you slumpt over on your desk covered in papers, she would always carry you too bed. Mileena would catch you awake at night studying for a test, she would shout at you and usher you back to bed. Kitana's heart would always break when she noticed how tired you looked on your throne during the morning announcements. It was a very big problem of yours.

Today was a very worrying day for you. You finished another year of studying, your results would be presented to you soon. You were pacing around the throne room, walking in circles, which made you dizzy. Your mother, the Queen, was home early from her meeting in court. Kitana and Mileena were off on their own royal duties, it was just you and her. She noticed your distressed state and walked towards you, "Y/N? What's wrong?" She asked worriedly, "My results are coming soon!" You take a deep breath, "What I did!" You start to pull at your hair, "I knew I should have stayed to study for that paper! I made so many mistakes in that paper!" You shout, your tears start forming in your eyes. Sindel rolls her eyes, "Y/N for the love of Argus calm down! I'm sure you did fine." Your mother reassured, she noticed your hair pulling and started to gently guide your hand away from your scalp. You body feels like shutting down, "I need to know if I did okay! I can't!" Your panic attack started turn into an anxiety attack, "But Y/N I don't understand! You break yourself down into this nervous wreck every time your exams finish. Why on Earth are so caught up about it?!"

"BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY THING I HAVE!" You shout, your words echoing inside the walls of the throne room. Sindel looked at you with concerned eyes, your tears began to fall, "I'm sorry... I just." You wipe a tear, "I feel like all I am, is this student everyone knows, someone who is stupidly smart to the point where I'm forced to be this... this, person." Your mother placed a hand on your shoulder, "I'm afraid that if I don't live up to my potential, if I don't exceed in my grades... I'm useless, and I'll never be anyone else, but a failure." You confess, your tears fall, and you begin to sob, "Y/N..." Your mother said softly, "How could you think such a thing?" She asked, you resisted the urge to sob once more, "You are so much more than that. You are my child, you are the most precious thing in my life next to your sisters." She started, "I don't care about your grades my darling, I don't care because I know you're a talented young person, that you'll always find a way in life!" She carried on, "But my darling, I can't believe you would think such a foul thing. You will never be a failure, and your sisters will agree too. We love you so much." She pulls you into a hug, you bury your face into her chest, her hand combing through your hair, "I don't want to loose you over something like this." She chocked out, your heart sank at her words, "Never fear mother, I won't let something like this grip my sanity, as long as your here." You mother chuckled, "I know my darling, just know... we love you more than you know."

*This was a comfort one shot because my reports are coming tomorrow and I'm shit scared. I'm normally not a bad student but I did end up slipping up this year so I can have a clearer mindset, which did affect my grades. I worked my ass off for these finals because I tired of being lazy. But I have next year (Grade 11 is the most important year for university entry) that year I really want to focus on grades. My parents aren't pushy and are proud of my regardless so I mostly put the pressure on myself for them LMAO. Anyway, just a little vent*

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