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(MK1) Kenshi Takahashi x Y/N

(Second person)

Liu Kang had given you all the task of finding Shang Tsung, it was a job that could be done overnight, if done properly. You, Johnny, Kenshi and Kung Lao made your way through the portal, it was nighttime in Outworld it seems. You had to watch as Kenshi fought with Johnny and meeting a kind Tarkat victim, Baraka. Your heart grew sore for their conditions, how it reminded you gravely of your childhood.

Baraka offered to take you to Shang Tsung's laboratory, you could feel his presence becoming stronger. The whole time you couldn't help but wonder how strange it was seeing Johnny and Kenshi fighting, of course Johnny had Sento which Kenshi wanted. But it confused you on how stubborn he was in giving the poor man the sword, "Baraka, thank you, we wouldn't have gotten far without you." You say interrupting Johnny and Kenshi's arguing, the other man nodded, "My pleasure, all I ask, is that you bring him to justice, and do not make me regret not killing you." He said in his gruff scratchy voice. You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a hug, the other three men growing shocked, "You'll be... infected." He said worried about you, "It's okay, I just thought you needed it." You say squeezing him tighter, he instinctively wrapped his arms around you. Stray tears fell from his eyes, "Thank you." He said as you pulled away, you nod and walk onwards, "Are you coming Baraka?"

"I cannot, for I will be taken, I'll be waiting here, for all of you." He explained. As you trekked on towards the lab, you could feel Kenshi's stare burning a whole through your neck, "What Takahashi?" You say annoyed, he gulps, "What was that all about? With Baraka, you could have risked being infected with Tarkat." You roll your eyes, "He needed it, he reminds me a lot of my childhood. A young girl orphaned and forced to live on the streets. The only kindness I was shown, was the kindness of those rejected by society." I explain as we reach the door, Kenshi's eyes soften at my words, Kung Lao and Johnny too.

We could hear Shang Tsung's voice inside. Carefully we snuck inside, listening to the sound of his voice to guide us. We watched as we saw Rain and Tanya standing over Princess Mileena, Shang Tsung holding some kind of serum in his hand. Your eyes widened, "What is he doing?" You whisper, "He's infecting Princess Mileena with Tarkat." Kung Lao observes, "And he's got two of Sindel's top dogs on it too." Johnny said, "We must save her, are you all ready?" Kenshi asked, well all nodded our heads.

We rushed up the stairs, your weapon in hand, "Get away from her!" Kenshi yelled, "You Bitch." Johnny mumbled, your laughter couldn't be contained, you snorted and giggled at his line, "Excuse me?" Kung Lao asked confused, "You know! The movie! Tiny girl, ginormous alien, RIPLEY!" You all pause, "Seriously? Nothing?" You calm down from your laughter, "Earthrelmers..." Rain says blasting a water ball at Kung Lao, "They've seen too much." Tanya says coming to attack you. We immediately start to fight back, Shang Tsung dropping his syringe full of serum. You and Tanya continue your brawl, Kenshi coming to help you in between, "You showed great strength at the tournament against me! Where is your strength now." She teased you, you growl and uppercut her and knock her on the floor, "It never left." You say pointing your weapon towards her throat, "Now, if you don't want me to take your life, give us Shang Tsung, and I will spare it." You say coldly, but you know you could never truly kill her, "Like hell I would, go ahead, kill me." Tanya says smiling at you, with tears in your eyes you scratch her cheek with your weapon, her gaze softens as she see you. Before either of you can speak, something was happening to Princess Mileena, "You fools! If you let me cure her none of this would have happened." Shang Tsung yells, swiftly trying to finish his serum. Tanya gets up from the floor and tries to restrain Princess Mileena, but she only ends up knocked out on the floor, Rain the same. All four of you are close together, trying to think of how to help her, "Got an idea guys?" You ask, "Nothing, but one thing we can't do is hurt her." Kenshi said, "Her?! I'm worried about us..." Johnny cringes.

The princess comes towards you all, attacking you with full strength. She managed to knock out Kung Lao and leave Johnny helpless on the floor. She was terrorizing Kenshi, you had to help him, you ran full speed knocking her back against a table, "Kenshi, go, I will handle her." You explain, "Y/N no, I'm not leaving you." He protests, you watch as she grabs two sais on the table and runs full speed towards you. Before you defend yourself, you push Kenshi away. The sais made contact with your eyes, effectively piercing through them. You screamed in agony as you started to pass out from blood loss, "Y/N!" Kenshi yelled. Shang Tsung was able to inject the cure into Princess Mileena, neutralizing the situation. You pass out on the floor, your life fading from you as they spoke, "Y/N!" Kenshi said running to you, Johnny and Kung Loa surrounding you. You stare weakly at whomever you were facing, "Can't... see." You say shakily, "Come on Y/N stay with us!" Johnny says, biting back tears, "We'll be home soon!" Kung Lao encourages. You smile at his words, "I... was, home." You say, your hand slowly falling from Kenshi's chest. You had been bleeding out so badly that you had your life drained from you. The three men felt their tears form, "NO! NO! NO!" Kenshi said as he felt tears stream out his eyes. Princess Mileena regained consciousness, Shang Tsung smiling at the scene in front of him. The princess saw the men in their state, "Earthrelmers?" She said groggily, Kenshi snapped, his head turning towards her, "You..." he said coldly, he swiftly passed your body to Kung Lao, "YOU DID THIS! YOU KILLED HER!" he yelled at the Princess, who was of course confused, until she saw your body. Her face falls.

Kitana and General Shao arrive, their eyes widened the scene. Kitana protectively stands in front of your sister, "What in Argus's name is happening here?" Kitana asked slightly annoyed, Kenshi almost swipes her head off, "SHE KILLED HER!" He yelled in anger. Johnny pulling him away, "Kenshi, chill." He said, Kitana noticed your limp body laying in Kung Lao's hands. Her eyes widened, "Mileena." She turned to her sister, "Did, you do this?" She asked surprised, "I don't know... I don't remember."

"BULLSHIT!" Kenshi yells, "Enough of this, take them to the dungeons, they've seen enough." General Shao commands, Kitana still confused by the ordeal, but actually quite sad at your death. Kenshi watched as they dragged your body away, he desperately tried to knock him out from his squirming. The others stared, their hearts breaking at the sight... but you knew you did the right thing, you saved someone.

*Thanks to _M1LL3_ for this request! Actually very tempted to make a part two on this!*

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