Diamond in the rough pt.2 🦋

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Diamond (Jade's daughter)

(Third person)

It had been years since Sindel had killed Jade, leaving her daughter alone in the world. She was graciously taken under Kotal Kahn's wing, and learned how to fight. Diamond was now 24 years old, although, she never forgot her last conversation with her mother, it haunted her, she finally understood what she meant by the fact that she cared more about her duties... Kotal had to tell her.

Jade was forced to conceive an heir by Shao Khan's orders, she had to do because Shao Kahn wanted her genes instead of Kitana's. Jade truly loved Diamond despite this so called 'arranged marriage' which ended up in the father being executed in the processes. Jade was forced to act cold and bitter, the tyrant had eyes everywhere, if Jade showed even the slightest glimmer of kindness to Diamond, they both would be killed. Diamond had never felt more at peace knowing that, but she still felt something was missing... closure. She treated Jade like a fool for years, Jade doing the same, but they had to, for they would be killed. Diamond wanted nothing more than to apologize for her terrible behavior, and she wanted Jade to apologize for all that she did wrong. But, it seemed impossible.

Diamond was now a beast slayer, she would tame those who were useful and 'euthanize' beasts that were blood thirsty. Over the years she gained scars on her body, so much so it made her look like she was punching bag. She had lost her left pinky finger to a bite from a rat beast, she also couldn't see 100% of the time, her eyes couldn't focus when she was exhausted. She would thank the snake beast for spitting the acid in her eyes. Finally her stomach, a tiger beast clawed her chest, leaving giant scratches across her body. Her scars tell stories, but they will always be a burden.

Diamond watched as Kotal Kahn was executing the Kollector. He had committed treason, the girl sat on the throne next to Kotal's. The Kollector was about to die, until a giant sandstorm swarmed in the middle of the Colosseum. It revealed... Jade? Diamond scraped the sand from her eyes, seeing her mother in front of her. Her eyes winded, "Mother?" She said softly, the green Edinian didn't hear her. Shao Kahn had declared a battle with Kotal, forcing him to come forward, as they were fighting, Diamond decided to lead everyone to the bunker, "ALL OF YOU! WITH ME!" She yelled. Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Princess Kitana and Jade followed her.

Once in the bunker, they could all finally catch their breath. Jade squinted, "Diamond? Is that you?" The girl turned, seeing her mother in front of her, "Hello mother." She replied, Diamond grew taller than Jade now. Kitana stood forward, "What happened to you? You look so, beat up." The princess said concerned, "I have taken the title as beats slayer, these scars on my body represent that." The other explained, holding her hand up in the air. Liu Kang noticed the cloudiness of her eyes, "My eyes were sprayed with venom, relax, I can see you all." Diamond said fed up. Jade attempted to grab her daughter's hand, until a second sand storm whirled about, everyone's eyes being beat by the rush of it. Jade held on to her daughter's hands, Diamond surprisingly held back.

It turns out that Dvorrah had escaped with Shao Kahn, leaving everyone astray. Kotal Kahn assumed they would be back for war, that meant everyone would have to prepare. Diamond had gone back to her quarters in Kotal's Palace, it was filled with the trophies of the beasts she slayed. A knock at her door had caught her attention, "If you must, come in." She said annoyed. Jade peeked her head into the room, her eyes lighting up seeing all the trophies, "Diamond? Did you do all of this?" She asked, "Mother?" She started, she looked at the walls, "Yes, this was all me."

"Fascinating... may I talk with you?" The  Edinian asked, Diamond gave a small nod. Jade sat down on the bed, hands folded in her lap, "I'm not your mother am I? Atleast in this timeline." Diamond chuckled, "No, my mother is a revenant, she was killed by Empress Sindel." The girl explained sitting down, Jade felt her heart sink, "I remember that the horn went off, the castle was under attack..."

"That attack was Empress Sindel." Diamond interrupted, "Then you didn't miss much, it's like I'm sti 16 to you." She said bitterly. Jade sighed, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I treat you the way I do, or well, did." She started, "I was told not to, as Shao Kahn wanted another tyrant in his life. I was told I was supposed to keep you alive but never allow you to live." She started to ramble, "I wanted to everything I could to bond but I-" Jade was cut off from her speech, Diamond had tackled her into a warm and spine crushing hug, "I know, I know what you had to do." Jade felt the guilt lift from her shoulders, she hugged her daughter back as she felt her eyes pour her tears, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Jade chanted over and over, Diamond kissed her cheek, "I'm sorry too, I love you mother." The younger girl said smiling, Jade laughed through her tears, "I love you too, my daughter." The older woman said kissing her child's temple. Diamond finally felt that guilt fade away, the feeling of pride and gratefulness filling her heart, she finally had her mother... she finally had her mom.

*This chapter is so stupid but I wanted to get it done to try and twiddle down the remaining requests I have! But thank you again to Jade29_mk for the request!*

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