Kung Lao the dad 🦋

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Jade x Kung Lao

(Third person)

The group of friends were ecstatic to see Kung Lao and Jade. The couple had just announced that their first born child had arrived! Kitana could feel her smile growing larger under her mask, oh she couldn't contain any of her excitement! Especially since she knew she was the God Mother of the new child. The people accompanying her to Jade's little house in the palace city were Liu Kang, Cassandra Cage, Kung Jin, Takeda Takahashi, Mileena and Jacquiline Briggs. All equally as excited as Kitana. They all arrived at the door, knocking gracefully at the solid wood, "Come in!" A tired voice called from the other side. Kitana gently opened the door, careful not accidentally awaken a sleeping child, "Hey guys!" Takeda exclaimed, "Hello everyone, it's *yawn* marvelous to see you." A very tired Jade greeted them. Kung Lao ran downstairs, holding his sleeping daughter in his arms, "We came to see the little one! Where they at?" Cassie asked, "She's right here, everyone, meet Lucinda." Awws were exchanged by each of the kombatans, a few stray tears falling from Kitana's eyes. The blue Edinian hugged her friend in a tight embrace, Jade immediately understanding that she was happy for her, "Kung Lao she's beautiful! She looks just like her mother, but definitely has your hair and eyes." Liu Kang said wrapping a strong arm around his friend's shoulder. Kung Lao started sprouting tears of joy as he stared into the eyes of the little one, "You all *sniff* I just love my little baby so much." He said with shiny eyes pressing the baby girl against his chest, Jade giggled and pressed a little kiss to his temple. Everyone either awed or laughed at the poor man, "Okay Lao real talk, are you ready to be a dad?" Kung Jin asked playing with the little Lucinda, "What? Of course I am! I raised you well after all Jin!"

"Well yeah you did, but the thing is, I was a teenager. This, this is a baby." Jin said watching as the little one was reaching out to him, "Oh, well, I suppose you and her may be very different." Lao said blushing, Takeda knelt down to meet the little one, watching as his boyfriend played with her, "Can I hold her Lao! After all, she's technically my quote on quote sister." Jin asked holding out his arms, Cassie had her camera prepared for this moment. The older Shoalin felt his protectiveness kick in, "NO!" He said backing away from Jin. Everyone in the room fell silent, even Jade. Kung Jin felt a sting of guilt from in his chest, it's as if Kung Lao didn't want Jin anything do anything with Lucinda, "I mean! I would, but it's getting quite late."

"Yeah, very late, we'll check in with you guys on Monday if that's cool with you?" Jacqui asked scratching the back of her neck, trying to ignore how awkward everything had gotten. Jade held Kung Lao's shoulder, "That would be perfect, I believe Kung Lao needs a little rest." The green Edinian said, eyeing her husband due to his manners. Everyone had said their goodbyes, feeling a bit empty that the Shoalin was hogging the little one. Jade looked at her husband with a disappointed look as she prepared Lucinda's formula, "Do you want to talk about what happened with Kung Jin today? All he wanted was to hold Lucinda."

"I'm sorry darling, it's just she's so small..."

"That's not an excuse Lao. Kung Jin saw Lucinda as his younger sister, all he wanted to do was hold her." Jade explained taking the baby out of her cot and feeding her gently. Kung Loa sighed, though his depression was soon interrupted by his pride, seeing his wife and daughter, "Ever since she was born, my need to protect her was too strong, the only person I really trust to hold her is you Jade."

"Oh Lao, I understand, but the thing is... Lucinda is not going to be a baby forever. Sooner or later you must learn to not coddle her." Jade said watching as Lucinda took the last sip of her formula. Lao had a new purpose to fulfill with this little one, not only to protect her, but too raise her to be strong and independent! Just like her mother, "You watch Jade! I'll be the best father ever!" He said wrapping an arm around his tired wife, she giggled in reply, "I can't wait to see it."

Nightfall came, the time was now 4:56am on the beside clock. Kung Lao didn't sleep a wink, Jade had not slept in over 3 days because of Lucinda, he wanted her to have all the rest. The man had been keeping a close eye on his daughter in the cot across from them, soon Lucinda's new room would be done and she would move there! For now, she slept in her parents room, which Lao and Jade secretly preferred. The clock now read 5:00am, the tired Shaolin yawned, "Breakfast time." He whispered, he quickly hopped out of bed, careful not to disturb his sleeping wife. He failed, Jade is quite a light sleeper, "Lao, what's wrong." She asked in a groggy tone, "Sorry my darling, I'm on guard duty this time! You're sleeping for both of us tonight." He explained in a hushed whisper caressing her face, the Edinian sighed and went back to sleep, too exhausted to convince Lao to go back to sleep. The Shoalin stared at his little with teary eyes before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. He decided to make some pancakes for the both of them and to prepare Lucinda's formula as soon as possible, and careful not to make it too hot. As he began whisking the pancake mix, something didn't sit right with him. His mind kept imaging the most horrible things happening to his wife and child in the room above them. His knuckles began to turn white from gripping the whisk too hard. With too much anxiety he ran upstairs, making a big ruckus to wake them both up. Lucinda began to cry from the fear, Jade quickly got up and grabbed her bo staff from her bedside table. When she found the threat to be her husband, she growled in annoyance, "Look honey! Lucinda is still breathing! How great!"

"Babies sleep like logs Kung Lao, she was just fine before you woke her up." Jade said gently picking the baby up from her cot and rocking her back to sleep. Lao felt a twinge of guilt strike his chest, perhaps he was loosing his marbles from the lack of sleep.

The next day came and Kung Lao was exhausted, he had not slept the whole night making him grouchy and sloppy. His wife rolled her eyes at him before whisking the batter he had not finished last night. The man stared at Lucinda with sad eyes, he felt like there was something he was doing wrong. Something that really upset him, perhaps Jade was right and he was being to overprotective over her. But on the other hand, all Kung Lao wants, is to not be the man his own father and his brother were. His father had instilled his abusive behaviors in his brother Kung Shan, Kung Jin's father. For years Lao watched Jin become terrified and closed off from his father, making his heart hurt. Lao had decided to adopt the poor lad as his own son, as a way for Jin to find comfort and safety in a new father figure. But perhaps Kung Jin was right, Lucinda and him are too different things, and Jin was only a teenager when Lao raised him. But Lao's fear of becoming his own father was growing too strong. Lao finally let himself cry after so long as he stared at his daughter. Not of happiness, but of pain. The baby girl looked at her father confused on why he was crying. The man felt his fears take over him, he collapsed to the floor, crying softly to not be overheard by Jade. The baby girl crawled towards her father and snuggled into his chest, recognizing the fimilar warmth of his person.

Something clicked, Lao felt safe once again, he felt his protectiveness fade in again as he calmed down holding his child. The two slept on the floor together, a core memory Lao will never tell and never forget. Jade, worried about the sudden silence, rushed into the the living room. She found her husband and child sleeping peacefully on the carpeted floor, she could not help but smile. She will admit, she's glad Lao is getting some sleep.

Monday rolled around, the kombatans had returned like they promised. This time Lao let Kung Jin hold his new baby sister, the younger Shaolin felt happiness flood his chest as he stared at Lucinda. The other three young adults joining in, in holding the little one. Jade's family and Liu Kang had the chance as well to hold the little one, Lucinda especially loved Mileena. The hybrid feeling happy that her niece was not afraid of her. Jade rested her head on her husband's shoulder, Kung Lao was going to make a good dad.

*This chapter is based off of the Adventure Time episode Jake the Dad! It's one of my favorite episodes! Longest chapter so far with 1582 words!*

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