Anything for you part 2 💚

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(MK1) Kenshi Takahashi x Y/N

(third person)

The four prisoners had been locked up in the dungeons in Shang Tsung's laboratory. The fight that happend in Shang Tsung's lair fresh in their minds. Baraka tried desperately to open the bars, but to no avail. He sighed in defeat as he got up, Kenshi had woken up crying, he had dreamt of Y/N, moments before she was killed. The Tarkatan stared at him with a worried look, "What troubles you?" Kenshi looked at him for a swift moment then looked away, "Y/N." He mumbled, Baraka turned his head, "What about her?"

"Princess Mileena stabbed her in the eyes... she died in my arms Baraka..." he says clenching his fists, the Tarkatan's heart dropped. His own stray tears falling. Y/N was the first one to show him and the other kindness, now that's she's gone, he'll never feel that compassion again. Johnny and Kung Lao had woken up, their brains foggy, but still remembering the incident, "Kenshi, you okay?" Johnny called out, "Piss off Cage." He said turning to his side, "Hey just checking, I'm still messed up about Y/N too." He said sadly, "I miss her... what are we going to tell Liu Kang? That we had our friend killed on this mission? What will Raiden think..." the Shaolin moped, everyone hung their heads.

The jailer had come to see them, he had a green mask on and unique tattoo across his face. Baraka stared at him with narrow eyes, the jailer noticed Kenshi's wet eyes, "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice smooth and gentle, but gruff, "Why would you care? You're the jailer." Kenshi snapped, the man blinked slowly and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and passed it through the bars, "For, your tears. Whatever upset you, I am sorry." He said. Kenshi was cautious in accepting the handkerchief, but in the end did. He gently wiped his eyes, in doing so it reminded him more of Y/N, and how if she was still living, she wouldn't see a thing. More tears sprung forth, in dry heaved sobs, Kenshi wasn't a man that liked to hide his emotions. Baraka stared at him with sad eyes as Johnng Cage and Kung Lao bit back their own tears trying to comfort their friend. The jailer softened and sat down on the floor, "Thanks man, for the handkerchief that is." Johnny Cage thanked, the other man nodded, "I only wished to help. I do not mean you any harm, I am only here because Shang Tsung threatened to kill my family to work for him." He explained, Kenshi set his eyes on him, "But I can see that something terrible happend to you. One that even brought your friend to tears." Kung Lao looked at Kenshi, speaking with his eyes, the Japanese man nodded. Kung Lao sighed, "Our friend, was killed by Princess Mileena. She was stabbed in the eyes, the princess's tarkat had taken over at the time, she didn't mean any harm-"

"SHE KILLED HER FOR GOD'S SAKE! DON'T PITY HER SAYING SHE MEANT NO HARM!" Kenshi said standing up and yelling at his friend, the jailer stood up as well, "Calm yourself, you're upset." He said, "Who are you to tell me what to do?" Kenshi spat bitterly, "My name is Syzoth, and I promise I mean you no harm." He explained, he began to reach for his keys, "I will let you out... you do not deserve this punishment." He said holding the keys in the air. The men looked at each other and nodded, Kenshi stepped away as Syzoth opened the gate, letting them out.

Suddenly the door swung open, Shang Tsung walking through, "Syzoth, you opened the gate? You weren't supposed to until I said so." He grimaced, "I'm done with you Shang Tsung! You torture innocent lives and leave me to be apart of it! No more!" The reptilian man said throwing the keys aside, "Give me my family, and I leave." the sorcerer chuckled, "Fool, they've been dead for many moons now... I killed them." He said smirking, Syzoth felt his body grow heavy and his heart sink to the floor, the feeling was then replaced by uncontrollable rage, "I'LL MURDER YOU! YOU SNAKE!" he yelled, his body transforming into the reptilian form and beginning to launch at Shang Tsung. The four men watched in awe at the shapeshifter. Soon the sorcerer knocked the Zetarrian at the wall, effectively knocking his energy out. The four men launched at him, but were also easily defeated, "Well then, this has been fun. But, I have other matters to attend to." The sorcerer said snapping his fingers, creating a cloud of poisonous gas in the room, and teleporting away. Baraka ran for the door, pushing with all his strength, his motivation to save them all was his beacon of power. Finally after one final push, the door came loose, and fell to the floor, everyone breathed in the fresh air. Syzoth sighed, then his sigh turned into a low whimper, and then into a sob. He fell to the floor, on his hands and knees, tears falling from his eyes. His family, gone, all the time and he never knew. The other four looked at him with sad eyes, Kenshi especially. The swordsman reached out into his pocket, pulling out the handkerchief Syzoth had given him, "For your tears, my friend." He said with a weak smile. The Zetarrian smiled and wiped his eyes, but more sobs escaped him, Kenshu grabbed him into a hug. Johnny and Kung Lao doing the same, wishing so badly to join, Baraka stood and watched, "It's okay Baraka, get in here." Johnny said, the tarkatan also joined in on the group hug. After a few minutes, Syzoth calmed down, "Come, I will take you to the portal to Earthrelm, it's the least I can do." He said getting up, "Love that, but we're actually here on a mission compadre." Johnny said, "What's the mission?"

"We were tasked to bring Shang Tsung to Earthrelm, maybe even this Quan Chi fellow we saw." Kung Lao said, Syzoth pondered for a moment, he needed his revenge. With a clenched fist, he spoke, "I will help you. Shang Tsung will pay for what he's done." He said, "Come with us to Earthrelm Syzoth, Liu Kang will welcome you and Baraka with open arms." The actor said, the Zetarrian smiled, "Very well, let us begin."

*Ooooooo! I know this is a very crappy part 2, but I have a plan for this story. Also we needed a soft moment with all the babies! And yes, I am gonna make a part 3! Also I recently sprained my left wrist so it's been a bit difficult to type, but it has healed quite a bit!*

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