The Werefox ❤

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(MK1) Kitana x Y/N

(Third person)

The evening air was quiet and still, the sound of the nature around her could be heard. The fox trotted towards the trees, scratching its back against the bark. She wiggled her head, dusting the dust off of her head. She could hear the sounds of music coming towards the palace near by, she immediately began her trek down the hill.

Kitana sat peacefully at the dinner table, desperately trying to finish her food quickly in order to leave. Her sister took notice, "You're scarfing, stop that." She said with narrow eyes, "I'm not! I'm just hungry. I haven't eaten since the morning." She said sourly, her sister rolled her eyes, "No fighting at the table! I'm tired of this." Their mother scolded, the two sisters immediately went quiet. Finally dinner was over, and Kitana ran to her room, she saw out of the window, a fox as black as night. It's fur glistening in the moonlight, she smiled and quickly opened her back door to her own personal garden. Kitana wanted her own garden for a number of reasons, but her main reason was because of her love for nature and greenery. But what she loved most about her garden, was the clear path into the living forest it gave, she loved it more than anything. It also allowed her fox to explore he forest whenever she wanted too. Kitana knelt down to meet the fox's yellow eyes, "Hello my love." She said petting the fox and standing up. The fox began to morph, her body began to stand up right, and her ears disappeared. Most of her fur had been lost, except for the lovely head of hair she was left with. The fox turned into a beautiful woman, her eyes still remaining that same yellow, her skin a shade of tan, "Kitana my darling." She says.

The two sat on the bench in Kitana's garden, enjoying the moonlight and stars, "I tried to catch the fish in the river nearby, but I almost died. Not to mention I hit my head really hard while trying to dive into a burrow." Y/N explained, Kitana giggled, "Sounds like you had a day." She said laughing, Y/N chuckled, "I did, how about you? I'm sure being the princess of Outworld comes with it's cons?" Y/N said sipping her tea, Kitana rolled her eyes, "The royal courts make me want to pull my hair out." She said, "I felt like strangling one of counts today too. He's Count Wenzhi of the northern province, he kept going on and on about how much his father left for him after he passed, it made her angry." She explains, angrily sipping her tea. The werefox stared at her with dreamy eyes, the Outworld princess noticed, "What?" She asked, "You're really pretty when you're angry." The fox says making Kitana laugh, "Oh my silly vixen, you make my heart melt." She says kissing her cheek.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps was heard, making your body freeze. Oh shit. Kitana looked behind her to see her sister approaching, "Quickly! Run before she sees you!" The princess said, you ran straight into the forest, where you quickly began to morph, "I was wondering where you were." Mileena said crossing her arm, she noticed her baby sister's panicked demeanor, "What's wrong?" She asked, "Oh me!? Nothing sister! I'm just, it's hot out here." The younger sister says fanning herself, "Fair enough, but it looks like you've seen a ghost." She wouldn't mind stop prying, making it harder for Kitana to keep her composure. Y/N began to think for a moment, an idea exploding in her head. Mileena heard a rustle coming from the bushes, immediately she pulled her sais out in defense. Instead it was just Y/N, but in fox form. Kitana sighed in relief, "Where did this one come from." Mileean said kneeling down to Y/N, the fox pressed it's head against her palm, "Aww it's cute!" She said picking her up, which Y/N didn't mind, "Oh, that's Y/N, she's a vixen that comes by once in a while." And the love of my life. Mileena smiled at her sister, "You're lucky you get to have pet, I've always wanted a cat!" The elder sister said putting the fox down, '"Well, I just came to see you, I'm glad you're okay sister." Mileena said holding Kitana in a hug before walking off, the fox squeaked at Kitana, "I know, you want to introduce yourself." She said picking the fox up, "But I'm not ready yet." The young princess said, the vixen licked her face and began to laugh, "One day my love, one day."

*Nah but really, I might make this werefox character into an oc. Thank you JDFan23 for the request!*

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