Sisters ✨

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I have a lot of headcannons involving these two in Mk1

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I have a lot of headcannons involving these two in Mk1

- Kitana is literally the baby (Cannon)

- Mileena is honestly that older sister that thinks they're tough as nails but are just really soft

- Kitana is a daddy's girl and Mileena is the Mama's girl

- Kitana is the annoying little sister that wants to be just like Mileena

- Mileena will often hear about Kitana's latest fixation. Like birds, history, crystals etc.

- Once Mileena saw how close Johnny was getting to Kitana, she literally held Kitana close to her the entire evening

- Kitana is Mileena and Tanya's biggest supporter and fangirl

- Sindel has to deal with their constant bickering

- Mileena is very protective of Kitana when it comes to partners

- These two sometimes cuddle each other because they both have separation anxiety and have trouble sleeping alone

- Tanya will squeeze Kitana in between Mileena and her when she can whenever they cuddle

- These two like to imitate their mother so they can be just like her

- They occasionally make fun of each other because they can

- Mileena steals a lot of Kitana's stuff because she likes her stuff more

- They do each others hair often, but Mileena can't stay still for so long so Kitana let's her have a break

- Kitana gets scared really easily, mostly because her sister kept telling her scary stories as a kid

- Mileena will never admit how much she loves Kitana

- Kitana will make it known how much she loves Mileena

- Sindel and Jerrod are so proud of them both they can't describe it, only through tears

- Sidnel and Jerrod are like those over excited parents at a baseball game. They love supporting their daughters

- I wish they were still a family 😭😭

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