PromQueen ❤

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(Mk1) Raiden x Y/N

(Second person)

Growing up in the little village, Fengjian, was not as exciting as it was. The people weren't that nice to you, mostly because they thought it would be funny to pick on the girl that was new in the village. You weren't from here originally, you came from another village, many of the children took that as an opportunity to make fun of you. It was torture, you never caught a break. But, it wasn't all that bad. You managed to make four friends that stuck with you. Kung Lao, Raiden, Tifu and Xingyin. They loved you more than anything, in fact, you consider them your real friends. But that didn't stop you from your goal, your goal to leave Fengjian, for good. The first step, was to get good grades.

You woke up from your slumber, your eyes open slowly, and you groggily get out of bed. You move to clean your teeth and kiss your mother goodbye before leaving for school. The highschool was crowded as normal, nothing new. You saw your friends Kung Lao and Raiden standing the courtyard talking to each other. They immediately spotted you and ran up to you, their arms enclosing you in a big hug, "Hey! Come on you guys. It's like you've never seen me in ages!" You say laughing, "Can we not great our friend with a hug in the morning?" Raiden said pulling away, "Whatever." You reply. You look around, hoping to find your other two friends Tifu and Xingyin, eventually finding them in front of the gates. The five of you gathered together and went inside. The halls were decorated in hand painted signs, advertising the year end ball that would be taking place at the end of the year. You roll your eyes at every poster, "How lovely! They're doing the year end ball again!" Tifu shouted excitedly, "Can't wait to see how many couples show up in limos again." Kung Lao joked, "Yeah, I'd like to see that too, lucky I'm not going." You say, everyone gasped in surprise, "You're not going!? Why!?" Xingyin shouted, Raiden's eyes fell, "It's just a stupid ball. I'd rather spend the day in my room studying for the finals." You explain harshly, "Come on Y/N! You're entire life involves around school, just come out and have a little fun with us?" Kung Lao said, you roll your eyes again, "Not interested." You reply harshly, everyone shrugged at each other.

Class had started, your first one being maths. Raiden sat next to you in this class, the teacher said that there wasn't anything to go over, so you all just talked to each other softly. Raiden noticed you doodling in your book, "I really thought we would do revision for the final tests, guess I was wrong." He says scratching the back of his neck, you laugh, "Me too, guess we were wrong." Raiden blinked and looked away, "So uh... are you certain about your decision not to go to the year end ball? I mean, it does sound like fun." He says with a smile, you roll your eyes once again, "Yes Raiden I'm certain, I don't need some ball ruining my routine so I can get out of this village." You say angrily, Raiden's face fell, "Leave Fengjian? I thought you loved it here?" He said sadly, "Why do you want to leave?" You sigh heavily, "You wouldn't understand Raiden." You say doodling in your book again, "But why not? Maybe if you told me I can try." he reached for your hand, you smile warmly at him, "Holy Crap! Raiden's friends with the Foreigner!" A kid in the class yelled, making everyone laugh, your face turned red, Raiden stared confused, "I'm sorry? Foreigner?" He asked the kid, "Yeah! Don't you know? The girl that decided to show up in Fengjian one day? Thinking that this was her next home? Fucking looser." Now Raiden now realized what you meant, in a panic you walked out the classroom and stayed outside, "Aww she gonna cry?" The same kid mocked, you did indeed start crying, Raiden never saw you for the rest of the class.

Lunch break rolled around, more signs for the ball where plastered everywhere. Your eyes were also still puffy from the crying earlier. Your friends sat near a tree on the otherside of the field, they were all comforting you after what happened, "Well that asshole is gonna get a piece of my mind once I see him!" Kung Lao said banging his fist on the table, "Yeah! I'll join you! You hold and I punch." Xingyin said punching her palm softly, you laugh at their threats, "That's sweet of you, but it's no use. This happens every day." All of them looked at yoh sadly.

The end of the day rolled around, you dropped off Kung Lao, Xingyin and Tifu at their homes. It was always you and Raiden to walk home together, "About today." He started, "Drop it Raiden, it's in the past now." You says harshly, he got the hint luckily. Moments of silence passed between the two of you, until the boy spoke, "So uh, Y/N. There's this girl that I wanted to ask out for the ball... have any tips?" He asked red in the face, you laugh, "Ooo a girl? That's exciting." You start, "Well, I would say just be yourself, but be confident too! Give her flowers and chocolates and a well written letter too!" You explain kicking a stone, "Oh, okay. What kind of flowers and chocolate?" He asked, "Well, personally I'd go for milk chocolate with hazelnuts in em. If that's too expensive, then maybe the regular dark chocolate." You explain, "For the flowers, probably lillies, they're my favorite atleast." You explain. You finally reach the front door of your home, "Well, guess this is my stop, see you tomorrow Raiden." You say waving to you, "See you tomorrow... Y/N!" He says waving to you, you giggle and close the door. You head upstairs to your room, the stress of today got to you, and you shed a few tears. You grab a pillow and hold it tightly, releasing the stress of the day through your tears.

About 2 hours had passed, your breakdown didn't last very long, so you decided to do your homework. A knock at the door had interrupted your thoughts, you groan annoyed and head for the door. Another knock fuels your annoyance, "Hold on I'm coming!" You shout. You open the door, to your surprise it's Raiden. But he's holding... flowers and chocolate, "Raiden?" You ask surprised, "Surprise! I came to ask you to go to the dance with me!" He says blushing, you could almost cry happy tears, you take the flowers and chocolate, revealing the white colored shirt and black pants he was wearing behind it, "You look dashing Raiden!" You say sweetly, he laughs nervously, "Thank you! This is... also for you by the way." He says handing you a note, it read:"Will you go to the dance with me?" Your heart melted, "I know you don't want to go, but maybe this could change your mind." He explained, you smile warmly, "I would love to go to he dance with you Raiden." You say, he jumps up in down in excitement before running into you for a hug, you smile and hug him back.

The date of the dance rolled around, you picked out the most stunning dress on. It was blue and white, a bird painted on the front, and flowy arm sleeves accompanied on the dress too. Your mother looked at you with teary eyes as she hugged you. Raiden waited outside for you, as you got ready. His jaw dropped at the sight of you, you were so beautiful. Your hair done into a neat bun, and your makeup down perfectly. Raiden felt like proposing to you right there right now. You hooked your arm into his, as you entered the school.

Kung Lao, Xingyin and Tifu were in awe of you! You were absolutely stunning. You Raiden danced hand in hand, ignoring the disapproving eyes staring at you. You rested your head against his chest, "Thank you. Raiden."


"This." You say sighing in relief, this was a moment tou knew you would cherish, and something you would definitely need to feel alive again. Raiden chuckled, "You're welcome Y/N, my love." He said resting his head against yours. The two of you locked eyes for a moment, your hearts feeling a spark between each other, Raiden pulls you into a loving and sweet kiss. You kiss back lovingly. This moment couldn't be anymore perfect, maybe Fengjian wasn't so bad after all.

*You guys, I love Raiden so much, he makes me happy. I'm like giddy school girl whenever I see him. Thanks TessaRichmond for the request!*

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