The Outworlders first flight ❤

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Includes: Kitana, Li Mei, Sindel, Mileena, Tanya, Rain and Syzoth

(Second person)

Chapter 1: The idea

You decided that it would a be a fun idea to take the Outworlders to go see the wonders of the Candian Forests and lakes. At first they were skeptical but they ended up falling in love with it later, except for Rain, it took a while for him to accept the idea. When he finally did, you booked the flights, being a close friend to Johnny Cage and his associates meant you had a lot of dough. But this was the greatest thing you could give them, and besides, maybe the Outworlders would be fascinated by the beauty of Earthrelm too.

Chapter 2: The airport

The day for all of you to catch the flight was finally here! You couldn't be happier. You thought everyone would be slow in getting there, but one thing about the Royal Family was that they hated being late, and they made sure everyone was prepared for the flight before due time. But the problem came with Empress Sindel the most, "Your majesty as prepared as you want to be, there are too many bags." You explain with a hand on your hip, "But Y/N! The pink one has my essentials!" She replies with a small pout, "Empress... they're all pink."

It took a while but you eventually got her down to a maximum of 2 bags. Now was the fun part, the airport. You all got there in one piece... thankfully. Tanya was close to ripping Rain's hair out.

You all took your bags and ID cards to the luggage section which helped you shake off the unnecessary weight. Sindel of course took a while cause she was still upset she could only take two of her bags, the rest were just filled with ball gowns.

Li Mei decided to take charge in leading this airport brigade, first everyone would find some good food to eat since you didn't have breakfast, and you would find a book for you, Kitana and Rain to read if they got bored. The last step was going through airport security.

Everything was going fine, you sat down at a local cafe near the security and you managed to snag 5 books to read and you were ready to go through.

But after doing a head count you realized someone was missing... you guys don't know where Syzoth is. Shit.

Chapter 3: The search

You all decided split up and find him. The rendezvous point would be the gates of the security check out, if anyone couldn't find Syzoth in about... 10 minutes, you would meet at the gate. Li Mei had sent out a bunch of lions to go looking for him, which was a surprise to a lot of the people in the airport, but she had no luck. Then came Sindel, she kept telling everyone to cover their ears so that she could banshee scream out for Syzoth, which also proved ineffective. Kitana and Mileena decided to stick together and had no luck, mostly because they kept getting distracted by the candy stores, but they drew their attention back to the mission at hand. Tanya was getting angry, so she was more upset that she couldn't find Syzoth rather than Syzoth being missing, so that meant she also struggle in finding him. Rain was having some luck, he found a few of his scales on the floor and decided to flow them, but they left him at a dead end. Out of everyone, you found him, and guess where you found him.

He was sunbathing outside by the community area, everyone was shrieking in fear. Lucky you arrived in time before someone could call animal control. You grabbed him by the ear and dragged him back to the security gate, "I'm sorry Y/N, I got distracted." He said meekly, "Well consider yourself lucky we didn't leave you behind Lizard." Rain spat venomously, "Hey! What did I say about being mean." You counter smacking Rain on the head. After that whole wild goose chase, it was finally time to go through security.

Chapter 4: The security check

You watched as everyone off loaded their bags onto the rack and emptied their pockets, belts and phones into the trays. You smile and turn around, "Okay everyone, security is simple! All you have to do is place your stuff onto the rack! Yes that includes your staffs Rain and Tanya." The mage and Umgadi sighed angrily, "And Empress Sindel, Princess Mileena and Kitana, you might have to take off your crowns." You explain, they all pout sourly, "Syzoth and Li Mei, you might have the least amount of trouble with this." You say, the Zetarrian smiles and holds out a hand for Li Mei, the two high five, "Okay, let's go."

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