The caretaker ❤

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Jade x Kung Lao

(Third Person)

The night sky was young, the kombatans raised their glasses and made a toast. On nights like this, Kitana invited Kung Lao and Liu Kang to have dinner and play games at the palace. They were more like celebrations of Kronika's death and the realms finally being safe. It was the only time of the day where everyone was truly happy. Not to mention, Kitana and Jade were alone with their lovers. Though, they could never see them in Earthrelm, in Outworld, they were high ranks, royalty to be exact. But in Earthrelm, they were nothing, they never took the risk of going to Earthrelm alone, even if Jade and Kitana had each other.

Kung Lao was quite the isolated chap. He was used to people not liking him. Even Lord Raiden saw Liu Kang as his better half. Sometimes they would even forget he existed, it was hurtful, but he was used to it. He lived in a beautiful house in the woods by the Shaolin temples, he renovated it out of an old cottage. There were times were even Liu Kang was jealous of the type of house he lived in. It was decorated in beautiful flowers and had a wonderful and neat garden. A pond for little duckies and birds to fly by and sit, and even a place for his pet rabbit to play. The interior was just as beautiful as the outside. But he never liked sharing his location with anyone besides Liu Kang, he liked it that way, it would get lonely, but he didn't mind.

The day after the party they all had in Kitana's palace, the Shaolin woke up with a pounding headache. His nose was blocked and his throat was bone dry. He heaved and coughed as he ran to bathroom to drink water, he was sick. He didn't mind of course, though that would mean he would have to skip another get together Kitana planned the next evening. He walked outside and walked all the way to the temple to see Liu Kang, the other Shoalin looked at his friend worriedly, "Kung Lao, you don't look well, are you okay?" He asked, "Liu Kang, I think I'm sick. Do me a favor and tell Kitana I won't be able to make it for tomorrow night?" He asked sneezing afterwards, "Of course, but what about Jade? She'll be worried about you Kung Lao." He said with a smirk, Kung Lao rolled his eyes, "It's fine, I'm sure she won't be too worried." He said crossing his arms, Liu Kang let out a chuckle, "Very well, get some rest my friend, I'll check on you later." Liu Kang said patting his friend's back, that triggered Kung Lao's gag reflex. He quickly ran out the temple and hurled out last night's supper onto the grass. Liu Kang stared at him and rubbed his back for comfort, "I was going to joke saying this was a hangover, but considering how nasal you sound, I'm afraid not." Liu Kang said, Kung Lao used whatever strength he had to roll his eyes at his friend.

Later that day Kung Lao was writhing in bed from a fever, Liu Kang did whatever ever he could to break it, but nothing worked, "Goodness Lao, everytime I put the towel on it gets hot!" He says worried, Kung Lao groans in response. For the past 4 hours Kung Lao had been miserable, he had been loosing fluids from his constant vomiting and his fever would just not break. The time was around 4 o clock, it was time for Kitana's get to together, "Kung Lao I can't leave you! You're sick." Liu Knag said placing his forearm on Lao's head, "Go Liu Kang, I'll be fine, just tell Jade I'll make it next time."

"Are you sure? Jade always worries when something isn't right you know." The other Shaolin says laughing nervously, Lao scoffs, "I'm sure she won't mind, it's just one get to together. Now go, I think I'll take a nap." He says, Liu sighs, "Very well, I'll be back to check on you later." The other Shaolin leaves the room and closes the door softly. Kung Lao retches at the thought of Jade being worried about him, he knew it was a mistake for Liu Kang to tell her not to worry.

Liu finally arrived and Kitana's palace, royal guards greeted him on his way up to the throne room where he met Kitana and Jade. Kitana, feeling excitement run through her, rammed herself into Liu Kang's arms, squealing at his touch, "You made it Liu Kang! Oh how wonderful!" She said pulling her mask down and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. Liu Kang felt blush creep onto his face, "Yes yes Kitana, I am here." The Shoalin cast a worried glance at Jade, who was confused, "Where's Kung Lao?" She asked, Liu Kang gulped, "I'm sorry?" Liu Kang asked nervously, "Where's Kung Lao? Is he not coming?" Jade asked with sad eyes, Kitana pat her arm, "Kung Lao is fine Jade! He's just... sick."

"Sick!? Oh no... where is he? Maybe I can take care of him." Jade suggested, she faced Liu Kang, "Take me to him." She demanded, "Well, Jade, he doesn't just share his location with just anyone." Liu Kang said panicking, Kitana burst out laughing, realizing he just offended Jade. The green Edinian looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Am I considered just anyone?" She asked placing a hand on her hip, Liu Kang sighed, there was no getting out of this one.

Kung Lao writhed in bed, his arms holding onto the blanket tightly. His arm curled around a stuffed bunny he bought himself not to long ago, it brought him comfort in times like this one. A ring of the doorbell made him groan, his body was too sore to get up, but he forced himself to anyway, "Hold on, I'm coming Liu Kang." He said weakly, "Did Kitana's 'party' end so soon?" He continued as he opened the door, though, it was not Liu Kang at the door... Jade gasped at the state of her lover. His eyes puffy and red, his hair messy and tied lazily in a ponytail, his face pale and his body thin. Kung Lao's eyes widened in shock, "Jade?! What in the elder gods are you doing here!?" He asked trying to hide behind the door, "How did you find me?!" He asked, "Liu Kang told me." Dammit Liu Kang. He cursed mentally, the Shaolin took a deep sigh, "I'm fine Jade, you don't need to worry about me, I'm just a little under the weather." He tried to lie, Jade wasn't having it, "Come on Kung Lao, I know you better than that." She said, "May I come in?" The man sighed, he couldn't deny her wish, like a gentleman, he opened the door for her. Inside, Jade was blown away at the decorations, she thought she had stepped into the house of Earthrelm royalty. Kung Lao looked at her with soft eyes and a kind smile, "Are you okay my love?"

"How come I knew your home was so... beautiful! I wish I could stay here forever..." she said as she twirled around the room, taking in everything she could see. Kung Lao smiled, "It's not much Jade, but it's home." He said, suddenly another coughing fit appeared, Jade turned swiftly, concerned at Loa's sudden fit. His coughing soon developed into a gag reflex, he swiftly ran to the bathroom and threw up his one bite of breakfast and bile into the toilet. Jade pulled his hair back, her other hand rubbing his back for comfort. Kung Lao couldn't take being this sick anymore, he started to sob. Jade's eyes softened as she quietly comforted him, pressing a small kiss to his back, "I hate being sick." He sobbed, "I know my love... come now, let's get you too bed." She said as she helped him clean up.

Kung Lao lay in bed, his hand held in Jade's, "Oh my love it hurts me to see you this way." She said softly, "Believe you me Jade, I'm just fine, this is just a set back." He said groaning, "Now Lao, you know that's a lie. I'm here to take care of you." The green Edinian lay a palm on his chest, the Shoalin grabbed it instinctively, "Oh Jade, it hurts me to see you take care of me."

"But you are clearly not able to do so right now, I'm here to help you..." Kung Lao layed onto his side, "Ugh, men, so stubborn. The lot of you." She said with a smirk, Kung Lao couldn't help but chuckle at the joke, "Yes, I believe men are as stubborn as mules." Jade chuckled, "You clearly haven't seen how stubborn a woman can be." She said caressing his hot face, Kung Lao pressed his forearm against hers, "I don't deserve you my precious Jade..." Jade opened her eyes and stared into his... oh how she loved him, more than words can say. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, "Never say such nonsense." She tackled him onto the bed, pressing her body against his, snuggling into his chest. Kung Lao wrapped his powerful arms around her slim build, "I may be an idiot to a lot of people Jade." He paused and ran his fingers through her hair, "But I have to say, I'm the luckiest idiot in the world whenever I'm with you."

*This was a cute little request from iBest14! I had a lot of fun writing this. I love these two so much*

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