Kombatans as parents ✨

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*They're so silly I love them. I'm gonna split these headcannons into you being the child, and you being the spouse*

🐉Cassie Cage🐉


- She would be a fun mom! But a responsible one too

- If you break glass, she won't get mad at you. She'll tell you what to do to help clean up and then she'll reward you for helping

- She'll love to take you out for ice cream on weekends (My mom and I do that)

- Will show up to every school play, reward ceremony, sports game, whatever. She will try her best to be there

- Her job does get in the way, but she will do her very best to be with you

- Will be there to comfort you, no matter what. She'll even stop a mission just to call you if you're having a panic attack

- Overall a great parent


- Is very worried, she's worrying that she'll leave just like her mom did. It makes her cry and keeps her up at night, you always comfort her

- If she's doing something, she'll always find a way to include the baby

- You catch her making little gifts for milestones

- She writes letters for all the days that seem like milestones for her. First day of school, getting married, great achievements, graduation etc.

🐉Jacqui Briggs🐉


- Is a very protective mama bear

- If anything happens to you she will commit 1st degree murder

- Constantly wants to know if you're okay

- Deep down wants to be a good mom

- Makes sure that you have thick skin and tough body! She trains you to be stronger

- Is supportive of anything you do! As long as it's not hurting anyone

- If you're a girl, she really doesn't want to mess around with men that seem to comfortable around you. Protective mode kicks in

- Like Cassie, she will show up to everything just to see how talented you are!

- Overall a sweet mom


- Ecstatic to be a mom

- Gets matching onesies for all three of you!

- When the baby is born she tries her best to let you rest as much as possible

- Family cuddles are her favorite pass time, whether on the couch or the bed. She's always in the middle!

- Smiles whenever you interact or crack jokes with your child



- Very clingy mom

- Mileena doesn't really understand how small you are sometimes, she forgets things have to grow after they're born

- Stays by your side a lot, very close to you at all times

- Will buy you a lot of stuffed animals, especially matching ones with her

- She doesn't helicopter parent. But she does monitor the things you do sometimes

- Absolutely loves spending time with you! Sometimes it breaks her heart knowing you have to grow up

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