Taking a fatal hit for them ✨

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*You do end up surviving btw*


🐉Cassie Cage🐉

- You two were on a mission, a dangerous one too

- It was one where you both had to be careful, otherwise you'd get hurt

- All hell broke loose immediately when a soldier had been assassinated, which trigger a swarm of soldiers coming after you

- You all fought back as best as you could

- You saw out of the corner of your eye, your girlfriend

- Cassie was fighting so many people at once, but was absolutely owning them

- Suddenly one of the soldiers shot a bullet at her, you were able to push her out the way. You had been shot instead

- Everyone was requested to fall back, Cassie's hands were covered in your blood as the medics worked on you

- When you were put in a proper room, she took this opportunity to just cry, how stupid could she be?!

- Her family and friends did their best in trying to comfort her

- She never left your side for the world. She would sleep with you on the bed, she'd also hold your hand as she slept in the chair next to you

- When you woke up she immediately broke down in tears and held you close

- Never was she going to be that selfish again

🐉Jacqui Briggs🐉

- You two were instructed to go on a mission together

- She had your left while you were trying to take a gaurd out

- This had triggered a chain reaction of soldiers to come after you both

- Jacqui was trying to take out some of them, but one was sneaking up behind her with a dagger

- You pushed her out the way and took the dagger hit instead

- Jacqui took out most of the soldiers and eventually killed them. Afterward she rushed you to the medical tents in critical condition

- While the medics and doctors worked on you, Cassie was holding Jacqui as she cried, praying you'd be okay

- Once you woke up, she hugged you so tight you thought she wouldn't let go

- She was happy you were okay, but she's never making this mistake again


- You were trying to sneak up on Princess Kitana

- She would try and urge you to take the dangerous route, but you told her it was a bad idea

- To avoid her throwing a tantrum, you took the dangerous route

- The Princess's secret library was booby trapped, you saw arrows coming towards Mileena

- You tackled her and got 3 arrows in your back

- You were in critical condition, Mileena had to get you out of here

- As her medics tended to you, she couldn't stop blaming herself for what happened

- Once you woke up, she held your head close to chest and rested her head on yours

- She was happy you were safe


- The castle was under attack

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