You're here Pt. 2 🐉

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Jade and Reader

(Third person)

Jade and Y/N sat calmly in the gardens of Kotal's palace. Jade had been non stop talking about how different everything is, Y/N sat quietly, listening intently to her older sister's words. Jade eventually stopped talking, it hurt her heart to see her sibling like this, it's as if she's seeing a different person. She was broken, scars covering her arms and neck, her face had a bruise above her left eye, and her hands were bandaged. Though the bandages were soaked in blood, "Y/N, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened, but it seemed to have hurt you." Jade's apology seemed shallow, it was almost awkward, "You have nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault for your own death. It was that bastard Liu Kang." Jade chuckled, "Kitana fancies him."

"Well he killed you both." Y/N snapped back. Jade felt herself tense, Y/N softened, "Forgive me sister, I did not mean to scold." Jade chuckled, "Y/N, doesn't this make you the youngest now? How old are you?" The sibling smiled, "10023? How about you?"

"Ha! I'm 1019! I guess your the older sister now." The green Edinian laughed, Y/N laughed along, "Indeed it does, little sister." The two were interrupted by the doors being swung open, revealing Liu Kang. Y/N's defensive instincts kicked in and she drew her sword, "Y/N! He's not your Liu Kang, remember?" The green Edinian explained, Y/N scoffed and threw her sword back in it's holder, "Still think of me as a threat huh Y/N?" Liu Kang asked, the other didn't reply, "Kitana has asked us all to meet on Karons ships, they will take us to Kronika's keep." He explained, Y/N felt her heart sink, she was too tired for another battle, especially after all the wounds, "How long will we be?" Nade asked, "Not long, about an hour or so from here to the keep using his ships. After all, they are named the fastest." He said crossing his arms, "Very well, I will change my bandages and we shall leave." Liu Kang nodded and wandered off.

On the ship Jade was helping her sister change her own bandages, Y/N's hands were covered in bites and scars, Jade flinched when she grazed her thumb over one of the scars. The peroxide stung horribly on the fresh wounds, but Y/N had been so used to the stinging feeling that she sat there patiently, waiting for Jade to wrap the bandages, "How did you get all of these?" The green Edinian asked, "A few were from a couple bar fights, on came from a wild cat who found me in the forest and bit me. The others were self inflicted." Jade flinched once again at the last sentence, she cannot believe how long she left her sister for, and how it effected her horribly, a tear trickled down her cheek, but was swiped away by her sister, "Do not fret Jay Jay, for I am tougher than I look." Y/N explains flexing her bicept, the green Edinian laughed. Finally the ships had made it to Kronika's keep, the air stank of dried blood, and the oxygen thick to the lungs. Liu Kang, Kitana, Jade, Y/N and Kung Lao ran straight to the keep, defeating a few enemies on the way. The five warriors had reached the door to the hourglass, looking at each other with determination glaring in their eyes. Y/N looked at Liu Kang once more, realizing now, how she had been wrong. How Jade was right in saying that this wasn't the Liu Kang she knew, that this Liu Kang only wanted to help, how Y/N was blinded by grief, "Liu Kang." She whispers, "You're not the Liu Kang I know, keep that for me would you?" She said smiling under her mask, Liu Kang smiled warmly at Y/N, "I promise, Y/N."

The 5 stormed the room, everyone fighting against the revenants of themselves, careful not to be wounded too much. Y/N was handling revenant Jade, the one who kept reminding her of her own death, how Y/N could not stop it, how Jade blamed her for it. The other sibling held her breath before delivering the final blow to the revenants head, the blood gushing from her skull, "I'm sorry my dear sister, I'm sorry I was not there to protect you, but be warned." Y/N grabbed the dying Jade by her head, and held her close to her face, "You had the chance to survive, you let Kitana make the choice for you instead of yourself. I'm done blaming myself for it all... There was something you could have done too to prevent your own death." Y/N snarled at her older sister, the revenant wanting to say something, but only coughs and dry heaves came out, Y/N's eyes softened, "But know this... I missed you, everyday Jay Jay." The revenant closed her eyes, it was the end of that Jade, she would never come back, the other Jade stared confused at her sister. How she talked her revenant down before letting her die, Y/N had become... Cold. Suddenly, a fire star was thrown, slicing a straight line across Y/N's throat. The others stared in horror seeing the girl started to gargle her own blood. The culprit, was revenant Liu Kang, the one who used whatever strength he had left in him, to kill the one he had forgotten to take care of when he was alive. The revenant fell on his back, letting sleep take over, he could die in peace.

Kitana, Kung Lao and Jade ran to the now dying Y/N, worry taking over their minds. Jade knelt down to her sisters level and cradled the girl in her arms, "Gah-" was the only word Y/N could pronounce in this moment, her throat to mangled to speak, "Y/N please! Please don't do this." Jade pleaded, Y/N reached for her sisters face, cupping her cheek. Jade grabbed her hand, basking in the comfort Y/N warm hand provided. Kitana and Kung Lao couldn't look, the blue Edinian had broken into tears, the other Shoalin comforting her. Jade let her tears fall onto Y/N armor, "Ja- de." The sister managed to mumble, "Yes my dear sister?" The dying girl weakly displayed a hand signal, a sign. Her palm faced Jade and her middle and ring finger pressed against it. Leaving only her thumb, pinkie and pointer finger up. I love you... Jade laughed, "I love you too Y/N, please don't leave me." It was too late, Y/N had succumbed to sleep, she had her eyes closed, her head pressed against her sister's chest. Jade could do nothing but scream, the pain she felt was unbearable, all she wanted was her sister back. Her family.

Liu Kang had now become Fire God Liu Kang, his eyes softened seeing the scene in front of him. He swiftly ran to Jade's side, seeing Y/N now dead in her arms, "Please Liu Kang, there has to be a way to bring her back." Kitana asked, Liu Kang looked at the girl in Jade's arms, Liu Kang had realized that in her time, he was the villain, the one that killed everyone she loved. This wa his chance to make it right, right after she started accepting that he was not the Liu Kang she knew. Jade watched as the fire god placed a hand on Y/N's chest, a warm glow emanated from it too. The gash in her throat became smaller and smaller until only a white scar remained, Y/N's windpipe and trachea began to reform again. Jade flet a glimmer of hope fluter in her chest, Liu Kang was healing her. Finally Liu Kang removed his hand from the girl, he waited patiently for the sound of Y/N's heartbeat to start again. Seconds passed, until a faint sound was heard. Lub dub, lub dub, lub dub. Jade felt her heart glow with relief, Y/N's eyes began to open slowly, "Sister, I always told you look repulsive when you cry." Y/N joked with a smile, the green Edinian burst into tears and hugged her sister tightly in her arms, Y/N hugged back. Suddenly the girl was tackled from all angles by Kitana, Liu Kang and Kung Lao. The younger sibling chuckled, she was home.

*A continuation of the last chapter suggested by GTApsycho!*

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