Until I found her ❤

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Tanya x Mileena

(third person)

Tanya ran through the forest, her legs starting to give in as she sped up. There monsters jumping out of portals, each one spotting her and lashing out at her. Suddenly a portal appeared in front of her. It was too late to back up, she had already gone through it, the portal closed shortly after. Tanya found herself amongst other beasts in pens, although they seemed calm by her presence. She quickly dusted herself and began analyzing the room, looking for a way out. She spotted a door, she curiously approached it, but saw no one on the other side, she began to move forward.

Mileena lunged and slashed at the rabid beasts, her sais hardly penetrating the skin of some. She was about to stab again when a portal opened on the beast's back. The hybrid was transported to a battlefield, her back ached from the landing. She saw multiple people she knew fighting each other, even Kitana. She headed straight for the blue Edinian, before falling victim to a trap door leading into the beast pen. Annoyed by this she continued out the opened door, and began her traitorous journey back to the battlefield.

Tanya was walking in circles, she kept bumping into places she's been. Her mind began to feel confused, she felt she was stuck in this underground place, until she heard footsteps, rushing footsteps. The yellow Edinian turned around swiftly, stance ready to attack, until she saw who it was, "Mileena?" She asked flabbergasted, the pink hybrid stood frozen, "Tanya?" She called, feeling doubt consume her. Immediately Tanya ran to her, her arms wide open and her eyes stinging with tears. Mileena returned the hug feeling the weight of relief flush her body. My dearest Tanya, you're alive...

*This was short but sweet, again thank you to GTApsycho for the request!*

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