You're in my head like a catchy song ❤

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Jacqui Briggs x Y/N

(Second person)

The sunset was beautiful today, the sky was painted a pink and orange color. The picnic blanket lay soft underneath you, Jacqui's arm wrapped gently around your waist, your head resting against her shoulder. A deep and content sigh escaped your throat, a moment like this couldn't be more perfect. Jacqui turned to you and smiled, "Happy four hundred thousand three hundred and ninety - eight hour anniversary darling~" she says placing a white and yellow flower in your hair. A giggle escapes you, "What?! Is that how long we've been together!?" You asked surprised, Jacqui let's out a hearty laugh, "Well what's 19 years in hours?"

"19? Jack, we are 19, we haven't been in a relationship for that long." You point out, Jacqui blushes embarrassed, "Well hun, I feel like the universe wanted us to be together since we were babies, I wanna hold up to that till I meet my maker." She says taking a sip from her soda can, you smile and kiss her cheek, "Ah, now I see. That's very sweet Jack." You said smiling, "You know it's alright if you didn't get me anything." She says with a smug look, you roll your eyes and pull out a small box from the picnic basket. Jacqui's eyes already trying to connect the dots to what it might actually be, "A box?! Oh you spoil me rotten honey!" She says, you slap her hand away from the box, "Hold your horses Jacqueline Sonya Briggs." Jacqui gasps, "Oh my! You be using my birth certificate name! It must be good." She says surprised.

You slowly open the box and reveal a matching chain set. Your initials are carved onto the heart shaped charms. They have holes in them, once you put them together, they make a whole heart. Jacqui's eyes well with tears, "Oh my... they're beautiful Y/N." She says rubbing her finger over her half of the necklace. You stare at yours, your eyes lighting up, "I thought, maybe this can be a forever symbol, for you and me. Because... I love you Jacqui Briggs." You catch yourself blushing, your cheeks growing pink at your embarrassment, the other girl laughs, sweat drips down your face as tears build in your eyes from the embarrassment, "No fair! You beat me to it!" She said, you cock your head.

"Come on! I'll show ya!" She says dragging you by the arm to a nearby tree. Your eyes couldn't believe what you were seeing, but it sure as hell melted your heart. Your hands rub over the roughness of the bark, "See you were gonna be like: Oh my God Jacqui this is the best gift ever I love it so much!" She explains, impersonating you with a high pitched voice, you laugh at her goofiness, "And then I'd be like." She takes your hand, "I love you." She says, your cheeks burn a bright red and you pull her into a kiss, "Happy anniversary honey." She says, "Happy anniversary, baby."

*I love Bright Mac and Pear Butter so much it hurts 😭*

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