Reader with a Copying Power ✨

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🐉Cassie Cage🐉

- Finds you to be really cool

- Does get a bit pissed when you copy her powers and beat her in a battle

- She asks you to copy a lot of peoples powers so she can learn how to fight against them

- Copying Scorpion and Sub Zero's  powers have proven to be useful in your domestic life

- She does get really annoyed when you copied Reptiles power. You kept turning invisible and messing up what she was doing

🐉Jacqui Briggs🐉

- Is kinda sketchy of you

- Though she learns to love it when you copy Sub Zero's power during the summer

- Asks you to copy her, was kinda surprised when you showed a lot of strength

- Does ask you a ton of questions about it

- Overall thinks you're pretty neat


- Is very intrigued

- She first found out about this power through a sparing match you had with her

- You had copied her teleportation move which caught her off guard

- You do tell her that the copied move only lasts about 24 hours before it fades, so she uses that to her advantage a bit

- Has used her ability to play pranks on Kitana and Jade

- Gets a bit freaked out when copy Baraka's powers. His powers mostly come from his Tarkatan background, so it was quite painful

- Let's just say you've both learnt your lesson on staying away from Baraka's abilities

- You know she's cuddling up against you when you copy Liu Kang's fire powers (After all, he is sister's boyfriend)


- Immediately thinks your Shang Tsung and locks you in a cell

- It took a while, but she eventually started trusting the fact that it was in fact you

- She's very scared of your power. You could steal an Elder God's power and she could loose you to it's impact

- You reassure her that you know your limits

- She eventually grows to like your power as it has proven useful in some cases

- Copying Johnny Cage's power did annoy her because you kept following her around and impersonating him

- She loves your powers in the Winter months too! Copying Hanzo's power? Ugh you're a genius. And vice versa in the Summer

- It took her a while, but she eventually got used to your power


- Fascinated to say the least

- She would study you a lot

- Finding limitations, powers that were practically useless, how long the copy lasts, etc.

- Like Cassie, she asks you to spare with her using different powers

- She does notice that most abilities are difficult to use than most

- She does let you to go crazy in experimenting with any ability, just don't steal Skarlet's

🐉Kung Jin🐉

- Kinda hates it

- It's very scary to see

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