Too late 💀

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Johnny Cage x Sonya Blade

(Third person)

The moving truck was set, all the furniture and belongings packed neatly into the truck. Johnny pinched the bridge of his nose as she stared at the floor, he realized this was such a horrible thing to do. He would be divorcing his wife, Sonya Blade. The older blonde stared at the truck with glossy eyes, she wished so badly that she could stop this all, but she can't. Cassie hid behind her father's legs as she stared at her stuffed animals getting thrown in the back of a van, "Daddy, what if they can't breath in there!" She yelled, this brought a small smile to Johnny's face, "They'll be okay pumpkin." He said patting the girls head, he felt his heart break for her at the same time. Cassie was only 7 years old and already had to face such a big event in her life. Sonya stared at the young girl, her heart feeling sore as she noticed all the little features that reminded her of herself. Johnny went up to his now, ex wife, and held out his hand, "Good luck Sonya." He said, she sighed and shook his hand, "Goodbye Cage." She replied, he hated when she called him that now, "Mama, aren't you coming with us?" Cassie asked staring at her mother with tearful eyes, Sonya pulled the girl in for a hug, "I'm sorry honey, but I promise to make time to see you, okay?" She said wiping Cassie's eyes, the little one didn't say a word.

~8 years later~

It was now Christmas break for the teen, Cassie was now 15 years old and had performed exceptionally well in school. She scored straight As and won many awards for public speaking. Many would say she's an overachiever, but the truth is, she did this just so her mother would see her. Johnny had taken Cassie out for dinner as a reward for her hard work. Cassie still acted a little younger than she was whenever she was with her father. She would still kick her feet and stim whenever she felt happy, but only around her father. Not even her best friend Jacqui saw this side of her. When Cassie had ordered her favorite food, chicken nuggets, she couldn't help but feel excitement take over her. Johnny admired these little moments with Cassie, he felt honored that it was only him Cassie felt comfortable to be herself around, "Hey kiddo, I have a surprise waiting for you back at the house you know." Johnny said taking a bite of his steak, "Dad, it's not really a surprise if you tell me."

"Well Cass I didn't tell you what the surprise is did I?" He said raising an eyebrow, "I guess not." Cassie replied. Once the two finished their meals, they ran straight back to the house. Cassie stared longingly out the window as she day dreamed of simpler times. She wished everyday that she was happy, ever since she started Highschool, she never felt that spark she would normally feel, she felt overcome with a sense of depression. It got so bad that at points she never ate, Johnny had notices and immediately asked her about it, she wouldn't budge, so he never asked again, although he still keeps a close eye on her.

Once the two arrived at the house, Cassie noticed another car parked in the driveway, "Did you get me my own car dad?!" She asked sarcastically, "No kid, just wait till we get inside." Johnny said climbing up the patio staircase. Cassie was greeted by the same lavender scent of her father's house, although she smelt something a little different. A scent of expensive women's perfume, one she knew all too well, "Hey Cass." A voice called to her, the teenager stared at the living room entrance seeing her mother, Sonya Blade, standing there with her arms folded and a smile on her face. Cassie wasted no time in running into her mother's arms, embracing her in a hug, Sonya for once, let her guard down just for her daughter.

"Is that really what happened?" Sonya asked as she sipped her coffee. Johnny had left to grab a few drinks to bring home to his family as a celebration. Leaving Cassie and Sonya at home. Sonya worried that the evening would be awkward and uncomfortable, but as soon as Cassie started telling stories of her school life, Sonya felt all those feelings wash away. Cassie pouted, "Yes that's what really happened! Jessica literally poured her expensive ice tea over Jacqui's head! I was pissed and threw my coffee at her! Let's just say me and Jess aren't friends anymore." Cassie explained, Sonya cringed at her daughters solution to the problem, although she couldn't blame her. She would have done the same if it were Jax. The two laughed as they told different stories about their life, but Cassie never once let her gaurd down. She acted all nice and naive towards her mother, but she blocked off her true feelings from her and was waiting for the perfect moment to let her have it. Cassie opened her mouth to speak, "Permission to ask you a question mom?" The corner of the older woman's mouth twitched, "Permission granted." Sonya replied.

"Why are you here?" The younger woman spat, "It's been 8 years since I last seen you and you're not even going to to tell me why you didn't check up on me or call to see how I was?! What's that all about mom!?" Cassie spat venomously at her mother, Sonya felt a bad of sweat roll down her forehead. Here we go, "I know it's odd to you right now Cass, but I have a reason."

"And the reason is?!"

"I was trying to keep you safe! I tried to keep this world safe for you!"

"Bullcrap! When dad and I left you, you promised you'd make time to see me but you never did! You made a promise you couldn't keep!" Sonya was backed into a corner here, any excuse she could try and make would result in Cassie countering it, "Cass I know I did wrong but you have to understand! I tried to make this world safer for you! That's why I had to spend more time at work!"

"But you're my mother! I needed you! I had to get aunt Vera to help me understand things I didn't! Especially during puberty!"

God dammit, Jax's wife had to be in the picture too, "I know, and I'm sorry! I'm here now aren't I!?" Sonya yelled sarcastically, Cassie felt her heart break as tears ran down her face, "I worked so hard to impress you, I tried to get good grades to impress you, I tried to get the whole town to know who I was because of my public speaking for you! EVERYTHING I DID WAS FOR YOU TOO SEE ME! FOR YOU TO FINALLY NOTICE ME!" Sonya felt a stabbing pain in her heart, "And now you think you can waltz into my life as if nothing ever happened well you can't! And it seems as though everything I did was a waste." Cassie said wiping the waterfall of tears falling down her face. Sonya felt her own tainting her aging skin, "But the thing is... I still love you." Cassie said walking upstairs to her room, Sonya went outside and sat in her car as she began to sob. Cassie doing the same up in her room.

Johnny had returned home into the house, only to feel an empty presence. His heart sank as her heard his daughters quiet sobbing up in her room.

*What a great way to start off this book than with a little angst! This was requested by GTApsycho! Thank you for being the very first person to request on this book!*

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