Blind Swordsman 💚

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(Mkx) Kenshi Takahashi x Y/N

(Third person)

It had been years since Kenshi had lost his wife. The pain of her death still manifested in his heart. It pained him even more for him to leave Takeda with Hanzo. His son was the last thing he had left, a reminder of his wife, he was so much like her. But he could take care of him, his mentality would turn him sour.

Although, years later Kenshi fell in love again, with Y/N. He was tasked to go to Outworld with his team, when he met her. She was injured, and dying, he had saved her life. The two shared many moments together... they were deeply in love, their loved blossomed into something more. A child. Their child's name was Sarita, Takeda's little sister. Y/N often wanted Kenshi to talk about him, but the wound in his heart was too raw for him to do so. Sarita had turned 5 years old already, it was time she knew about her older brother. Kenshi took a sigh, this was what he had to do, he had to see Takeda again.

Takeda and Hanzo were fighting together, Takeda trying to prove his strength to his master. When the fight ended, it was once again that Hanzo was victorious, "You keep leaving yourself venerable Takeda." He explains helping the boy up from the floor, Takeda rolled his eyes. The telepath was now 18, Hanzo believed raising him healed part of his soul. The boy looked at him with a smile, "But I am getting stronger right?" He asked, "Of course, but I just wish you'd fight smarter but harder." Hanzo commented with a wink, making the boy grin. The older man sighed, "Takeda, I have news for you."

"News? What is it? Is it good? Bad?" The boy asked following behind Hanzo, "Whatever reason you deem fit. But your father has recently contacted me, he wants to see you." He explained, the boy groaned, "Oh really? After 18 years he wants to see me." He says with a sour tone, "Takeda, he wanted to see you, believe me. But his heart was wounded by your mother's death... he needed time."

"And 18 years wasn't enough for him! He's a jerk and always was!" Takeda yells, Scorpion spits flames from his sides, lighting a nearby trash pile on fire. Takeda took a step back, "Never speak of him like that Takeda. Loosing someone isn't as easy as you think, he loves you Takeda, and that's the truth." Hanzo said angrily, "Believe me, I know." He says turning his back to him, Takeda softens, "I, I'm sorry. It's just... if he loves me, why didn't he come see me?" The young boy says with a sad tone, Hanzo softened as well, "Believe me Takeda, he has tried, many times... but he couldn't." He explained placing a hand on Takeda's shoulder.

Hanzo felt a presence nearby, "He is here." He said. Kenshi and Y/N walked through the alley, Takeda felt a boil of rage in his blood, but he calmed himself. The woman was what Takeda was more surprised by. Kenshi couldn't see him, but he knew he was there, "Takeda?" He said, Takeda stepped forward for Kenshi to touch him. A feeling of sympathy, even pity, fell upon Takeda. Kenshi resisted to cry, "I'm sorry." He said, Takeda felt part of him feel annoyed, but the other part of him... it felt like he had closure. Kenshi finally admitted that he was sorry, Takeda felt part of him heal.

Y/N stepped forward, "You are Takeda?" She asked, "My name is Y/N... I am your step mother." She said worriedly. Takeda didn't say a word, "I know your mother, she was a beautiful woman. She would have been so proud of you Takeda." Y/N said trying to reach out to him, Takeda felt himself feel free. He put his chin in her hand, she smiled as she swiped her thumb against his cheek, "Ugh, you look just like your father, I'm so happy I get to meet you!" Y/N said with much enthusiasm.

Sarita peeked behind her mother's leg, the little girl looked at her older brother with sparkly eyes. Takeda cocked his head, "Who are you?" He asked kneeling down to meet her eyes. Are you my big brother? She said, but Takeda heard it, she was a telepath... just like him. Takeda smiled, a tear threatening to spill. Hi little one, I am! What's your name? The little girl smiled, "My name is Sarita!" She said with a cute little smile, everyone smiled, Takeda opened his arms for her to dive into.

Hanzo smiled at the scene. Takeda and Kenshi could finally heal.

*Thanks reesescup10 for the request!*

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