Saviour 💚

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(Mk1) Tomas Vrbada (Smoke) x Y/N

(Second person)

Being the daughter of Quan Chi was nothing but hell. Your father was the monster of your dreams, the reason for your suffering. Seeing him torture the innocent for his own gain never failed to make you feel like utter waste. This woman promised him a life he was destined to have, although it came with so many consequences. This new friend he made too also made you feel uneasy, this Shang Tsung he would constantly work with would fuel his desire for power. You had enough.

You only had one person to turn to, Tomas. You met him not too long ago, in the Lin Kuei's ice gardens. He initially thought you were a intruder, but once you posed no threat, he let you go. Little did you know he ultimately fell in love with you. You started to see each other in secret, but he had known you long enough to let him know your origins. At first he was skeptical of you, thinking you're using him to get closer to Liu Kang, but no, you posed no threat once again. Oh how you loved him, and how he loved you.

You sat peacefully on the top level of the castle, hanging off the ledge and dangling your legs over the wall, "Y/N be careful! If you fall you'll die!" Your father shouted, you roll your eyes and sit back on the castle. He sighs, "Please Y/N, if I lost you, I wouldn't know what to do." He said lifting your chin up, Shang Tsung smiled warmly at your interaction with your father. As Quan Chi walked off, Shang still had something to say to you, "Your father really does love you Y/N, I had never seen such devotion." You pull your face at him, he walks away with a grin. You had a small amount of guilt to you, you loved your father, and he loved you, but lord did you suffer because of his actions.

You look past the wall, seeing three people standing on a small cliff near the castle. You ask one of the guards for a telescope, you place your eye against it, seeing... Tomas. Your heart lights with glee, his two brothers standing next to him. You had to warn him, you had to keep him out of trouble, you quickly scurry to entrance wall to meet him. At first you hide behind a pillar because of Bi Han and Kuai Liang, you wait patiently for Tomas to be alone. Once the three devise a plan, they leave Tomas outside as a lookout. You quickly sneak towards him, "Tomas?" You say quietly, he turns, seeing you standing behind the giant wooden door. His heart skips a beat seeing you, "Y/N!" He shouts running to you, he picks you up and twirls you around, "What are you doing here!? Your brothers left you alone."

"Never worry about me my love. Our plan was for me to stay out here as Kuai and Bi Han head inside." He explains nuzzling your nose with his, "I understand... but it's not safe Tomas! My father might see you... who knows what he'll do." You begin to pace around, "He might take your soul, use it in this soulnado... I can't let that happen." You say, he chuckles, "Do not fret my love, for I am safe." He says cupping your cheek, you smile as he does. Minutes pass, and you finally see Kuai Liang storming out the castle, you did not have time to hide. He stops in his tracks, analyzing the scene in front of him, "Tomas, who is she." He says readying his weapon, "Wait Kuai Liang! She is... my lover." He explains, the other brother stares at you in disbelief, you had a striking resemblance to Quan Chi, making him skeptical. You flee to safer ground, "Where's Bi Han?" The white haired man asked, "He has betrayed us, he now joins Quan Chi and Shang Tsung." The yellow ninja says harshly, you furrow your eyebrows, "Betrayed... what do we do now?" Tomas asked sadly, "For now we stay together Tomas." He places a hand on his shoulder, "We may not share blood, but we are brothers." Kuai Liang explained, the younger brother held his hand firm in reassurance, you smile at their exchange. The fire brother stares at you with cold eyes, your face falling slightly as you break a sweat, "As for you. What makes you think I will trust you, even if you are my brothers lover." He said harshly, you raise an eyebrow at him, "Because I can help you." You say, he scoffs, "How?"

"I am Quan Chi's daughter." You start, "I, like many, want him defeated. I know my father's next move like the back of my hand. I could prove as an aid." You explain standing before Kuai Liang, the fire brother narrows his eyes, Tomas looking away in horror. Suddenly the sound of ice forming snaps you away from your conversation with Kuai Liang, Bi Han stood ready with his weapon in his hand, his eyes narrowed, "TRAITOR!" Scorpion yelled lunging towards him, only for him to be tossed aside by his brother, "You... a pathetic excuse for a bother... I shall end you!" He said striking at Tomas, you watch as the two fight, intervening when needed. Scorpion had gained the upper hand and began to attack Bi Han from behind, leaving him alone to attack only him. You watch as the two fight, helping Tomas up after being wounded. Kuai Liang was pushed to the ground, as Bi Han stood before him, "I don't want you getting in my way." Sub Zero said pulling out an icicle in his hand. Scorpion lept to his feet before the blade could touch him. The two brothers fought effortlessly, neither giving up their battle, you sit Tomas up on his haunches, "I need to help him Tomas, will you be okay?" You ask him, he weakly nods. Scorpion and Sub Zero continue to fight, neither of them surrendering. You join in, kicking Bi Han to his knees, giving Kuai Liang the advantage of striking his brother, grabbing his icicle and breaking it. Though... out of sight, he had created another in his left hand, Kuai stared wide eyed, Bi Han was ready to strike. The yellow ninja was preparing his body for the pain, only to feel himself fall to the floor, a cry eminating from you behind him, "NO!" Smoke yelled reaching out for you. You hold your eye in pain, a nasty scar starting from your forehead, through your eye and down to your cheek had been left by the eldest brother. Scorpion rushed over to you in concern, "Leave me, I will be fine, finish him." You say as Tomas grabs you, holding you in his arms. The two brothers finally end their match, leaving Bi Han unconscious on the floor. Kuai Liang lifted him onto his shoulders and rushed towards you and Tomas, "Are you alright Y/N?" Tomas asked worriedly, you groan in pain, "I'm fine, my love." You say holding out your hand for him, he happily accepted it. Kuai Liang stood before you, dropping his brother next to you, "You saved my life... stranger." He started, "For that, I am in your debt." He said holding his fist to his chest and bowing to you, "Oh please, I saved you from gaining a nasty scar." You say jokingly, "My offer still stands, if you wish to end my father and Shang Tsung, then you will need me." You watch as Kuai Liang's face contorts to that of annoyance, "Take me to your leader, and I will help you." You say harshly as you stand up, helping Tomas do the same. The middle brother glanced at his younger brother, his eyes telling Kuai to trust you. Kuai Liang looked at you with narrow eyes, "If you betray us... I will hang your head on a mantel." He threatened, you smile as Tomas kisses your cheek in happiness, "The same goes for breaking Tomas's heart." He says picking up Bi Han again and hoisting him up on his shoulders. The three of you begin your treacherous journey back to the Wu Shi Academy.

Quan Chi had sent out search parties for you, holding onto the slight chance of finding you alive. He paced around the courtyard as his friend placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "SEARCH HARDER YOU IDIOTS! FIND HER!" He yelled in rage, Shang Tsung beginning to worry. Finally something of yours turned up, the necklace you wore around your neck, the one Quan Chi had given you years ago. Shang stared at it in disbelief as he watched the other sorcerer grab the necklace, "We believe she was taken, Quan Chi sir." The guard said, the sorcerer gripped the necklace till his knuckles turned white. He screamed towards the sky, his heart breaking knowing that you were taken from him. He dropped to his knees as he began to breathe heavily, "Calm yourself Quan Chi, we will find her." He said to reassure him, the other sorcerer felt rage seep into his bloodstream, "And when we do, I will make them all pay for taking her from me." He said in a sinister tone. He didn't care what happens, he was going to save you.

*This is very bad and I'm very sorry. This has potential for a part 2 in my opinion, but that's up to you guys to decide! What do you think? Thank you to reesescup10 for the request!*

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