My love 💚

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(Mk1) Fire God Liu Kang x Y/N

(Third person)

"Y/N! We must leave! Our plans are almost full proof." Shang Tsung yelled to his daughter, Y/N sat by the window, staring longingly out of it, ignoring her father's words. She breathed a fresh breath of cold air before she replied to her father, "Be there in a minute Father." She said packing her things.

She trekked down to the outside of her father's fake laboratory, the nicer, innocent side. Shang Tsung smiled seeing his daughter, he immediately walked up to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "How are you my dear?" He asked innocently, "I'm fine father. Where are we going?" Y/N asked with a annoyed face, "We're going to a fortress my dear, we're going to create an army." He says menacingly, his daughter cringed, "Father, I don't like what we're doing..." Shang Tsung turned to face her, "I'm afraid Y/N we have to, it will give us the glory we want, and the life I've always wanted to give you." Shang said cupping his daughter's cheek. She groaned and moved his hand, "I don't like it father! I was happy with what we had, even if we had nothing..." Y/N was on the verge of tears, Shang Tsung stepped back, "WE HAD NOTHING Y/N! I was supposed to take care of you! Give you the best life I could give you! THIS MY CHANCE OF FIXING THAT MISTAKE!" he yells, his friend, Quan Chi, heard his yelling and stiffend. Shang Tsung had tears he was threatening to spill as well, "But father... you're fixing something that was never broken. But you're definitely ruining what we have." Y/N spat, Shang Tsung felt his heart physically break, Y/N ran outside the fake laboratory, tears streaming down her face. Shang Tsung gripped the edge of his workbench, his anger caving, he threw the beakers and bottles on the floor, breaking them and spilling whatever liquid was inside. Quan Chi stood behind him, a hand on his back, "She is a fool." He mumbled.

Y/N ran far, really far. So far she found herself close to a village. The people there were friendly enough to let her pass, the sorceress noticed a farmer crying over his fields. They were shriveled and black, the farmer heartbroken at the sight. Y/N's heart soften, "Please, allow me." She says placing a hand on her shoulders, the farmer furrowed his eyebrows. Y/N bent down, whispers a spell as she touched the soil, slowly the plants began to turn a bright green, growing larger by the second. Y/N turned around to face him again, a smile plastered on his face, "WITCH! YOU'RE A WITCH!" The farmer said backing away from the sorceress, Y/N cocked her head, "What? No I helped you." She explained offering a hand to him, "WITCH! THERE'S A WITCH IN THE VILLAGE!" He kept yelling, every other villager began to scream and cry, repeatedly calling out the word 'witch'.

Soon they all had you backed up in the corner, but two gentlemen stepped forward. Both wearing hats, though one was a farmer's hat, the other was rimmed with blades, "Relax everyone, we will handle this ourselves." The farmer hat one explained, "Kill her!" one villager yelled, "THROW HER OFF THE CLIFF!" another shouted, "No no please! I beg of you don't kill me! I was only trying to help!" Real tears of fear were spilling from Y/N's eyes. The two hatted men looked at her with sad eyes "Perhaps we should take her to lord Liu Kang. He'll know what to do." The bladded hat one suggested, the other nodded, "Miss, come with us." He held out his hand, "I promise, we won't hurt you." He said. Y/N cautiously took his hand, lifting her up and guiding her through the crowd.

Y/N found herself in some sort of Fire Temple. The place was flooded with Monks. She felt strange, like a prisoner almost. The bladded hat man walked into the temple, leaving her outside with the farmer hat one.

Lord Liu Kang was staring into the flames in the giant cauldron in the center of the room. Kung Lao knocked on his door, he allowed him to enter, "Lord Liu Kang." He said bowing, the fire god smiled, "Kung Lao, what worries you?"

"There's this girl we rescued from Fengjian... the villagers kept calling her a witch." He explained, Lord Liu Kang cocked his head, "A witch? Where is she?" He asked, "She's with Raiden outside! I believe she's a sorceress." Kung Lao said crossing his arms. Liu Kang nodded, following Kung Lao outside.

Y/N had caught a glimpse of Lui Kang out of the corner of her eyes. But once she saw him up close, she almost fell to her knees. The most beautiful man was standing in front of her, she felt her cheeks go red, "So you are the witch?" He asked teasingly, Y/N gulped. Liu Kang chuckled, "Strange, you are not like the sorcerers I know, what brings you here traveler?" He asked calmly, Kung Lao and Raiden standing on either side of the sorceress, incase she decided to make a run for it. Y/N was contemplating whether she should tell Liu Kang the full history of her past, who her father is, and what he plans on doing. Her heart was beating rapidly from the stress, "Calm yourself, it is but a simple question." Kung Lao said annoyed, "Leave her Kung Lao, she's scared. The villagers tried to throw her off a cliff for pete sake." Raiden countered, the relief flushing Y/N's system. The sorceress took a breath before speaking, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to trespass... I was running away." She explained, they all looked at you wide eyed, "Run away? From what?" Raiden asked, "My father, he wants to take over Outworld, then Earthrelm. He wants ultimate power." She explained, thinking about the horrid memories. Liu Kang's eyes widened further, his stomach dropping, "Who is your father? What's his name?" He asked intensely. At this point, what your father was doing was inhuman, he deserved to get caught, "His name is Shang Tsung. Why?" Y/N asked confused, Liu Kang felt his spine fill with chills. He stomped up to her, looking her in the eye, she didn't mind, he was a beautiful specimen to look at, "You, are the daughter of Shang Tsung?" He asked, his voice coated in fear and anger, "I am... why?"

"What did you do to the village people?" He asked angrily, fearing that she had hurt someone to draw attention herself. Y/N felt her body tense, the fear was coming back, "I was helping a farmer! His crops were dead and he needed my help!" She explained, the fear tears creeping into her tear ducts, "Is that so?" He asked, thinking you were lying, "Lord Liu Kang, with all due respect... I believe her." Raiden said stepping in, "When we investigated, no one was hurt, she was terrified for her life... I believe she wouldn't harm a fly." Liu Kang truly did trust what Raiden was saying. He believed that Y/N was in fact as innocent as they thought she was, the fact that she was so afraid of him was showing that. The fire god looked over at you, seeing your relieved face, "You ran away from Shang Tsung? Did he hurt you?"

"Not physically, emotionally." Y/N corrected, "He wants ultimate power just to feel alive... I thought what we had was something that was unbreakable... something that would make him happy. Something worth more than ultimate power." She explained feeling herself shrink just thinking about it, "I see. What is your name?" Liu Kang asked calmly, "My name is Y/N Tsung." The sorceress answered quickly, "Come Y/N, you will forever be safe, in my temple." Liu Kang said, making Y/N feel truly welcome in the fire temple. But what about this Liu Kang fellow?

*Thanks reesescup10 for the request! This definitely has the potential for a part 2*

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