Happy Valentine's Day ❤

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(Mk1) Kung Lao x Y/N

(Second person)

You and Kung Lao were walking home together after dropping Raiden off at his house. You all had spent the day working in the fields and that made you all tired. Now you all could finally rest.

Kung Lao looked at you with this smug expression, not too different from his usual smoulder. You roll your eyes, "What Lao?" You ask annoyed, "Oh nothing, it's just I saw how tired you were getting in the fields today. I guess you couldn't handle all of it." He said smirking, you scoff, "You were sweating like a pig, I call that being out of shape." You bite back, "Hm, fair game." You two continued to walk, until he broke the silence, "So Y/N, Valentine's day is coming up. Any nitwit from the village try and ask you yet?" He asked placing his hands behind his head, "Heh, no. How about you?"

"Well, there's this girl I wanted to ask out, but I'm not sure how I want to do it." He says blushing slightly, you smirk, "Oh really? Why is that?" You ask with a hint of curiosity, "Well there's only so much I know as a man. Give me the female perspective." He said patting your back, you chuckle, "Well, I'd say not to be so cocky, that's your biggest problem." Kung Lao nodded his head, "Fair enough." You chuckle before continuing, "The next is to be as romantic as possible, get her chocolates, her favorite if you know. The next is to make her a beautifully written letter. And finally, show up at her door, but make sure you're not a stranger cause then she'll get creeped out." You finished, both of you finally reaching Kung Lao's house. The man next to you nodded slowly, "You know your stuff Y/N, perhaps you were a lover boy in your past life." He said walking up to his door, you smile at him, "Good luck Lao, let me know what she says!" You say waving to him, "Will do Y/N." He said nervously, lucky you were too far away to hear his tone.

You sat in your home, quietly sipping your tea and zoning out to the music in your headphones. The music was loud, but not loud enough to drown out the sounds of the nature around you. You enjoyed moments like this, because they made you feel peaceful and calm after a long, agonizing, stressful day. Your peace was soon interrupted by a knock at the door, you groan and take off your headphones and head towards the door. You open it, to your surprise, it's Kung Lao, "Lao?" You say surprised. The farmer was dressed in a daper black suit and bowtie, he was carrying a bouquet of flowers and had a smug look on her face, "Evening Miss Y/N. I came to surprise you, you're actually the person I wanted to ask out for Valentine's day." He says, his smug demeanor trying to dominate his nervousness. You place a hand over your mouth, "I... I don't know what to say." You reply, the overwhelming feeling of crying was consuming you. He handed the letter to you, you open and read it.

Dear Y/N

When we first met, I thought we weren't going to be close. But as our friendship grew, I found myself falling in love with you. You made me feel happy, and no one has ever done that before so be proud of that. But I want you to know that you're the one I love, and that's something I will carry with me until the end. Will you be my Valentine?

- Kung Lao

You didn't know what to do, your eyes were filled with tears. Kung Lao furrowed his eyebrows, "Y/N? Y/N what's wrong? Did I do something wrong!?" He asked frantically. You sniff and wipe your eyes, "This is the best gift you could have ever given me." You say with a smile, Kung Lao smiles back, relived, "I'm glad Y/N."

Without thinking your threw your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Although he was caught off guard, he kissed back, his smile sneaking into the kiss. Once you two pull away, you both have a dust of pink on your cheeks, "That was, unexpected." He says laughing, "How do you feel now that you've kissed greatness?" He says with a cocky tone, you roll your eyes, "The same." You tease him, he laughs and kisses your cheek. This was the best Valentine's day you could have ever asked for.

*Happy Valentine's yall, I'm aware that I've written a similar story to this one. But I'm trying to cut down on the requests so I have more free time. But I hope you all enjoy the great Kung Loa and his mighty ego on Valentine's day. Do you have a Valentine? I don't but I'm okay with that :). Thanks HannaTheHP600 for the request!*

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