Raiden (MK1) x Shy Reader ✨

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*Raiden is just a sweet boy, I love him so much. For this one, I'm thinking kind of a Komi can't communicate situation (basically having such bad anxiety you physically can't talk to people). But I'm also thinking Fluttershy! But anyway, lets see what I can do*

- Your shyness is quite a curse. On one hand you have no trouble communicating with some people you love and when you need to (school, restaurants etc.) But on the other hand, you freeze up everytime you speak to someone new, or you speak so softly no one can hear you

- He's very polite about how shy you are, he doesn't really care about it

- But he does get a bit worried when you're alone and you have to speak (e.g at the shop, restaurant)

- Others sometimes think you're quite rude for not saying anything, but Raiden always steps in too help!

- He's really happy you're comfortable enough to speak around him, it makes him feel loved, and honestly a bit prideful

- You don't have a lot of trouble communicating by yourself, though, it's only when you need to

- Was quite concerned when he saw how badly you froze when you someone greeted you, he had to step in to explain why you were like that

- Raiden was very patient with you, he never forced you to talk or pressured you into coming out of your shell

- He does try to encourage you to talk, he does want you to atleast talk to others besides him

- Your shyness can render you mute at times, so he helps you by making communication cards or learning sign language

- When you're around people you're comfortable around, it's a very big change from your usual quiet self

- Overall Raiden just loves you too bits and would do anything for you

*Hello! This is a headcannon chapter that's very simple to write so that's why I'm posting! But this lovely chapter was brought to you by HannaTheHP600! Thank you so much*

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