Rival ❤

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(Mk1) Raiden x (Lin Kuei) Y/N

(Second Person)

Being the youngest of the Lin Kuei brothers was a bit of a struggle, especially considering the fact that you were a girl too. Mostly Tomas or Kuai Liang would help you and meet your needs, but with Bi Han? You were on your own. One thing they found very interesting was your powers. You could control ink.

Whether it be from a bottle or even directly from a page, you could control it. You were able to rewrite texts and even create ink form your bare hands. You were even able to form living ink creatures in the shape you desired, although they were very delicate. Bi Han of course found your power useless, it wasn't until you got so angry at him you almost drowned bystanders in ink. From that moment on, he saw you as nothing but a weapon of torture. Which of course you hated, but you had to live with it, it got you food on your plate from him.

You and your brothers were currently training with Liu Kang's champions. You were busy with Johnny Cage who believed was quote on quote 'beating your ass'. You duck his high kick and knock him on the floor, the wind knocked out of him. You giggle slightly at his winded state, offering a hand to him, "Good Job Cage, but you're still not gonna beat me." You say, "I was just going." He took a breath, "Easy on you because you're a girl." You seethe with annoyance and grab the ink from a nearby text book, holding him in place and throwing him into the koi pond. Kenshi, Raiden and Kung Lao watched, your brother's too, Kuai Liang and Tomas smirked with pride. You walk to the koi pond, kneeling down to the soaked champion, "One thing about me Cage. Even though I'm a girl, I will beat your ass any day of the week." You say with a smirk, hoisting him out the pond, he shook the fish water off him, "That was mean." He pouted, "That, was a lesson in humility." You counter, he blows a raspberry and walks off to clean himself up. Kenshi and the two former farmers walked up to you, "Was that necessary Y/N?" Raiden asked concerned, Kenshi was quite satisfied with Cage's punishment, "Oh please. Humility earns respect, that's what Kaui Liang taught me." Your middle brother crossed his arms, smirking with pride. Kung Lao chuckled, "I have a bet Y/N." He said taking off his razor hat, "And that bet be?"

"If Kenshi and I beat you in combat, all three of us, one at a time... then you have to obey Cage's every wish." He said with a smirk, you visibly roll your eyes, "And if you loose?" You ask, "Then we obey your every wish." He replies. You smirk, "Fine, who's first?" You ask crossing your arms, Kung Lao shoves Kenshi fowrad, the samurai glared at him, "What? Gotta save the best for last." He explained in a cocky tone. Raiden watched nervously as you took on Kenshi.

You weren't gaining the upper hand here, Kenshi was dominating you fast. He had you pinned, in fights like this you swore you wouldn't use your powers, you made sure of that. Instead you knocked him off your back and heard his head hit the ground. You watch as he tries to fight more, but you stop him, knowing he will hurt himself. He sighs in defeat, "Good job, Y/N." He says holding a hand out for a handshake, you happily take it. Kuai and Tomas stood next to each other with proud looks on their faces, "Atleast Y/N is showing her strength outside of her powers." Tomas commented to Kaui Liang, "Indeed, she truly is a powerful spirit. Regardless of her privileges." He says with a smile.

Kenshi walks past Kung Lao, holding his sides, "Careful, she's strong." He warns, slightly intimidating Kung Lao. The monk scoffed, "Not as strong as me." He says. You two fight, immediately he found himself on the floor. You were about to deliver a low blow kick when he turned to his side and kicked your jaw. Tomas looked away in discomfort. You swipe the blood from your nose, "Not bad." You say before wrestling him to the ground, headlocking him. He tries to fight, but ultimately taps out. You dance, victorious in the bet. Kung Lao bows to you, "Thanks for the match, Lin Kuei." He says smugly, you giggle, "Thank you! I had fun, and now you get to do my every bidding!" You say with an enthusiastic tone, Kenshi and Kung Lao groan. Raiden steps forward, "I wish to challenge you, Y/N." He says holding his fist against his palm, the two other men look at him shocked. Tomas and Kuai looked quite worried, "You? Why you wanna do my bidding too?" You tease, "No, but I do wish to challenge you for my own strength." He explains with a smile, you smile back, "Very well, old Macdonald." You say stretching, Raiden giggles at the nickname. Kung Loa and Kenshi watch intensely, Tomas and Kuai Liang joining them.

You crack your neck before going into your stance. Raiden forming his immediately. You two begin to fight. At first it was looking like an easy win, you had him cornered, your strength out matching his. He groaned in annoyance from his weak diminer in the moment. He turned you around and kicked you in the stomach, causing you to go air borne for a few seconds, before falling on your side. Your brothers watch in horror, afraid that you might get severely injured. Raiden tackles you once more, this time dominating you. You try to get up, but your body is weak, weak from the amount of blows you took. You tap out, he softens. He climbs off you and dusts himself, he offers a hand to you, "Are you okay?" He asked worried. His eyes are soft, obviously worried he hurt you, but something about him made you sweat. His stare and voice gave you butterflies, his demeanor showing kindness and compassion. You could have sworn you felt your heart skip a beat.

You're still out of breath, you feel like you've been hit by a truck, "You are strong, Raiden. No wonder you were chosen for the tournament." You explain catching your breath. He placed a hand on your shoulder, "You fought well Y/N, you are much stronger than I thought." He compliments, Kaui Liang stares at him with narrow eyes, you blush slightly, "Thank you, Raiden, but I guess I wasn't strong enough to beat you though." You say, "Never, I think one day you will best me in combat." He starts walking to his quarters to change, "After all, the monks taught us! The greatest constant in the universe is change!" He shouts. Your face turns bright red, you place a hand over your lip. What the hell was that? You ask yourself internally. Kaui and Tomas walk up to you, "Are you alright Y/N?" Tomas asks swiping the loose hair from your face, "I'm fine big brother." You reply, "If he breaks your heart I will burn him like a witch."


*Thanks M0GGED for the request! I absolutely had a blast writing it! I hope you all like it too!*

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