Perhaps in a different life ❤

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(Mk1) Liu Kang x (Mk1) Titan Kitana

(Third person)

It was on a rare occasion that Liu Kang and Kitana could be together like this. Alone, isolated, only they exist in the thousands of possibilities in the time room. Kitana loved mouldings timelines that favored nature, the true Mother Nature. While Liu Kang accompanied her as Father Time.

The two scanned through thousands of possibilities. But they always came back to see their relationship in each one. In one they were enemies, in one they were friends, in another, they were foxes that raised a den together. The two would look at them, and ponder what life was like in that realm, and who had created these beautiful lives they had. Kitana stared with starry eyes, her smile couldn't be contained as she stared at the beauty she created in her own timeline, "Oh Liu Kang look! The mountain grew fruit trees! The animals won't go hungry tonight." She said, watching at the Edinians in her timeline played with the monkeys and birds, watching them munch on fruit. Liu Kang smiled, how he admired Kitana so much when she was happy. It was so, comforting, she would act almost child like when she was around him. She would make funny noises and jump up and down when she saw something exciting. Liu Kang cherised every moment. He hung his arms around her neck, "How exciting my love." He said kissing her cheek, Kitana looked closely at her timeline, how it was thriving.

She saw so many of their old friends, greeting each other, living in peace. But then, something strange occurred, it was Liu Kang and Kitana. Liu Kang seemed to have been carrying a basket full of fruit, he placed it down, and saw the love of his life waiting for him at the door. Kitana, in this timeline... was pregnant. Liu Kang kissed her cheek and placed his hand on the baby bump, a small child appeared next to Kitana, a little baby girl that looked just like her mother. Liu Kang picked her up and nuzzled her face, Kitana laughed and wrapped her arms around her family. Liu Kang smiled at the timeline, his eyes glowing, although his heart felt empty. Suddenly he felt wetness on his arms, he looked at Kitana, she was crying. He frowned and pulled her into a hug, the other Titan sobbing into his chest. It broke his heart to see her like this, but there was nothing he could do, but comfort her. Kitana looked up at him, Liu Kang swiped a tear away, Kitana held his hand, "Why, why does the Universe always manage to conspire against us?" She asked, her lover looking at her with sad eyes, "I just... I want us to finally be together. To have what they had! To love you everyday." Kitana sobbed, the former Shaolin lifted her chin to face him, "We may not have what they have, and we may not know why the universe doesn't want us to be together. But one thing is certain Kitana." He paused, "I will always, choose, you." He said with a smile, Kitana giggled, "Oh Liu Kang, you always know what to say to me." She said smiling, "Kitana, I promise... once we pass on this curse of ours to a successor, we will have the life we always wanted together." Liu Kang explained kissing her temple, "And I promise you my Liu Kang. I will never leave your side for the world."

*These two made me cry. Also, how are yall liking the new cover for the book?*

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