Kombatans x Jean Grey reader ✨

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🐉Cassie Cage🐉

- She loves her telekinesis powers, she kinds utilizes it to grab stuff that's far away

- She's really into the fact that you can read minds just like Takeda

- But yours is... different. Being able to manipulate people with your telepathy kinda freaks her out

- Other than that she really adores you, and the fact you can use your telekinesis as a battle tactic

- Thinks you're cool, just don't manipulate people

🐉Jacqui Briggs🐉

- Loves the telekinesis. She always wished she had that power

- Being able to read peoples minds like Takeda kinda ticks her off (pretend she broke up with him and went for you)

- Yours is a bit special which is interesting to her

- Sometimes the both of you like to play pranks on some of the jerks at the base by tricking them into doing something stupid

- Loves you to bits


- Finds you intriguing

- She uses your telepathy to a big advantage

- She also loves how you can move things with your mind. It's a good defense technique

- Tries to get you to mind link a bunch of people (Make everyone hear your thoughts) to embarrass them if they ever speak badly about her

- Utilizes you as a weapon, but truly adores you


- Is a bit intimidated

- Your powers are quite strong she will admit

- The telekinesis is especially something she's drawn to

- But what intimidates her is your telepathy skills. And the fact you can shift minds

- Over time you grow on her and she begins to utilize some of your powers

- Using your telepathy for information on enemies is the most vital for her

- Loves you to bits


- Very fascinated with you

- Asks you a bunch of questions on your powers, she's just that fascinated with you

- You tease her sometimes by reading her mind when she's thinking about you

- Your telekinesis is handy when you're cuddling you or her want something

- Adores you

🐉Kung Jin🐉

- Pretty sketchy of you

- Slowly warms up to you

- Likes your telekinesis though he won't lie

- Hearing his thoughts sometimes makes him a bit paranoid so he asks you not to do that often

- Warms up to you eventually and then you two get into all sorts of trouble

- Loves you

🐉Takeda Takahashi🐉

- Very excited about the fact that you're a telepath like him

- Intrigued that your telepathy is able to control minds

- Matter transformation is really cool to him (he's a chem nerd) so seeing you do it in front of his eyes mesmerizes him

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