Mk1 guys x Zatanna reader ✨

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*Basically this Y/N has Zatanna's powers from the DC comics. I had to look up her powers.*

🐉Johnny Cage🐉

- Thinks you're the coolest person ever

- He likes how you can manipulate lights, helps a lot in his carrier

- Always asks you what he's thinking so that you can use your telepathy

- Telekinesis comes in handy. When you forget something at him, the teleportation helps too

- Finds you endlessly fascinating, he thinks that you're one of a kind

- Does calm you down when you become consumed with the powers you have

- You can increase your decrease your size, sometimes you fit in his pocket

- Absolutely adores you

🐉Kenshi Takahashi🐉

- Your powers really come in handy

- They help a lot with his blindness

- Using your telepathy powers on him proves useful, it's how he discovered that he was a telepath too

- Likes the fact you're technically a cryomancer

- Is quite worried about the influence your powers have. They could easily be used for evil. But you help way that problem down day by day

- Your telepathy and telekinesis help him around whenever he's struggling to get around

- Loves you so much, he will never not be fascinated in you


- Finds you to be pretty cool

- You utilize your power to control ice and fire so that you can help him attack against a Lin Kuei or pryomancer

- Telepathy helps him talk to you in comfortable silence

- Shifting your size from small to big is a bit irritating because many tell him that he's shorter than you. In reality? You just made yourself bigger

- The bending reality things makes him a little nervous, but he still finds it intriguing

- He gets hurt a lot from sparring or working in the fields, so you being able to heal him helps lift the weight off his shoulders

- In the winter you can control your body temperature, so a good cuddle session with you being as warm as a fire place is pretty damm nice

- Thinks you're the most unique person ever and never thinks otherwise

🐉Kung Lao🐉

- Uses your powers as a challenge

- Likes to call you a magician as a nickname

- When he's lazy he'll ask you to pass him something, but he'll ask you to only use your telekinesis

- Likes that you can control ice. He uses you to train himself to fight Sub zero again

- He's stubborn when you use your healing powers on him

- Overall loves you, he just seems to be endlessly fascinated with your powers

🐉Fire God Liu Kang🐉

- Meeting you for the first time was fascinating, as he never saw you before in his previous life

- After hearing what your powers can do, you're under strict observation with him

- He's very concerned about the fact that you can bend reality

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