Taking Mileena to Build a Bear❤

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(Any)Mileena x Y/N

(Second Person)

It was such a surreal feeling seeing your lover so happy. She was practically jumping off the walls from her excitement. You noticed how much she loved Teddy bears, they were the best thing in the world to to her, she had a huge collection in them in a separate room in the palace, her sister found them cute. The mall was a bit crowded as usual, but that didn't stop her from being so excited, but of course she had to wear her mask to hide her face, "Oh Y/N! How much further are we!?" She asked with a smile, "Almost there my love, remember, good things come to those who wait." You explain booping her nose, she giggled out loud. She grasped your hand and swung it up and down as you two walked.

You finally reached the build a bear workshop, you were happy that there were no small children in there, Mileena would fight tooth and claw for any of the bears they might take. You walked inside, the employees smiled at you. There were so many options, Mileena's eyes sparkled at them all, "Oh Y/N! Do I have to choose just one!?" Mileena whined, you laugh, "Just one darling, I'd give the whole world for you to have them all. But for now, we get only one." You say giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Mileena ended up picking a brown bear with candy patterns on its feet, and a dark brown fur color. She was petrified when she saw it was just a lifeless flat piece of fabric in her palms, "Y/N? What's wrong with it?" She asked sadly, you smile, "Don't worry darling, here comes the fun part! We get to breathe new life into it! Give it stuffing!" You explain rubbing the bears paw, she squealed with excitement.

Mileena watched intently as she saw the employee inflate the bear with stuffing. Her foot on the peddle, watching her new stuffed friend come to life, "See, told you the peddle isn't scary." You say hugging her from behind, "It was loud dearest." She whined. The Edinian removed her foot from the peddle, after checking multiple times if the teddy was in perfect cuddling condition. The employee turned to her, "Okay miss, just grab a heart from the heart container!" She said enthusiastically. Mileena cocked her head as she picked up a fabric heart from the heart box, "What are we doing now dearest?"

"Just wait darling. You can even pick out a mechanical heart to make it beat if you'd like." You reply, she shook her head at the offer, she never liked anything to do with mechanics. Then came the heart ritual, "Okay ma'am, ready for the heart ritual?" The employee asked, Mileena nodded enthusiastically. The employee instructed Mileena on where to rub the heart. First it was in her hands to warm it up, then it was her head to make the bear always think of her, then her tummy so the bear can eat, then her nose for the bear to smell her, then her knees so the bear can play with her, then finally her heart, so her bear would always have her in its heart. Mileena bounced happily after the ritual, it made her feel happy, it was a unique experience that she never knew she needed. Finally you led her to the little shower the place had for the bears, "What's the shower for honey?" Mileena asked,"Do you want me to give you the magical or actual answer?" You ask, "I'd like the actual one." She replied, "Well, your bear is kinda covered in dust and excess stuffing. So this little shower blows out air at a high pressure to get rid of it all!" You explain, preparing your foot on the peddle, "Ohhh! Now I understand!" She said happily. Your foot was on the peddle, you watched as your girlfriend cleaned all the dust off her bear, a look of pride flushed your face. She was drawn to the many clothing options she could give her bear, but you steered her away from it, you didn't have the money for all that. Of course Mileena did not mind.

Finally it was time to give the bear his birth certificate. She wanted to name her bear something really special, something that really made her think of you! So she named it Bearest! A bear version of her little nickname of dearest. You loved it non the less, though her naming skills could come off as odd. After you had paid for the bear and watched as she carried her new friend in it's little box, you couldn't help but feel happiness flood your body. Mileena was so happy and words couldn't describe it, she finally got to experience something that involved both teddies, and you! Today couldn't be more perfect.

*my guilty pleasure is scrolling through Build a Bear's homepage and looking at all the bears. I have like 5 build a bears, but I decided I can't do anymore teddies cause now they're in a box which means I have too many. But my favs are my Meowth (Pokemon), Toothless (HTTYD) and my Princess Luna (MLP) build a bears!*

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